The following message was sent on Monday from the private e-mail account of Harford County Board of Education Vice-President Rick Grambo to the following recipients: Maryland State Board of Education President Dr. Charlene M. Dukes, Maryland State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Lillian M. Lowery, Baltimore County Public Schools Board of Education President Lawrence E. Schmidt, Baltimore County Superintendent of Schools Dr. S. Dallas Dance, and the Maryland Association of Boards of Education. A copy was provided to The Dagger for publication:Date: Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 4:03 PM
Subject: Common Core Meeting Tyranny
I was deeply disturbed by the arrest of a citizen who dared to ask unscripted questions about Common Core at a meeting in Baltimore County last Thursday evening. As the former President of the Harford County Board of Education I myself have serious questions regarding Common Core and the accompanying PARCC assessment tests. It is frustrating and difficult for me to get answers about these sweeping changes and I can only imagine how difficult it is for a parent.
What is the point of holding public sessions if you have no real desire to listen to what the public has to say? One of my main concerns is that Common Core will eliminate parental input and control over their children’s education. Thursday’s events make it clear that my fears are not unfounded. Why are you so afraid of any unscripted public discussion regarding Common Core?
I understand that the Superintendent or one of his staff gave the orders to have this man removed. The [Baltimore County Public Schools Board of Education] should issue a statement condemning this action; silence will be interpreted as an indication that this was done at their direction. [The Maryland Association of Boards of Education] and the [Maryland State Department of Education] have a responsibility to issue similar statements. The tyrannical actions of a few public officials can seriously damage the credibility of all MD public school system officials. As an elected member of the Harford County Board of Education I call upon The BCPSBOE, MABE, and MSDE to publically apologize to the gentleman that was arrested, and to make a sincere effort to hold honest open public forums regarding the Common Core and PARCC assessment testing.
Rick Grambo
Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
In Maryland if you Question the Common Core Curriculum... You Get Arrested
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Hey Joe: That incident frosted me too, but this is the way local communities control the populace. All such bodies are set up as parliaments, which while they may invite outsiders, can just as easily exclude them—or have the arrested for interrupting the proceedings. This is precisely why most Americans have tossed up their hands and quit attending school board meetings and town hall or city hall meetings. In this way, “they” have won … those who would demand that we bow to them. I would like to see this man win a seat on that school board … I really would. How many local residents even know what happened, or why?
Why am I thinking "Welcome to the gulag"?
Mustang is exactly correct in his comment above. That WE THE PEOPLE have any voice with the school board is smoke and mirrors.
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