Sunday, January 12, 2025

Who Should You Believe... Your Own Eyes, or the Media Victim Narrative?

What is white guilt-pride? It's believing in things that are both "not true and can't be denied".

from Wikipedia:
Wilfred Reilly is an American political scientist. He is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Southern Illinois University and a J.D. from the University of Illinois College of Law.[2] Reilly's research focuses on empirical testing of political claims.


  1. I'm not watching this. 14 seconds is enough. Neither the Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin stories were lies. Both of those people were murdered by racists. Clearly Wilfred Reilly is a member of "Blacks for White Supremacy". I believe what I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears.

    1. Yep, you shoulda watched more... he got to those cases.

      I believe what I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears.

      You were physically present and witnessed BOTH "murders". You didn't get your information about the cases from hyper-media/ fake news?

  2. Replies
    1. ^^🐔🐓🐔🐓🐔🐓🐔🐓🐔🐓🐔🐓🐔🐓🐔🐓💨💨💨💨^^

  3. I think you got your information about the cases from the rightturd hyper-media/fake news.

    1. I did. Which makes it as good, if not better, than your information. They don't have a guilt-pride driven agenda and narrative to adhere to.

  4. That makes your information much worse. Given that it's lie-centric. And I know all about those cases. They were not fake hate crimes, they were genuine hate crimes. I don't need to watch any "alternative facts" video that tells me everything I know is wrong.

    1. So why were the defendents in all those cases found "not guilty"? More racists? LOL!

    2. I think that the Court verdicts make it abundantly clear who the "liars" were...

  5. So... Truth is worse than lies, eh Dervish? Boy, you sure are a bumbling fool!

  6. Mystere: Truth is worse than lies...

    Yes, to you truth is worse than lies.

  7. Minus: I think that the Court verdicts make it abundantly clear who the "liars" were...

    You are correct. The court verdicts do. "According to a report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the conviction rate for federal hate crime prosecutions increased from 83% during 2005-09 to 94% during 2015-19". link

    1. 100% of hate crime fakers were found guilty. Jussie Smolette, we barely knew ye!

  8. Minus: 100% of hate crime fakers were found guilty.

    Jussie is a Turd. His fake hate crime allows people like you an example to give when you lie about hate crimes ALL being fake. When the FACTS show a 94 percent conviction rate of people charged with hate crimes.

  9. 100 percent of less 6 percent. Depending on why the hate crime charges don't stick for that 6 percent.
