The IDF has begun the effort to Divide and then Sanitize the Gaza Strip. Forcing all noncombatants in Gaza into the southern half of the strip, armed IDF forces will now reconquer the northern half and secure a southern border to it. Hamas will need to make the decision as to either divide it's forces, or evacuate them south and keep them unified. IDF will then inspect the re-pacified northern areas for weapons and weapons making equipment and destroy all vestiges of tunnels and hidden networks. Once that has been accomplished, IDF will declare an intent to reconquer the southern half of Gaza, and carefully inspect an vet all noncombatant Palestinian refugees re-entering the northern half from the pending southern war zone. A strong IDF military police presence will then be strategically positioned within interior 'citadels' and govern the northern sector from that point, on. The process of reconquering the southern half of Gaza and sanitizing it like was done in the north will then resume. Once completed, the IDF will allow Palestinians to return to the southern half. It will likely then further divide Gaza into occupied districts/zones, and perpetually police it with numerous IDF military-police checkpoints established throughout Gaza. Gaza will likely never become independent again. Gaza will be managed as a 'voluntary' but also 'permanent' apartheid state (voluntary because emigration will still be an option). The only escape for Palestinians trapped in Gaza and likely the West Bank also pondering their self-imposed liminality, will be emigration to neighboring empathetic Arab states (which is what should have happened in '47-8, but was blocked by the neighboring Arab States wishing a continuation of the Palestinian's lost war. There will never be a "right of return". Such are the "fortunes of war".
The Democratic creeps such as Cory Booker, Chuck Schemer,Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and especially Ilhan Omar, as well as many others in that Miserable Progressive party are almost as responsible for October 7, as the Hamas Militants themselves. It is as much the support like they give to these animals, that terrorists are inspired and are motivated by.
Think about this: when Donald Trump was the president, Hamas didn’t attack Israel... No In fact we hardly even heard from them . Donald Trump stopped it by cutting aid to the Palestinians, and all of the other Terrorist Nations as well.
But then, when Biden took office, and reversed all that, he gave them $150 Million, and he gave Iran 6 Billion to Iran and here we are in today's mess.
What does it take to get the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Progressives to realize that these people are the ENEMY?
Maybe we need to bring back the Draft, or somehow get all the Loony Tune Liberals out of Teaching our Kids in our schools. They may open their eyes to what’s going on in this world!
Maybe we need to bring back the draft, or somehow get all the Looney Tune liberals out of our schools, and Universities. . 😐
Dimocrap scum leaders understand something most Conservatives do not, and ZERO Dimocrap voters do --
The 2nd Amendment is not there so you can protect your home from burglars, or to allow you to hunt, or to defend from Foreign Invasion, or target practice or anything like that.
The 2nd Amendment is there so The People can defend against a tyrannical government. period
dimocrap scum know that We, The People are a threat to what they want to inflict on us -- Totalitarianism.
And they do NOT want us to deter them from their goal of achieving it.
Folks, that is not hyperbole. It is possible that at some point in the future, Republicans might take over and become so powerful that they attempt it. ALL governments, deep inside, want a Tyranny. They think it's wonderful -- As long as they're in charge and terrible if it's somebody else.
But right now, and for the foreseeable future, the only threat to our freedom is the DNC.
That is just a fact. Those don't see it are just blind, and stupid.
They see only what they want to see.
trumpers use them/they pronouns?
We certainly didn't invent them.
Do you want American hostages, raped, tortured, and then murdered.
NO? Then Don't vote for whoever the Democratic candidate will be.
Ignorance growing like weeds on the wilted plains of the junk movement known as MAGA. Your rapist insurrectionist messiah tRump praised Hezbollah.
You're all crazy loons looking for someone, anybody to tell you what to think and do.
Ignorance growing like weeds on the wilted plains of the junk movement known as MAGA. Your rapist insurrectionist messiah tRump praised Hezbollah.
You're all crazy loons looking for someone, anybody to tell you what to think and do.
You're the one coming here with legacy media derived "talking points" Les. How "open-minded" and "enlightened" is THAT?
\\You're all crazy loons looking for someone, anybody to tell you what to think and do.
And you are that wisemen who ALREADY found tha ANYBODIES? ;-P
And on that base think yourself being superior? :-))))
Buddha. He's not a "social construct". He's completely "egoless". ;)
LC: Your rapist insurrectionist messiah tRump praised Hezbollah.
donald tRump is an antisemite.
Though apparently that's a "legacy media derived talking point". As opposed to proven by his own words.
If they're his words, you should be able to quote them. Or didn't the legacy media ever print them?
\\Buddha. He's not a "social construct". He's completely "egoless". ;)
Few seeking for one. Genuine. Ancient.
Modern version of it pretty much same as Jesus -- prey to it, and youd be saved. ;-P
Exactly as you do at PE. Your shit might fly here but not at PE. You continue to take shit there i will continue to bring truth here and cover your shit with truth.
So, your move MAGA bot.
