Friday, January 31, 2025

Why after 2024 Democrats will likely never become a Major Party in US Politics Again....

It's why they NEED to fabricate Hate Crimes. Without Rampant and Out of Control Racism and Misogeny, the Democratic Party has no platform or raison d'etre.  White Guilt-Pride lies at the party's very foundation.  Anyone on the platform who had failed to raise his hand would have been immediately excommunicated.  It's a "purity test" for Party membership.  It demonstrates that they're "all in" for maintaining Intersectional Identity Politics as their only way forward.  And as Donald J. Trump has shown, it's also their kryptonite.

Cascading Political Re-Alignments...

The Democratic Party’s approval rating is nearing an all time low, according to the results of Quinnipiac polling released Wednesday.

Just 31% of registered voters approve of the Democratic Party, the lowest favorability rating the pollster has recorded of the party since it began asking the question in 2008. The Democratic Party’s near-historic low favorability rating follows an election cycle during which Democrats nominated an unpopular presidential candidate to replace Biden after party elites and the corporate media colluded to conceal the former president’s cognitive decline from the American people.

Nearly six in ten Americans disapprove of the Democratic Party’s brand, according to the Quinnipiac poll.
Support for the Republican Party, in sharp contrast, is at a record high with 43% of registered voters holding a favorable view of the GOP, according to the poll.

Speaker Mike Johnson reportedly said Tuesday that he believes House Republicans will be able to hold their majority for the next decade.

The Republican Party’s 12% higher approval rating over the Democratic Party is the largest favorability advantage Quinnipiac has recorded of the GOP over the Democratic Party since its university poll began asking registered voters about their views on America’s political parties, according to background Quinnipiac released on the poll.

Trump’s approval rating is currently 46%, which is ten points higher than when the president was sworn into the Oval Office in January 2017, according to the poll results.

Jeffrey Epstein, We Barely Knew Ye!

Whitney Webb on Why the Justice System will NEVER get to the bottom of 'things Epstein'.

With Palantir backing him, Donald Trump can now Order World Leaders to do his bidding, for the "true heir" now controls the "Chamber of Secrets"

Monday, January 27, 2025

Saturday, January 25, 2025

NY Times Gets Their Panties in a Bunch Again...

...over unsanctioned speech.  Yarvin will NOT be getting a Blue Check from THEIR editors!

Friday, January 24, 2025

I've Got a Hammer... and THAT Looks Like a Nail!

Britain's politicians deliberately dress as fools once more.... alleviate their post-colonialist guilt-pride and leave their "unwritten" rules "unspoken"!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Steve Bannon: The Trump Takover

Paranoiac Progressive Hit Pieces
(The Fascists are Coming...)
Steve Bannon,,,, BOO!
To some, he's more of a Super Hero... as opposed to a technofeudal Super Villain

Slavoj Žižek, "Musk against Bannon: Welcome to the world of ‘produsers’"
Perhaps the lowest point in the downward spiral of our public life is the “CostCo Guys,” a duo of father Andrew “A.J.” Befumo Jr. and his son Eric Justice Befumo who found popularity on TikTok and YouTube in 2024 for their videos at the warehouse store CostCo. Their first video to go viral on the platform was of them shopping for meatballs for Eric’s mother. They subsequently began making videos of themselves rating products therein, either positively as a “boom” or negatively as a “doom.” These videos are full of paradoxes that defy understanding: they appear to be spontaneous amateur recordings, but we now know that they were carefully staged with the help of assistants; they appear to be publicity for CostCo, but (at first, at least) made for free, with no collaboration of CostCo — the couple was at some point even thrown out of a CostCo store while doing there a recording.

As such, CostCo Boys epitomize a wide-spread tendency of free publicity — recall just that thousands of girls are putting on the web video clips that publicize some brand of body lotions or lipstick or nail polish... a capitalist’s dream come true, and an unexpected of the economic neo-feudalism. This paradox of publicity made for free is much worse than its opposite, free creation which is secretly financed as publicity. It designates the moment when publicity assumes a life of its own — and this is, perhaps, one of the definitions of the end of the world.

