Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Shark Tank Logic vs Realist Logic


Les Carpenter said...

What a boatload of proaganda BS.

Joe Conservative said...

Yep, THAT's "woke" for ya!

Les Carpenter said...

No, that's pure ignorance and nothing more.

Joe Conservative said...

No, it's just another narrative, that's all. A narrative better approximating their own "desires".

Anonymous said...

Les Carpenter is an ANTI SEMITIC POS

Les Carpenter said...

Exactly. Just what i said. Using different words.

Anonymous said...

Fear when narrative became "colective unconscious"...

Anonymous said...

American Citizen With 3 Young Kids Says US Embassy Left Them Trapped in Besieged Gaza Strip: ‘We’re All Feeling Abandoned’

Haneen Okal who lives in Union County, New Jersey, was trying to flee the Palestinian territory when an Israeli airstrike hit the last exit on Monday, she said Without any guidance whatsoever or a even a response back from the numerous times she called the Embassy, Okal said she was all but told that they were responsible for themselves. She blames President Biden for her problems. Nothing is coming from America as Biden said there was. . No products, no food, or any medicine because of the borders. We are not connected to anyone outside. I’m worried what will happen when the food and supplies run out. Where is the help that President Biden promised, and said was on the way?
“We're American at the end of the day,” he said. “But we’re being left behind.”

Okal said there are many other Americans in Gaza that need to be evacuated and they are all pleading to President Biden to get them out safely.

“He needs to look out for all U.S citizens, he needs to make sure we are all out safely, we need help. But he is not”

I'm Just Saying! said...

It’s absolute nothing but pure hypocrisy at its finest when a person of color is uses their heritage to demand reattributes for something that a white person clearly admires about the Black persons their ancestors and they are called racists for even talking about it .
But When a Person of Color is “cancelling” the accomplishments of an historical figures because they don’t adhere to modern politically correct views is hypocritical yes “Racist”. Yes, I’m referring to pulling down the Statues of our historical ancestors, such as Christopher Columbus, and Thomas Jefferson , or John Hancock. There’s a saying that the past is another place where people do things differently.
Everyone is born into their own time in history and is a product of the customs, culture, attitudes and the knowledge available to them at that time and place.
Today, cancel culture, by definition, demands unquestioned learning. NOT where the left enforces people to silences those with contrary views and punishing people with social and economic sanctions and often is accompanied by violence. Combining hubris with hypocrisy, those conformity enforcers fault historical figures who conformed with the prevailing views of their times. But condemns historical figures. In their quasi religious mania, the left deems themselves to be the ultimate arbiters of truth and morality. Of course, the only ones they condemn are “White Males because that’s the politically correct line that is the major idea of their beliefs.

We are often look down on the attitudes and beliefs of past times without pausing to reflect on how people in earlier times might be shocked and appalled by the prevailing views of today. Before we so quickly dismiss the customs of the past, perhaps we first should question whether what we see as progress today, people in the future might dismiss as ludicrous . I wonder whether future historians will view today’s cancel culture as we view the peoples accomplishments
There are many that are so immersed in the prevailing Anti-white politicians that these people become blind to their own absurdities. For example, Joe Biden, or Gavin Newsom commitment to appoint a “Lesbian Woman of Color” to the late Senator Diane Frankenstein’s senate seat. Governor Gavin Newsom of California wish to appointed someone who lives in Maryland. According to the 2020 census, California is the most populous state in the union with close to 40 million people, yet Governor Gavin Newsom couldn’t find anyone in that state qualified to serve in the Senate. Strange in my view!

Another more malevolent face of identity politics is the call for “decolonization.” Most recently that has appeared at the leftist rallies in support of the atrocities Hamas is perpetrating in Israel. Those rallies are an example of the sort of horrific acts the leftist true believers are willing to condone in the name of political correctness. Those zealots ignore the terrible cost others must pay in the name of the left’s facile and unexamined, self righteous nonsense. It says much that their ideals are such that they rally in support of the Hamas savages beheading babies.
Make no mistake, even as we are set one against another by these influential factions, a growing distrust and true distain for them and their ideology has formed within our population. This deeply felt resistance is gaining strength and, as history has shown in countless cultures, it can’t be suppressed indefinitely. Progress is steadily being made to thwart the proponents of cancel culture and the fascism that it brings.

Salvatore said...