So unlike Socrates, you HAVE truth. So much for the egoless...
Pft... :-)))))
If you only knew what you are babbling about anonymouse.
^^Starred in the HBO Classic double feature re-make, "Clueless in Seattle"^^
Minus: If they're his words, you should be able to quote them.
tRump: You know, Hezbollah is very smart. They're all very smart...
tRump: I think if you vote for a Democrat, you are very, very disloyal to Israel and to the Jewish people...
The CEO of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Amy Spitalnick, called the [Truth Social] post antisemitic. The Tel Aviv Institute, an Israeli nonprofit combating antisemitism, said Trump’s remarks are “strengthening antisemitic attitudes in America.” The daily newspaper Haaretz, the oldest in Israel, described it as “an ominous warning to American Jews,” noting the majority of U.S. Jews are not supporters of the former president. link
The ADL expressed alarm when Trump retweeted an image of a “corrupt” Clinton and a Star of David. "We’ve been troubled by the anti-Semites and racists during this political season", the ADL said in a statement...
After Ye tweeted that he was “going death con3 on JEWISH people,” the former president invited him to dinner. He came with a notorious neo-Nazi.
And, once again, Trump offered no apology. He doesn’t think he has to, because his base doesn’t mind. These are his people. And he needs them. link
Hezbollah is very smart. They're all very smart...
That's praise? Calling your enemy "smart"? That's not praise. That's a warning to not underestimate your enemy. That's the "comment" WITHIN it's CONTEXT! Only a "very not smart" person could read it otherwise.
But decontextualization is a Democrat "thing". Divorcing a text from an Author, and reattaching it without its' proper context.
Thomas Jefferson didn't write the Declaration of Independence. A "slave-owner class" did. Pathetic! Turn the Great books into cartoons, and then pretend that they were ALWAYS cartoons.
And unfortunately, with the most corrupt and incompetent president in our history, we're closer to World War III than anyone can understand. There's never been a time where we've been closer, we're inches away, and we have a man that literally can't speak. He can't get off a stage. The other day he tried to get off a stage, now look I'm up here now, there a lot of people, there's a lot of Television going crazy. There's so much, I'm up here, but you know when I'm finished, I'm going to look over there. I'm going to see an exit. I'm going to look over. I can take that one, that one, what I can't do is walk through the back wall, and he turned. Did you see the other day, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Know what happens after about 20 minutes? The stuff that he's taking wears off. So it gets, really gets, a little groggy. Gets a little bit groggy. They say, "get him off the stage, thats wearing off. Man get them off. No, oh no, no. And I'm sure that the cocaine that they found in the White House? That nobody, I... I'm sure, I feel certain it had nothing to do with Hunter. And Joe, by the way, "Here Dad, have a little of this stuff. It's going to live you up a little bit. Can you imagine? They found a stash that you wouldn't believe, and nobody laid claim to it. That was forgotten. Just like the laptop from hell was left at the office, right? He didn't want to pick it up. Wouldn't it have been great if he went to that shop and he said, "I'd like my laptop please." Be a different world, wouldn't it" They have every single crime, listed. You know, the father said,
"Son, Hunter, I love you very much. What's on the laptop? Is there anything bad? What's on? Duh... I hate to say this, every single crime that we've committed is on the laptop." I don't have that with this guy right here, with Eric. The $6 billion dollars was a tremendous amount of money, but nothing compared to the hundreds of billions of dollars that Biden allowed them to make in oil, and other things. Hundreds of billions. They became a rich nation in three years. That's why they're doing this. They have so much money, they don't know what to do with it. They had no money, they were broke, and then there was the inevitable attack four days later, which I predicted. And then two nights ago I read all of Biden's security people, can you imagine National Defense people? And they said, "GEE, I hope Hezbollah doesn't attack from the north, because that's the most vulnerable spot." I said, "Wait a minute. You know, Hezbollah is very smart. They're all very smart." The Press doesn't like when they say, you know I said, "that president Xi of China, 1.4 billion people, he controls it with an iron fist," I said. "He's a very smart man." They killed me the next day. I said he was smart. What am I going to say but, "hez, they're, very smart and they have a National Defense Minister, or somebody saying, "I... I hope Hezbollah doesn't attack us from the north." So the following morning, they attacked. They might not have been doing it, but if you listen to this jerk, you would attack from the north because he said, "that's our weak spot." Whoever heard of official saying on television that they hope the enemy doesn't attack in a certain area now, unless it's a con job. But you know what a con job is, you're waiting, they're ready, you want them if you want them but they weren't ready, they weren't ready. You know, say what you want, Israel was is not ready. This was a big surprise. This was a terrible thing that happened. They weren't ready. But if you wanted them to attack because you've got a million people there with guns, and you're going to blast the hell, then you do exactly. But they didn't have that. They didn't have that. Biden's National Security adviser, Jake Sullivan, even bragged just days before the attack that "the Middle East seems to be quite quiet."
