Dr. Syed Wasimul Haque, the president of the United Maryland Muslim Council, condemned the "cowardly terrorist act" at the Boston Marathon Monday that has killed three and wounded more than 100.
"Our prayers go out for the fallen victims and to the city of Boston," Haque, a Frederick physician, said in a statement.
He and others in Maryland's Muslim community have condemned past acts of violence and terror against the United States.
"The Muslims have always stood shoulder to shoulder during perilous times that our nation has faced and will do so in the future as well against all terrorist attacks," Haque said. "These terrorist attacks do nothing but strengthen our resolve to fight back such cowardly act and unite us more as a nation."
The complete statement follows.
"The Muslims of Maryland condemn the terrorist act in Boston which took the lives of two Americans and injured many spectators during the Boston marathon event. The Muslims along with the rest of the nation are deeply saddened and distressed by this cowardly terrorist act which targeted innocent victims of this event which was supposed to forge friendship and brotherhood among participants from different nations and from within our country.
"The Muslims have always stood shoulder to shoulder during perilous times that our nation has faced and will do so in the future as well against all terrorist attacks. These terrorist attacks do nothing but strengthen our resolve to fight back such cowardly act and unite us more as a nation.
"Our prayers go out for the fallen victims and to the city of Boston. May the families of the victims have the forbearance and may the inflicted recover from their injuries quickly.
"We hope and pray that the criminal or criminals who committed this heinous act are caught soon and brought to justice and punished to the greatest extent according to the laws of our country."
"The Muslims have always stood shoulder to shoulder during perilous times that our nation has faced and will do so in the future as well against all terrorist attacks," Haque said.
I've mostly seen Muslims banding together to whine about imagined victimhood (prejudice against Muslims).
I've also read about various Muslim leaders instructing Muslims not to talk to law enforcement. They don't rat out their own!
We've asked for the moderate Muslim middle to speak out AGAINST violence. Some of them are doing it, and deserve credit for it. I commend this group for doing so, even before the identity of the bombers were reported.
"The Muslims have always stood shoulder to shoulder during perilous times that our nation has faced and will do so in the future as well against all terrorist attacks," Haque said.
I've mostly seen Muslims banding together to whine about imagined victimhood (prejudice against Muslims).
I've also read about various Muslim leaders instructing Muslims not to talk to law enforcement. They don't rat out their own!
We've asked for the moderate Muslim middle to speak out AGAINST violence. Some of them are doing it, and deserve credit for it. I commend this group for doing so, even before the identity of the bombers were reported.
I was unaware that any Muslims had ratted out the Tsarnaev brothers.
We don't know who did what. Perhaps we will learn in the coming months.
...Hopefully we will learn "who" turned the one brother in two years ago.
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