Monday, December 9, 2019

Former Ukraine Prosecutor Shokin: Joe Biden “Outraged We Seized Burisma Assets”, Could No Longer Pay His Son...

from the Conservative Treehouse
Rudy Giuliani traveled to Ukraine with OAN investigative journalist Chanel Rion. The U.S. media are going absolutely bananas after finding out Giuliani is now gathering even more information about Joe and Hunter Biden’s corrupt endeavors within Ukraine.

In this interview former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin spoke to OAN about Joe Biden’s direct role in getting his office to stop investigating his son Hunter. The problem for Joe Biden was when Shokin seized all of Burisma’s assets the Ukranian gas company could no longer pay his son Hunter Biden. So the vice president demanded Shokin be removed.
When you combine this interview with the damning public statements delivered by the Ukraine prosecutor that replaced Shokin, Yuriy Lutsenko, things really get troublesome for Joe Biden, the Obama administration and Adam Schiff.

Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko stated that after he replaced Shokin he was visited by U.S. State Dept. official George Kent and Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch; they provided a list of corruption cases the Ukraine government was not permitted to follow.

Prosecutor Lutsenko dropping specific corruption cases was critical because that allowed/enabled a process of laundering money back to U.S. officials.

The potential for this background story to become part of a larger impeachment discovery is what has the U.S. media going bananas against Rudy Giuliani.

Senator Lindsey Graham is directly connected to the group of U.S. politicians who were participating in the influence network within Ukraine.
One of the downstream consequences of Rudy Giuliani investigating the Ukraine corruption and money laundering operation to U.S. officials is that it ends up catching Senator Graham.

Hence, earlier today Senator Graham said he would not permit Senate impeachment testimony that touched on this corrupt Ukraine aspect.

In essence Senator Graham is fearful that too much inquiry into what took place with Ukraine from 2014 through 2016 will expose his own participation and effort along with former Ambassador Marie Yovanovich.

Graham is attempting to end the impeachment effort quickly because the underlying discoveries have the potential to expose the network of congressional influence agents, John McCain and Graham himself included, during any witness testimony.

Senators from both parties participated in the influence process, and part of their influence priority was exploiting the financial opportunities within Ukraine while simultaneously protecting fellow participant Joe Biden and his family.

If anyone gets too close to revealing the process, writ large, they become a target of the entire apparatus. President Trump was considered an existential threat to this entire process. Hence our current political status with the ongoing coup. The Giuliani letter:

It will be interesting to see how this plays out, because in reality many U.S. Senators (both parties) are participating in the process for receiving taxpayer money and contributions from foreign governments.

Those same senators are jurists on a pending impeachment trial of President Trump who is attempting to stop the corrupt financial processes they have been benefiting from.

The conflicts are very swampy….



  1. Fake news according to the people Toady Barr tasked with looking into the "oranges" via the regular channels. Why Dotard has to rely on the "irregular channel" of Rudy G to go to Ukraine to get the Kremlin talking points. OAN bullshit fools the dupes. The rest of us are laughing at you :(

  2. That's TWO Ukrainian prosecutors calling Joe Biden corrupt. The one that got fired for investigating (or NOT in your scenario) AND the one who replaced him and then ordered NOT to pursue Burisma.

    So who's the fool? You've been "debunked".

  3. It isn't "my" scenario. It's the scenario accepted as the truthful one by everyone else besides the oranges conspiracy theorists (Russian dupes like Rudy G). And it isn't TWO Ukrainian prosecutors who say Joe Biden is corrupt (the corrupt Shokin and Lutsenko)...

    Quote: "From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything", ...Yuri Lutsenko told The Washington Post in his first interview since the disclosure of a whistleblower complaint alleging pressure by President Trump on Ukraine's president, Volodymr Zelensky. [end quote].

    I trust the Washington Post over "The Conservative Treehouse" and OWN. Lutsenko's comment is from September of this year. Has he since changed his mind? Anyway, I agree it will be interesting to see how this plays out. Although I very seriously doubt that what happens will be that most of Congress or a large number of Congresspeople will be revealed as corrupt and on the take and that Dotard will be vindicated (what you apparently are suggesting will happen).

  4. Excuse me, the pro-Dotard fake news Russian propaganda network is OAN, not OWN (Oprah's network).

  5. Did you listen to the Lutsenko interview? Of courser not.

    After all, Hunter Biden didn't tell him "who" he couldn't prosecute. Biden's US ambassador did.