I guess when compared to the Biden Admin (who just gave $100m to Hamas), Hezbollah is freakin' GENIUS!
...the Biden Admin (who just gave $100m to Hamas)...
Money immediately goes in one pocket, and out the other. Just like Iran's $6 billion.
Like humanitarian aid from Egypt you said you're ok with?
Minus: Just like Iran's $6 billion.
Egypt can give the Pseudostinians all the aid in the world, so long as its bleeding Arab economies and not ours.
btw - Have the Arab banks refused to allow use of that money as collatoral for other loans? Didn't think so.
You have proof that's happening? I didn't think so. Why would they?
\\Blogger Les Carpenter said...
If you only knew what you are babbling about anonymouse.
:-)))) it was liquid out of mouth reaction to YOUR babbling.
And... I'm not here for sewrving pearls to a swines. ;-P
. Why would they?
Because it's the business of banks to lend money?
Btw - No humanitarian aid for Pseudostinians UNTIL the hostages are released. Tit-4-tat hostage standoff.
Minus: Because it's the business of banks to lend money?
Illegally? Banks aren't subject to laws/regulations?
Minus: No humanitarian aid for Pseudostinians UNTIL the hostages are released. Tit-4-tat hostage standoff.
Why would Hamas care about aid for imaginary "Pseudostinians"? I doubt they care about aid for Palestinians. Given they had to know many Palestinians would be killed due to their actions.
\\Illegally? Banks aren't subject to laws/regulations?
Bank of Vatican too? ;-P
\\ I doubt they care about aid for Palestinians. Given they had to know many Palestinians would be killed due to their actions.
Kudos! For recognizing the Truth.
But... it disavows all your previous screeds about "poor and innocent" Palestinians.
Qtard: But... it disavows all your previous screeds about "poor and innocent" Palestinians.
What illogic did you use to arrive at that moronic conclusion? Wouldn't they want aid for their "accomplices"? Why wouldn't "accomplices" turn on them if they see Hamas letting them die?
How effective are banks at preventing tax evasion by Russian oligarch's, Derv?
\\Dervish Sanders said...
Qtard: But... it disavows all your previous screeds about "poor and innocent" Palestinians.
\\What illogic did you use to arrive at that moronic conclusion?
NewSpeak again?
Hamas is the government of that Palastianians.
That Palestinians VOTED for that goverenment.
And that government... don't care if that Palestinians would be dead... well, quite contrary -- it trying to USE their deaths...
but, in Derpy's idiotic and feverish mind it makes that Palestinians "innocent" and some other government need to take care of em...
even though it itself able to admit provided higher facts.
\\Wouldn't they want aid for their "accomplices"?
You say. You seems like very knowledgible about INNER working of Hamas.
Maybe they your brothers??? :-)))) In feith.
\\Why wouldn't "accomplices" turn on them if they see Hamas letting them die?
You say.
Qtard: That Palestinians VOTED for that goverenment.
Counter-factual lie.
You mean "That Palestinians VOTED for that goverenment"?
That is a counterfactual lie. Thanky for admitting it.
2006 Palestinian legislative election - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › 2006_Palestinian_leg...
Legislative elections were held in the Palestinian territories on 25 January 2006 in order to elect the second Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), ...
And this is the FACT.
And you opposing it -- that is the COUTER-FACTUAL LIE. ;-P
I am opposing it by telling the truth -- that there have been no elections since 2006. Many Gazans did not vote for Hamas in 2006. Gazans not born in 2006 did not vote for Hamas. Gazans who did vote for Hamas in 2006 were given no chance to change their minds and vote them out.
\\I am opposing it by telling the truth -- that there have been no elections since 2006.
That doesn't matter.
They chose their government. Then their government CHANGED rules of voting. (well, I dunno, maybe their laws was already like that -- that allow such Once in Lifetime election -- then even more, HOW DARE you to mistreat THEIR Demn-OK-ratsy???? :-)))) What's the problem -- that's what happening EVERYWHERE.
Or what... you are grown in Wisdom to agree that DEMN changing rules of voting in USA -- makes 2020 election a fraud? ;-P
\\ Many Gazans did not vote for Hamas in 2006.
So what???
That's what happens EVERYWHERE.
There is NO country in the World... branded unde Democracy rule. Where'd ALL 100% eligable voters would vote EVER TIME.
That is around 50% or even less.
\\Gazans not born in 2006 did not vote for Hamas. Gazans who did vote for Hamas in 2006 were given no chance to change their minds and vote them out.
Well... you blame people who tryed to change their mind an "J6 insurrectionists"... in your USA.
So... you have no righjt to pass such blame on Hly Demn-OK-ratsy of HAMAS... :-)))))) SARCASM!
Derpy silently agreeing.
In your delusions.
"Delusions" that can be seen by anyone. Is FACTS of real world -- like your non-answering to unconvnient questions. ;-P
NewSpeak usage -- CONFIRMED! Again!
Calling FACTS of Reality "delusions". :-)))
What? I dunno wtf you're babbling about.
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