Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Muh Russia, the Gift that Keeps on Giving...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Push Back? LOL. More like "tell me the pro-Dotard, pro-Putin, counter-to-reality narrative I want to hear". btw, Dotard's fact-free election theft massive conspiracy bullshit narrative hurts your side's credibility bigly.

Aaron's claim that nobody believes there was collusion is laughable. It's what he and other pro-Dotard tools believe. The public at large (those who pay attention to politics) all saw the collusion with our own eyes (Dotard tower meeting, "russia if you're listening", etc). And the discrediting of the collusion truth is OVER. No prosecutions, despite your delusion that a "big ugly" was beginning. Despite Bill Barr and John Durham looking into the "witch hunt" and their investigations going nowhere. Whereas the Senate Intel committee issued a report CONFIRMING collusion.

btw, also laughably ridiculous is Aaron's equating Adam Schiff to MTG. The Senate Intel committee report vindicated Schiff. MTG is flat out crazy. Dangerously so.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You're the one who sounds like Mulder from the X-files... "I want to believe he colluded..." lol!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
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The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I guess you never watched the x-files. The monsters, aliens, etc were real (in the context of the fictional show). But Russian collusion isn't fiction. It happened. As CONFIRMED by the Senate intel committee. "I want to believe" (it was a witch hunt) is YOU.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The monsters and aliens from the X-Files are real? Who knew?

ps - The SSCI is a globalist cabal.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

In the context of the FICTIONAL show they are. Your illiteracy strikes again.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

In the context of "reality" however, they don't. You're lunacy and inability to deal with the real world strikes again.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

...says a maganut conspiracy theorist who is unable to distinguish between reality and his delusions.

Joe Conservative said...

Ignoring voter fraud within your party won't make it go away, Dervy.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Ignoring the fact that there is no significant voter fraud PERIOD won't make it magically appear, Minus. Why Ruby Freeman wasn't (and won't be) prosecuted. We don't press charges against innocent people based on maga delusions.

Joe Conservative said...

Ruby Freeman disenfranchised millions of Georgia voters.

ps You don't? Tell THAT to Kyle Rittenhouse. lol!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Kyle Rittenhouse wouldn't have been charged if he hadn't killed anyone. And Ruby Freeman disenfranchised zero Georgian voters. Dotard wanted to disenfranchise Black voters by getting rid of their ballots. His EXACT words.

Joe Conservative said...

Kyle Rittenhouse wass assaulted by thugs. Self defense is no crime.

ps - His exact words were to Black voters? Who knew?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Actually, the thug Rittenhouse threatened the life of Joseph Rosenbaum by aiming his illegal firearm at him. Rosenbaum tried to defend himself by taking the gun from Rittenhouse, who then murdered him. When Anthony Huber and Gaige Grosskreutz confronted the fleeing murderer, Rittenhouse shot and killed Huber and grievously wounded Grosskreutz. Menacing or brandishing is a criminal offense. You can't engage in criminal activity and then claim "self defense". Kyle should be convicted and sent to prison.

Dotard's desire to get rid of ballots WAS about disenfranchising Black voters. Proven by the fact that "the election lawsuits filed by President Donald Trump and his allies repeatedly went after places where disproportionate numbers of Black voters live [and] he didn't challenge other [predominately White] areas that voted by the same rules".

Joe Conservative said...

There was nothing illegal about Kyle's firearm. Rosenbaum tried to burn down a gas station by rolling a flaming dumpster into it and so assaulted Rittenhouse after he put the fire out in revenge. Grosskreutz was armed with a pistol. Huber was physically assaulting Rittenhouse before being shot in self-defense.

Joe Conservative said...

Trump had a magic "black voter ballot" detector? Who knew?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Grosskreutz was armed with a pistol".

Why was it OK for Kyle to have an illegal firearm but Grosskreutz was in the wrong to have a legal pistol? Is the rule that the person who shoots first is in the right? Kyle's case is going to trial.

And there is nothing "magic" about there being a lot of ballots cast by Black voters in areas where Black people live.

Joe Conservative said...

Funny, isn't that's how the "Steal" in Georgia worked, sending most of the Republican ballots into "arbitration" by the vote manipulators?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

There was no "steal" in GA or any other state.

Joe Conservative said...

There's already enough evidence in the public domain to overturn the election outcome in five states.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

There isn't.

Michael Flynn & Sidney Powell = LOL X infinity.