Sunday, January 12, 2025

(D) Politicians Keep Victimizing Victims for Personal Gain

Who will watch the watchdogs?

Ely Bonchie, "Wildfire ActBlue 'Donation' Scandal Explodes, Elizabeth Warren Implicated While Obama Bros Go Berzerk"
Outrage is exploding over a push by numerous Democrats to get people to donate to wildfire "relief funds" facilitated through ActBlue, the party's scandal-ridden fundraising apparatus.

As RedState reported on Saturday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom made the ill-advised move to go on "Pod Save America," a far-left show run by former Barack Obama staffers, while large parts of Los Angeles County still burned. His attempt to pass the buck and paint himself as an innocent bystander amid a laundry list of government failures was bad enough, but then came the plea for donations.

Within hours, Sen. Elizabeth Warren put up a similar donation link, again directing people to ActBlue. At the top of the donation screen sits her campaign logo.

Why exactly are Democrats trying to get people to donate relief funds through a partisan fundraising operation? Especially since that operation skims off 3.95 percent, and that's assuming every single other dime ends up passing through untouched. To put it lightly, that's hardly a benefit of the doubt ActBlue and these Democrat politicians should be receiving. 
But while many suspected these donation links, which require the entry of an email, are being used to build political contact lists, the manipulation may go much deeper than initially expected. According to the DC Reporter, one political laid out how this affects the Super PAC in question, calling it "the most evil **** I have ever seen."
Dark money groups frequently have to get creative to spend the social welfare portion of their programming budget. But money raised for these charities that passes through the (c)(4) allows for money raised elsewhere to go to electioneering ads. “This is prima facia non-political cap space that they are generating,” the veteran strategist strategist told the Reporter.

“Let’s say they raise $6 million in money for the fire that they pass on to these [501(c)(3)s]. The next $4 million that they take in from a major donor can go directly to a super PAC undisclosed without having to take a haircut. This lets a major donor give $4 million undisclosed to a Democrat super PAC. This is like the most evil [****] I have ever seen. Using a (c)(4) to generate dark money cap space on the back of the worst natural disaster in recent California history is such appalling behavior.
Putting aside whether ActBlue is directly profiting from these fundraising efforts, using donations to wildfire victims to manipulate the Super PAC system for partisan gain is absolutely grotesque. Of course, there's no reason to believe ActBlue isn't also taking its cut, given there's been no proof offered that they aren't.

Then there's the issue of what the charities involved in this actually do. One of them is the "Latino Community Foundation," which is a "frontline immigrant rights" organization. In other words, it's a typical open-border NGO that helps facilitate the illegal immigration crisis. How much money are they going to send to wildfire victims when their mission is completely unrelated to them?

Meanwhile, we've gotten hysterical posts like the one below from "Crooked Media" co-founder and "Pod Save America host Jon Lovett.
For one, Lovett doesn't seem to know what the word "directly" means. If the money is going through ActBlue, then it is, by definition, not going directly to relief organizations, and that brings us to the million-dollar question: Why not just provide links directly to these various charities instead of sending people to ActBlue?

I attempted to get an answer from Jon Favreau, another "Pod Save America" bro.

Are we supposed to believe that former Obama staffers have a special skill for "vetting" relief organizations? And even if that were the case (it's not), it would make far more sense to send people directly to those charities to donate than to run a shell game through ActBlue. Nothing about this scheme makes sense unless you assume the worst, and right now, I see zero reason not to assume the worst.


  1. That's a double negative (aka - a "yes")

  2. Someone liberal is licking his blog wounds over this.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  3. Mystere: Someone liberal is licking his blog wounds over this.

    You're a liberal now, Mystere? I don't believe it. Even though that "no" is yours.

    My real comment is that Actblue fees (to cover their overhead) are CLEARLY stated on the donation page. People who don't like the fees can find other charities to donate though. There is no "skimming" going on. Covering your overhead isn't "skimming".

    btw, what "blog wounds" might I have to lick, Mystere? Your attempts to get my blogs wiped out have failed. I got the blogs you falsely reported back. They aren't locked any longer. Do you know that more locking is upcoming? Are you threatening me again, Mystere?

    1. There's no intent on the part of ActBlue to launder Dark money for the DNC this way? Who knew....

    2. “Let’s say they raise $6 million in money for the fire that they pass on to these [501(c)(3)s]. The next $4 million that they take in from a major donor can go directly to a super PAC undisclosed without having to take a haircut. This lets a major donor give $4 million undisclosed to a Democrat super PAC. This is like the most evil [****] I have ever seen. Using a (c)(4) to generate dark money cap space on the back of the worst natural disaster in recent California history is such appalling behavior.”

