Saturday, February 6, 2021

Boogaloo On...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Weird that you'd post this video, given that you need deprogramming. Is you posting this video an acknowledgement of that? In your case I would say I don't know if that is possible. Your wrong beliefs all seem deeply ingrained.

btw, Canada Labels Proud Boys A Terrorist Group.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

First video looks likes it's for small children and not about the Boogaloo movement.

Joe Conservative said...

No, the danger of the Boogaloo Bois is a fairy tale for scaring small children

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So no Boogaloos were arrested for plotting to kidnap the governor of Michigan? Who knew?

Joe Conservative said...

So no Boogaloos in the plot were also Leftist Anarcho Syndicalists and not Rightist Anarcho Capitalists??

Joe Conservative said...

They're all just "scary racists" in the middle?

Joe Conservative said...

Everything is just black and white w/no shades of gray. Who knew?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Neither of your comments have anything to do with what I wrote. My point was that kidnap plots scare adults. Why those involved are facing serious prison time.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

btw, we went over this previously. ONE of the plotters arrested identified as "leftist". Why, I'm not sure. Given that the Left believes in the power of The People (via GOVERNMENT) to help everyone. While this guy was anti-government regardless of who is in charge.

Joe Conservative said...

Anarcho Syndicalists are PRO Government Leftists? Who knew?

Joe Conservative said...


Joe Conservative said...

The plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer didn't frighten me. It only frightened feinting couch liberals, like you.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Of course you weren't frightened. Just disappointed.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Sic Semper Tyrannus. :)

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Are you predicting Dotard will be convicted and serve prison time?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

If he is, expect more than the Capitol Bldg. to get sacked.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So it would have been OK for Democrats to sack government buildings if Dotard had been successful in locking up Hillary Clinton. No. Obviously violence is only an acceptable response when committed by trumpers. To you and your ilk, in any case. Try it and more trumpers will be shot than the one at the capitol riot.

Joe Conservative said...

OK? No. Understandable? Yes.

Joe Conservative said...

Your problem, Dervy, is that you make January 6 Capitol Attack NOT understandable... since you are in denial and continue to INSIST that there was NO fraud for people to be upset about. See the difference (*and stupidity of your position)? THAT is why like such events will CONTINUE to occur.

Joe Conservative said...

The Democratic Party makes ALL problems unintelligible by insisting that all social ills are RACIALLY and CULTURALLY motivated, ergo rendering them "unsolvable" and/or "unintelligible". Instead of advocating for "justice", they SCREAM for "SOCIAL JUSTICE", and thereby avoid all potential solutions.

Jacques Ranciere gave a poignant expression to the "bad surprise" that awaits today's postmodern ideologues of the "end of politics." It is as if we are witnessing the ultimate confirmation of Freud's thesis, from Civilization and Its Discontents: after every assertion of Eros, Thanatos reasserts itself with a vengeance. At the very moment when, according to the official ideology, we are finally leaving behind the "immature" political passions (the regime of the "political": class struggle and other "outdated" divisive antagonisms) for the postideological pragmatic universe of rational administration and negotiated consensus, for the universe, free of utopian impulses, in which the dispassionate administration of social affairs goes hand in hand with the aestheticized hedonism (the pluralism "ways of life") - at this very moment, the foreclosed political is celebrating a triumphant comeback in the most archaic form of pure, undistilled racist hatred of the Other that renders the rational, tolerant attitude utterly impotent. In this precise sense, "postmodern" racism is the symptom of multiculturalist late capitalism, bringing to light the inherent contradiction of the liberal-democratic ideological project. Liberal "tolerance" condones the folklorist Other deprived of its substance (like the multitude of "ethnic cuisines" in a contemporary magalopolis): however, any "real" Other is instantly denounced for its "fundamentalism," since the kernel of Otherness resides in the regulation of its jouissance; that is, the "real Other" is by definition "patriarchal," "violent," never the Other of ethereal wisdom and charming customs. One is tempted to reactualize here the old Marcusean notion of "repressive tolerance," reconceiving it as the tolerance of the Other in its aseptic, benign form, which forecloses the dimension of the Real of the Other's jouissance. - Slavoj Zizek, "The Abyss of Freedom"

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

...since you are in denial and continue to INSIST that there was NO fraud for people to be upset about.

A person can't be "in denial" regarding something that DID NOT HAPPEN. Dotard was prepared to say the election was stolen from him in 2016. Although (with Russia's help and the usual GOP voter suppression) he "won". He did it again in 2020 after losing to Joe Biden. It is a lie. It was a lie in 2016 (when he obviously was prepared to claim theft and falsely asserted he won the popular vote) and it was a lie in 2020. Joe Biden's win is legitimate. And fyi, I don't give a shit about anything the coke-head Slavoj Zizek writes. I didn't read any of that.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Joe Biden admitted on national television to having the largest voter fraud team ever assembled... was he lying?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No, you're lying. Joe Biden made no such admission. What he said was on a podcast, not "national television".

Joe Conservative said...

Same thing.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Significantly fewer viewers isn't a difference? btw, how many eyewitnesses were interviewed during "absolute proof"? I'd think (given that hundreds if not thousands of people must have been involved) Mike would have been able to find a few. One would think you'd be eager to blow this wide open. Surely this is something both Biden and Harris could be impeached for. If you get them out of the White House maybe the end times could be averted.

Joe Conservative said...

There are thousands of affidavits attesting to fraud. None have been heard in Court.