  6. ...and btw - He was ordered by the US ambassador NOT to investigate Burisma. So how you think that THAT fact exhonorates Hunter Biden?

  7. So why has Lutsenko now changed his mind? That is highly suspicious. And the only "confirmation" is from a fake news Russian propaganda network and two Dotard stooges? Also suspicious.

    Then there is the fact that (as per Wikipedia), "In 2019, after Volodymyr Zelensky became president of Ukraine and Donald Trump could not obtain information about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden by having General Prosecutor Ukraine Riaboshapka investigate the Bidens... Donald Trump tried to get Zelensky to replace Riaboshapka with Lutsenko by threatening to withold over $400 million in military aid to Ukraine".

    Maybe this has something to do with why Lutsenko changed his mind? How did Dotard know Lutsenko would be amenable to getting the fake Biden dirt he wants? Did Putin tell him?

  8. He never changed his mind. It was you who assumed he was speaking of Hunter Biden, not the US ambassador's attempts to interfere in the Ukrainian prosecutor offices official business.

  9. CNN Politics fact check: As Yovanovitch noted during the hearing, when this claim [concerning a "do not prosecute" list] came forward through an interview with Lutsenko, the State Department called the claim an "outright fabrication". Later, Lutsenko himself walked the allegation against Yovanovitch back.

  10. From Rudy G's Wikipedia page... In May 2019, Giuliani described Ukraine's chief prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko as a "much more honest guy" than his predecessor, Viktor Shokin. After Lutsenko was removed from office, he said in September 2019 that he found no evidence of wrongdoing by the Bidens, and that he had met Giuliani around 10 times. Giuliani then reversed his stance, saying that Shokin is the one that people "should have spoken to", while Lutsenko acted "corruptly" and "is exactly the prosecutor that Joe Biden put in in order to tank the case". [End excerpt]

    First Lutsenko was an honest guy, then he was acting corruptly, now he is an honest guy again. Clearly this was because he changed his mind and is now amenable to the Putin conspiracy theory that clears Russia and helps Dotard. Did Putin get to him? Whatever is going on this guy is clearly pretty flakey. Why does his story keep changing?

  11. No doubt that it's hard for outsiders to tell "who's who" in Ukraine. But between the two prosecutors, the same story emerges. The US side is equally "corrupt".

  12. Dotard and associates attack on the media is an attack on the free press. To you it's only not fake news if it advances a narrative helpful to Dotard. And by "pure coincidence" this is the narrative that Putin favors as well. Clearly Dotard is afraid of running against Joe Biden. Obviously Joe Biden is going to do some more explaining. I am looking forward to hearing his defense against this smear. Although I would still prefer Warren or Sanders be the nominee. It is time for a true Progressive to lead our country.

  13. The press attacks John Solomon for reporting the truth about Ukraine. That shows you where the REAL corruption lies.

  14. He left The Hill and went to Fox. Because Fox (the pro-Dotard Russian propaganda network) is a better match for what he's writing now. Maybe he should be working for OAN.

  15. As per Wikipedia, "The channel is pro-Trump. Both Vanity Fair and The Independent in London have said that the channel promotes falsehoods and conspiracy theories". So no surprise you like it. As a trumper it tells you comforting lies and ONLY those lies. Fox (surprisingly) has some voices of reason. People who tell the truth about Dotard like Chris Wallace and Judge Napolitano. They have real intellectual integrity. Unlike the coke head Jimmy Dore.

  16. When Trump is right, being pre-Trump is no cause for insults for a "real" new outlet that doesn't need to support a false political narrative. :)

  17. OAN absolutely does need to support the false Putin narrative. They wouldn't exist otherwise.

  18. That's not what the OIG Report said, Even Steele's source admits THAT was pure BS.

  19. Neither the OIG report nor Christopher Steel's dossier says anything about OAN.

  20. ...but they say plenty about the fake Trump-Russia narrative. :)

  21. Both say nothing about a "fake Trump-Russia narrative". Because there is no "fake Trump-Russia narrative". Both confirm the "narrative". The Mueller report goes into quite a bit of detail concerning the collusion, while the IG report confirms the opening of the FBI investigation was properly predicated.

  22. ...based ONLY upon voluntary information offered by active FBI agents and DOJ employees to date. Inputs from "others", as well as criminal indictments, are currently being actively pursued by Durham/ Barr... explaining their little "jaunt" to Europe a few months back and laughter at the IG's "proper predicates". :)
