Saturday, February 1, 2025

Ayn Rand - American Exceptionalism

...and the Traitorous University-Trained "Intellectual" Elites


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Ayn Rand was one of the most evil people who have ever lived.

Joe Conservative said...

I take it that you're not a fan. I am. It's only the 'Objectivists' whom she inspired that I dislike.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Beamish and Qtard?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Also yourself?

Joe Conservative said...

Beamish is gone. Q still posts at Farmer's Letters. Both are good eggs.

Joe Conservative said...

Just an average Joe-Conservative.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Beamish and Qtard are/were both evil Turds. As you are. If Qtard posts on your other blog, did he say why he does not comment here any longer? I'm glad he is gone. If he returns I will not get into lengthy back-and-forth discussions with him. I'm done with that. That guy is an utter moron. But you very much appreciated his constant use of "Reductio ad Hitlerum" to describe the Biden administration and Democrats. Or the "Bi-den" administration, as he called it for an unknown reason.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Is Qtard happy that d0n0ld trump got "elected" president and will force bigly concessions on Ukraine? He is bigly celebrating Putin's eminent victory? Or does the dumbass think d0n0ld will be launching missiles into Moscow soon? Could that be why he stays away from this forum? He anticipates being called out for how WRONG he was about d0n0ld being on the side of Ukraine (re his absurd claim that republicans had a "plan for victory" in Ukraine)??

With republican in charge of all branches of government now... there is nothing stopping the "plan for victory" in Ukraine. Will d0n0ld be signing the legislation soon?

Qtard = one of the dumbest people I have ever encountered online. Mystere still is the dumbest, btw. Though Qtard tried HARD to beat him.

Joe Conservative said...

He absented himself for the entire election cycle, and returned only recently. I guess it took Ukrainian intelligence and their CIA handlers a while to figure out how to shift gears.

Perhaps talking to democrats and progressives is no longer thought to be "productive". You are mostly morons who buy the whole "support Ukraine" farce.

Joe Conservative said...

Would you help sponsor him to get out of Ukraine and relocated to the US if you could? He may need some help escaping Russian vengeance in the future depending upon the deal Trump will cut.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

How could I sponsor to get him out of a location where he isn't located? Why don't you do it? Wherever he is (if not the united states) I think he should stay there. If I was to sponsor anyone to come from Ukraine to the United States I'm sure I could easily find a non Turd.