This tendency is grounded in the new way of life that is emerging among the younger generations all around the world; its material bases are the new digital spaces of communication — Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok — which imply short attention span, quick jumps from one to another message, and multitasking. The much celebrated new media first appeared as an anarchist dream come true, the overcoming of the divide between private and public, between producers and users-consumers: we are all “produsers” (a neologism coined by Yanis Varoufakis), involved in direct exchange with no center regulating it and posing limits, no big Other limiting our freedom… and we ended as serfs in a neo-feudal private corporate space.

With regard to Donald Trump, he is a liberal in the sense of allowing corporations to operate outside state control — a stance especially dangerous when we are dealing with global warming. We recently learned that “the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative is working to preserve scientific data and research on public government websites amid fears that topics like climate change and green energy will be removed from government websites after President-elect Trump takes office” — a nightmarish scenario where the broad public will be simply deprived of proper information and thus rendered unable to make rational decisions about proper measures in ecology.

There were never so many billionaires in a US government as they are in the list Trump, the self-professed partisan of working people, is proposing. In short, Trump’s liberalism de facto amounts to much more freedom for the new digital feudal masters (to use the term of Varoufakis), and the irony is that Trump himself — who officially opposes big corporations, claiming that they are globalists that exploit American workers — relies on the support of these new feudal masters whose perfect embodiment is Elon Musk. This is why one should be very careful when one designates Trump as a fascist. There is no place for feudal corporate masters in fascism since the ruling fascist party by definition exerts political monopoly. What is happening now in the US – techno-feudal masters directly occupying high government positions – is unimaginable in fascism.

No wonder cracks are already appearing in Trump’s political edifice in the guise of the conflict between digital-corporate masters who support Trump — Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Thiel — and the MAGA populists who pretend to speak for the ordinary workers. Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, co-chairs of Trump’s new “Department of Government Efficiency,” are defending the tech industry’s reliance on foreign-born engineers as the incoming Trump administration prepares to crack down on immigration; Ramaswamy openly complained that Americans are not up to snuff when it comes to competing with brainy foreigners, and he blamed a series of 1990s TV sitcoms for what he saw as a decline in US dynamism in science and technology, leading tech companies to hire more qualified foreign-born and first-generation workers over their mentally lazy American counterparts: “A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers,” he wrote on X.

It is, of course, difficult to harmonize this stance with Trump’s long history of “America First” nativism and racism, calling for “bloody” mass deportations, the end of birthright citizenship, and claiming immigrants were “poisoning the blood of the country.” So it is no surprise that the populist MAGA reaction was quick to come and quite brutal; as expected, the most vocal was Steve Bannon, the old Trumpian “leftist” who openly declares himself as a “Leninist for the 21st century,” saying that Lenin “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” Recall that Bannon was thrown out of the White House when he not only opposed Trump’s tax plan but openly advocated raising taxes for the rich to 40 percent, plus he argued that rescuing banks with public money is “socialism for the rich.”

In a CNN interview back in June 2018, Steve Bannon declared his political ideal to be the unity of the right and left populism against the old political establishment. He praised the coalition of the rightist Northern League and the leftist populist Five Star movement which ruled Italy a decade or so ago as the model for the world to follow, and as the proof that the politics is moving beyond left and right. The stake of this (politically and aesthetically) disgusting idea is, of course, to obfuscate the basic social antagonism, which is why it is condemned to fail — although it can cause a lot of misfortunes before its final failure.

