Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Does "Allah Akbar!" Mean the Same Thing as "Thank G_d"?

If you ask me, Senator McCain, the former is an expression of righteous affirmation originating from a position of certainty, while the latter is an expression of relief borne from a mental state of uncertainty. So which religion would you suppose more likely to impose their "extreme" beliefs upon others, those who's beliefs are derived from positions of Certainty or those who's belief's are derived from positions of Uncertainty of a Divinity's intercession in temporal events? IMO, the former cannot but help to be imminently more extreme than the latter.


Brooke said...

McCain is an imbecile! Even Obama wouldn't have the nerve to say something so stupid!

Thersites said...

Doesn't it comfort you that John McCain can "relate" so comfortably with Islamic apologists?