I believe that the war that has just erupted in the Middle East is the biggest news story in decades. This is bigger than the war in Ukraine, the pandemic, 9/11 or the Iraq War. Once Israel sends troops into Gaza, the Great Middle East War will have begun. There is going to be so much death and destruction in the months ahead, and it will not just be limited to the Middle East. There will be violence in the United States and other western nations that support Israel. In fact, I believe that eventually we are going to see an explosion of terrorism in the western world unlike anything we have ever seen before.
Over the past couple of decades, vast numbers of migrants from countries where radical Islam is the dominant worldview have been allowed to relocate to western nations.
Needless to say, many of those migrants are very strong supporters of terror organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah.
What we just witnessed in Israel is a preview of what will eventually happen here.
And that should chill you to the core.
In one town in southern Israel, Hamas terrorists killed “at least 40 babies and kids”, and some of them were actually beheaded…

With the invasion of illegals, here at our Southern Border that has taken place exponentially since January 2021 absolutely.
The “Fundamental Transformation” Obama promised on his first day in office and the “Dark Winter” Biden promised on his first day in office are well on their way.
Biden has let in 7 Million “refugees” into the country. Unvetted and the bulk of them men of military age..
We don’t know who all of them are or what their plans are. Unbelievably stupid of our president and those that have backed his incompetent moves.
Also, It’s a pity, but I must admit that I do NOT believe anything that Joe Biden says. .
Here`s a little information for all of us to think about:.
Terrorists can’t be managed:

Anonymous said...

Hamas official Ali Baraka told Russia Today on Sunday (via the Middle East Media Research Institute) that Hamas had been secretly planning the invasion of southern Israel for two years — which would mean after President Joe Biden took office, and after the disastrous, deadly U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Hamas began planning Saturday’s terrorist attacks across Israel two years ago, according to an interview on Sunday“We have been preparing for this for two years. We have local factories for everything. We have rockets with ranges of 250 kms, 160 kms, 80 kms, 45 kms, and 10 kms,” he said in an October 8, 2023, Russia Today interview.
We have factories for mortars and their shells. We have factories for manufacturing B-7 and B-10 guns and their shells. We have factories for manufacturing Kalashnikov rifles and their bullets. We have a Russian license to produce Kalashnikov bullets in Gaza,” he added.
Baraka said Hamas was assisted by Iran — a claim for which the Biden administration it lacks direct evidence.

“Our allies are those that support us with weapons and money. First and foremost it is Iran that is giving us money and weapons. There is also Hizbullah, and the Arab and Islamic people who are standing by us,” he said.

Baraka also indicated Hamas wanted to carry out a prisoner swap with the U.S., as the Biden administration recently did with Iran — releasing $6 billion and five Iranians held in the U.S. in exchange for five Americans being held in Iran.

“There are also prisoners in the U.S. We want them. Of course. There are Hamas members sentenced for life in the U.S. We want them too. Of course. We demand that the U.S. free our sons from prisons. The U.S. conducts prisoner swaps. Only recently, it did one with Iran. Why wouldn’t it conduct a prisoner swap with us? After all, it is participating in this war,” Baraka said.
“Biden, the highest authority in the U.S., declared that he stands with Israel against Hamas and the Palestinian people. Therefore, he is a partner to this aggression, he MUST pay the price,” he said.
He bragged that only a limited number of Hamas leaders knew about the coming attack and that the group intentionally projected a “rational” image to world to hide its plans.

Anonymous said...

“We made them think that Hamas was busy with governing Gaza, and that it wanted to focus on the 2.5 million Palestinians [in Gaza], and has abandoned the resistance altogether,” he said. “All the while, under the table, Hamas was preparing for this big attack.”
“The zero hour was kept completely secret,” he said, adding, “The number of people who knew about the attack and its timing could be counted on one hand.”

Baraka expressed surprise in a separate interview at how the terrorist group was able to kidnap and slaughter so many, telling the Associated Press, “We were surprised by this great collapse.”
“We were planning to make some gains and take prisoners to exchange them. This army was a paper tiger,” he said.

A source told Al-Monitor that the original plan had been to “kill some Israelis, embarrass the IDF and return to Gaza with two or three kidnapped Israelis.”
Instead, they roamed inside Israel for more than a day, killing over a thousand Israelis and getting stuck with something like 200 abductees,” the source told the outlet. “Their success surprised them, too.”
A manual reportedly used by Palestinian Hamas terrorists has been discovered by first responders in a Toyota pickup truck used in Saturday’s attack on Israel.

Dating to October 2022, the “operational document” includes plans for a raid on Israeli towns near Gaza, including details about breaching the border fence, and about expected Israeli defenses. The plan also called for taking “prisoner soldiers, residents, and … hostages for negotiations.” The plan was circulated Thursday by “South First Responders” on Telegram.