    3. "You're a liberal now, Mystere? I don't believe it. Even though that "no" is yours."
      "Are you threatening me again, Mystere?"

      Your queer fixations on Mystere keep getting worse, Derv0id. I'm assuming you keep thinking that I'm Mystere, so I'll say this: I have other things to do than come by and reply as anonymous. I'm betting it was you who replied as "Anonymous" based on your track record of false accusations and stupid innuendos. And you're the one issuing threats about taking down blogs again. You shouldn't write things on your own blogs that cause harm to others, Dervoid. Blatantly posting private information about others to invite and encourage violence against those you hate is a federal offense, Dervoid. Posting someone's SSN (***-**-****) to encourage ID theft will land you in the pokey, Dervoid. Word is out that you allegedly posted something on your hidden blogs and that it got discovered, Dervoid.

  4. Who says "Let's say"? You don't say. I say they don't say that. Why would that be the case? Sounds like something d0n0ld would try to get away with. He's the one that got in trouble for ripping off kids with cancer.

    1. Why would that be the case?

      Sly accountants. Think they hire incompetent ones?

    2. d0n0ld is a figment of your delusions, Dervoid.

      T minus 5 days, Dervoid!🐔🐓🐔🐓🐔🐓🐔🐓🐔🐓😆😆😆😆😆

  5. By "sly" you mean accountants that break the law? No, I don't think they hire law breaking accountants.

    I gave your comment to Copilot and received the following response...

    The comment suggests that by raising money for a charitable cause, the organization can then accept large donations for political purposes without having to disclose the source, effectively creating "dark money" space. This would be highly unethical and likely illegal if true, as it would involve misusing charitable funds for political purposes.

    However, it's important to note that there is no evidence to support this claim. ActBlue and similar organizations are required to keep funds for different purposes separate and to account for where the money goes.

    1. By "sly" I mean "sly"

      ActBlue has not disclosed its grants. Instead of naming names, the $407 million its nonprofits paid out in 2020 is just one line item on a budget, making it impossible to trace hundreds of millions of “dark money” dollars to the lobbying, litigation, and get-out-the-vote organizations that fundraise via ActBlue. (Its website directory doesn’t indicate totals raised, only clients.)

      ActBlue is trying to exploit an IRS loophole by classifying the money it helps raise as “program service revenue”—a category usually reserved for things like tuition raised by schools and convention registration fees—which it consequently pays out as miscellaneous “contributions,” not publicly reportable grants.

      Surely there's some evidence or there wouldn't have been a criminal referral...

    2. Hmmm... Did Derv0id the Hemorrhoid donate loot through ActBlue? UH OH!

  6. Do you need some Preparation H for your cheeks, Dervoid? Is it true that your local drugstores suddenly had a shortage of 'rhoid creams, Dervoid?

    5 days...

  7. Minus: ActBlue has not disclosed its grants. Instead of naming names...

    Will Turd-2 "weaponize the IRS" to look into that?

    Mystere: Your queer fixations on Mystere keep getting worse, Derv0id. I'm assuming you keep thinking that I'm Mystere, so I'll say this...

    I'm not "thinking" it. I know it. It's transparently obvious. You have many IDs, including the account you use to impersonate me.

    Mystere: I have other things to do than come by and reply as anonymous.


    Mystere: I'm betting it was you who replied as "Anonymous" based on your track record of false accusations and stupid innuendos.


    Mystere: And you're the one issuing threats about taking down blogs again.

    Impossible. Someone can't do something "again" that they never did in the first place. YOU threaten to take down people's blogs. I've reported some of your hate posts, but bl0gger does nothing. Despite your ongoing violations of bl0gger T0S.

    Mystere: You shouldn't write things on your own blogs that cause harm to others, Dervoid. Blatantly posting private information about others to invite and encourage violence against those you hate is a federal offense, Dervoid. Posting someone's SSN (***-**-****) to encourage ID theft will land you in the pokey, Dervoid.

    I've never done that. I don't know anyone's SSN to post.

    Mystere: Word is out that you allegedly posted something on your hidden blogs and that it got discovered, Dervoid.

    That didn't happen. Sounds like another delusion.

    1. I hear Trump is going to create an ERS... External Revenue Service...

  8. I hear he isn't.

    I hereby declare he will not. I do this as an official prophecy..

    1. Wow... Prophet AND mentalist. You should join a carnival.
