Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Sucker's Guide to Negotiating International Agreements


  1. This douche in a trench coat says "Democrat Party" a lot. As I explained to you previously, it is the Democratic Party. There is no "Democrat Party".

  2. Are Democrat's members of that party? Or are they "Democratics"?

  3. Wikipedia: In 2006, Hendrik Hertzberg wrote in The New Yorker ~ There's no great mystery about the motives behind this deliberate misnaming. "Democrat Party" is a slur, or intended to be — a handy way to express contempt. Aesthetic judgments are subjective, of course, but "Democrat Party" is jarring verging on ugly. It fairly screams "rat".

  4. lol! I'll have to use it more often. The Identity politics of resentment seem to form the core of the Democrat Party. ;)

  5. The identity politics of resentment forms the core of the republic party. The identity (singular) being White Christians who resent that they are losing their grip on power. Democrats represent many identities. Including White Christians like me (those who aren't filled with resentment toward minorities).

  6. DNC also represents globalist oligarch's, who aren't filled with resentment towards lower wages for American workers

  7. As does the RNC. Dotard fooled you into thinking he was going to do something about it, but he never could. Even if he wanted to. Given that most/all of his party disagrees with his stated position on that issue.

  8. Trump didn't raise protective tariffs? Who knew....

  9. Trumps didn't dump NAFTA and Pacific Trade Agreements? Who knew?

  10. These "protective tariffs" are "protecting" from what? Both the trade deficit and farmer bankruptcies are up. What a sucker. The new NAFTA is marginally different and contains Big Pharma protections. I am very disappointed that it seems to be moving forward. TPP was dead no matter who was elected. Hillary Clinton during the runup to the 2016 "election": "I oppose TPP now, I'll oppose it as president".

  11. It would be a good trade-off if "protecting" American consumers from lower prices (via Dotard's tariffs) was resulting in companies moving back to the US. But that isn't happening.

    Quote: About 41% of American companies are considering moving factories from China because of the trade war, or have already done so, but fewer than 6% are heading to the US... Companies are largely eyeing Southeast Asia and Mexico. [end quote from 7/12/2019 USA Today article].

    Dotard's tariffs = higher prices + no jobs for Americans.

    Sounds like a very bad trade-off to me.

  12. Companies are largely eyeing Southeast Asia and Mexico. [end quote from 7/12/2019 USA Today article].

    Sounds like SE Asia needs increased tariffs to me.