Asked whether this was a “massive intelligence failure,” and if so, who bore responsibility, National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby on Thursday said now was not the time to assign blame.

“There’s going to come a time when it’s appropriate for us to take a look back retrospectively and see what the intel picture showed us or didn’t show us, whether there’s any gaps that need to be closed. There’s going to be a time for that, and I suspect that our Israeli counterparts will do the same thing. Now is not that time. It’s just not that time,” he said.

Anonymous said...

\\“There are also prisoners in the U.S. We want them. Of course. There are Hamas members sentenced for life in the U.S. We want them too. Of course. We demand that the U.S. free our sons from prisons. The U.S. conducts prisoner swaps. Only recently, it did one with Iran. Why wouldn’t it conduct a prisoner swap with us? After all, it is participating in this war,” Baraka said.


USA showed itself being pushover.

And now every little fry trying to demand concessions from you.

That is what you have when declaring "that is not OUR bisiness"... while being top dog of the world, ars of which need to sniff everybody... now they demand to sniff THEIR arses too. ;-P

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Democrats are very good at creating "moral hazards". It's what they do. Enlarge them.

Dervish Sanders said...

george Bush was a republican.

Dervish Sanders said...

donald tRump is very good at creating moral hazards...

“Moral hazard” is an evocative phrase that recognizes the moral dimension of economic and political decisions. An easy example is Trump’s promise to pardon January 6th insurrectionists if he is elected as president in 2024. In that scenario, insurrectionists are encouraged to engage in more insurrection. Moreover, some voters are encouraged to support an aspiring dictator, which in turn encourages the aspiring dictator to take even more lawless positions. link.

Robert Reich: [under tRump] Before the coronavirus outbreak, corporations were borrowing money like mad, capitalizing on the Fed’s bargain-basement interest rates. [Which tRump demanded be kept low to make the economy look good].

Corporations used much of this debt to buy back their own shares of stock. This raised the earnings of each remaining share, creating a bonanza for big investors and top executives.

Trump never tired of pointing out how spectacularly stocks had risen on his watch. But he neglected to mention those stocks were floating on a rising sea of corporate debt – which left corporate America dangerously unprepared for any sharp downturn.

Then came Covid-19 and the sharpest downturn on record. link.

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: USA showed itself being pushover.

So, let US citizens in foreign prisons rot? Qtard doesn't give a shit.

Joe Conservative said...

George W. Bush was a GOPe "compassionate conservative" (aka "UniParty Democrat").

Yeah, Democrat's don't serve corporate interest like Trump.... BWAH!

Les Carpenter said...

And being compassionate and conservative is a bad thing?

Of course. When you're a hateful MAGA't.

Joe Conservative said...

Yes, it's a bad thing. It's great to have compassion. It's great to be a conservative. It's bad when acting "compassionately" when in a government, and especially a law enforcement capacity.

Dervish Sanders said...

Yes, it's a bad thing.


It's great to have compassion.


It's great to be a conservative.


It's bad when acting "compassionately" when in a government, and especially a law enforcement capacity.


Joe Conservative said...

How's all that "compassion" working out for all those Democrats in big cities? Does it create the need for MORE or LESS "compassion"?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Your link is to a video of people getting the help they need? Doesn't look like it to me.

Les Carpenter said...

Compassion suffused with wisdom and common sense.

Teach personal responsibilty while showing compassion to all.

But, i wonder exactly what the MAGA cons think compassion is. Oh, that's right. To the victor goes the spoils and the survival of the fittest.

Thersites said...

...people getting the help they need?

Where are they getting the needles? Why aren't they being arrested?

Thersites said...

Why aren't they prosecuted and sent to mandatory treatment facilities? Is that too "harsh" for you? Or too "expensive"?

Anonymous said...

Because people shouldn't be prosecuted for being sick. Do you want to round up people who are overweight, prosecute them and send them to mandatory treatment facilities? Previously you defended smokers being able to buy menthol cigarettes. Why shouldn't we should also prosecute smokers? Send them to mandatory treatment facilities? Doesn't Ron Paul think heroin should be legal?

Joe Conservative said...

Overeating isn't against the law. Possessing and using illegal drugs is.

Les Carpenter said...

Overeating is against the laws of nature. Mankind created the laws against use of naturallt euphoric substances for the nefarious purpose of controlling others.

Joe Conservative said...

Nature enforces its' own laws and exacts its' own penalties. Our society created drug laws to remove the moral hazards that the people on the streets of Kensington, PA, suffer from every day.

Joe Conservative said...

The problem with America's elites today is that they suffer from the misapprehension that everyone has their resources and abilities to not succumb to the moral hazards they create. Feminist "rich women" deciding that they should have access to abortion and not suffer the repercussions of careless and carefree/ casual sexual behaviour. Extending those privileges to those in precarious financial conditions and for whom such behaviour is economically prohibitative. They think, "*tsk-tsk* we're all the same", when we're not.

Joe Conservative said...

and btw - there's nothing "natural" about heroine and fentanyl except some of the base ingredients.

Anonymous said...

\\Dervish Sanders said...
Qtard: USA showed itself being pushover.

\\So, let US citizens in foreign prisons rot? Qtard doesn't give a shit.

And how this corelates in Derpy's mind... I, DUNNO. :-)))))

\\Blogger Les Carpenter said...
Compassion suffused with wisdom and common sense.

\\Teach personal responsibilty while showing compassion to all.


And??? How it working? ;-P

Or... DEMNs just have not enough wisdom, NO at all I would say.

And even common sense... very lacking. ;-P

Means... DEMNs are not good for this self-assigned task... more like Crucade. %-)))

\\Blogger Les Carpenter said...
Overeating is against the laws of nature. Mankind created the laws against use of naturallt euphoric substances for the nefarious purpose of controlling others.

And how many DEMNs agreeing with you on this, ah Les? ;-)

Les Carpenter said...

Whether democrats, republicans, socialists, authoritarians, Christians, atheists, Muslims, or anybody else agrees with me is absolutely immaterial to me. Unlike tRumpists who must have their messiah tell them what to think and do.

Les Carpenter said...

Moral hazards? Bullshit. It is about CONTROL. Pure and simple.

Something the MAGA bots need so as to FEEL superior to all others.

Les Carpenter said...

You MAGAt's are actually the self appointed moralist elitists expecting everybody to bow to YOUR determination of right and wrong, good and bad. Your fu**ing dualistic self righteous bullshit based on some collection of beliefs found in a book that l defines belief in authoritarianism is, well, exactly what is wrong with your self righteous babble.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Les, your the one who has freed the world from personal moral responsibility and instead, thrust it's responsibility upon the Law and Government. "As long as you obey the law, you're a "moral citizen".

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." - Ben Franklin

""In a Republic, however, each man must somehow be persuaded to submerge his personal wants into the greater good of the whole. This willingness of the individual to sacrifice his private interest for the good of the community -- such patriotism or love of country -- the eighteenth century termed public virtue.... The eighteenth century mind was thoroughly convinced that a popularly based government 'cannot be supported without virtue'.""

The public virtue necessary for freedom cannot be legislated. It must come freely from the hearts of people who have a conviction that each individual is created equal to all others and that he has the same unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It must come as a result of people wanting to fulfill the commandments to love God and to love their fellow men and to not be arbitrary in their treatment of others. Some do-gooders in our day think that laws can be passed to force people to be kind to others or not to discriminate against people based on some distinguishing feature. This kind of force only invites more and more laws, more legal entanglements, and more hard feelings between individuals, groups, and nations. The purveyors of this thinking give no place for the influence of morality and religion which the Founders felt was the only true basis for lasting virtue. Its basis is free will, not force.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Now go get your latest Covid booster lest you "threaten the citizenry with death of the red masque" (EA Poe).

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger Les Carpenter said...
Whether democrats, republicans, socialists, authoritarians, Christians, atheists, Muslims, or anybody else agrees with me is absolutely immaterial to me.

Because you are fanatic? ;-P

And "know all the answers" already?

\\Your fu**ing dualistic self righteous bullshit based on some collection of beliefs found in a book that l...

And what you did on your mind, when changed it in the midst of sentence so abruptly? :-)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

... and yes, Les, I believe in authority, NOT authoritarianism. An authority is a "trusted source of reliable information". An "authoritarian" is usually a capricious b*stard who CANNOT be trusted.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... who must censor and keep the truth from those whom he governs lest they discover just how arbitrary and capricious his rule truly is (a king 'unclothed').

Dervish Sanders said...

Minus: Overeating isn't against the law. Possessing and using illegal drugs is.

Not everywhere...

In 2020, Oregon became the first state in the nation to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of illicit drugs with the passage of Measure 110 by voters.

Czechia, the Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland are among a handful of countries that have decriminalized drug use and possession for personal use and that have also invested in harm reduction programmes. link

Minus: An "authoritarian" is usually a capricious b*stard who CANNOT be trusted.

That's donald tRump.

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... who must censor and keep the truth from those whom he governs lest they discover just how arbitrary and capricious his rule truly is (a king 'unclothed').

Emperor's New Clothes... old wise tale.