While any pact between Steve Bannon and Bernie Sanders is excluded for obvious reasons, a key element of the left’s strategy should be to ruthlessly exploit divisions in the enemy camp and fight to get Bannon followers to their side. To cut a long story short, there is no victory of the left without the broad alliance of all anti-establishment forces. One should never forget that our true enemy is the global capitalist establishment and not the new populist right which is merely a reaction to its impasses. If we forget this, then the left will simply disappear from the map, as it is already happening with the moderate social-democratic left in much of Europe, or, as Slawomir Sierakowski put it: “As left-wing parties have collapsed, the sole option remaining for voters is conservatism or right-wing populism.”

The split in the Trumpian movement is thus personalized in two names: Elon Musk versus Steve Bannon. Bannon demanded “reparations” from Musk and other tech leaders for cutting Americans out of jobs; for him, the visa issue is “central to the way they gutted the middle class in this country.” He noted: “We love converts, but the converts sit in the back and study for years and years and years to make sure you understand the faith and you understand the nuances of the faith and understand how you can internalize the faith.” They should not “come up and go to the pulpit in their first week here and start lecturing people about the way things are going to be.”

“If you’re going to do that, we’re going to rip your face off,” he said.

Trump is here in deep trouble: his appeal stands or falls with the “impossible” coalition between digital feudal masters and exploited workers — if he chooses one side, the MAGA movement falls apart. At the end of December 2024, in his first clear choice, Trump took the side of Musk, but in the long term, he is condemned to make compromises — what compromises? The only way out for him that I see is to mobilize distinction between the good (highly skilled and educated) immigrants and the bad ones (criminals, rapists, poor homeless refugees) — in short, he will have to play the racist card more and more.

This strategy may work in the short term, but the paradox is that if it does succeed, its unintended result will be double: new highly skilled immigrants will be well-paid and thus strengthen the rich strata of the US society, while ordinary low-paid Americans will have to take the jobs hitherto reserved for poor or illegal immigrants — anti-immigrant populists will thus be even more dissatisfied with the system. Not to mention the fact that immigrants are doing many (mostly illegal) jobs, from domestic ones (housecleaning, gardening, babysitting…) to seasonal harvest collecting, which enable the middle classes to enjoy their way of life. If Trump goes too far in throwing out illegal immigrants, he will soon face discontent from an unexpected source: it is totally utopian to presume poor white Americans will take over the jobs now covered by illegal immigrants.

Now already a rage is burning among poor Americans, directed at well-paid and highly educated immigrants who employ white Americans to take care of their home life — Indian programmers have already achieved a mythic status (although they are not as numerous as it may appear). More than a decade ago, a young British babysitter employed by a (relatively) wealthy couple of Indian programmers living in Boston was accused of causing the child’s death by her neglect — the surprising fact was that in this case, the public sympathy was on the side of the British nanny, and the hatred directed at the Indian couple. (When the Indian is a nanny serving a white couple, then she is demonized, of course.)

There is also an ideological tension immanent to each of the two aspects of Trumpian politics: the corporate feudal masters present themselves as radical liberals, they advocate the use of mass media free from restrictions imposed by the state (the actual result of this freedom is, as we have already seen, the freedom of digital masters to control their digital feudal domain), while the self-declared partisans of ordinary people are deeply authoritarian, they advocate stronger state control over political and cultural life, banning phenomena they consider subversive — LGBT+ pressures, leftist protest movements). Just recall what legislation was passed in Florida in the last years, from book prohibitions to direct state interventions in curriculums.

Trump advocating ordinary people’s interests is like Kane from Welles’ classic movie — when a rich banker accuses him of speaking for the poor mob, he answers that, yes, his newspaper speaks for the poor ordinary people, but it does that in order to prevent the true danger which is that the poor ordinary people will speak for themselves.

So how will this tension end? There is no automatic solution; the outcome depends on political struggle, not on “objective” socio-economic processes. We can in no way be sure that the described tensions will lead Trumpian politics to ruins — it is quite possible that it will endlessly postpone its downfall through improvised new compromises. We can only be sure of one thing: the longer Trumpian politics reign, the more catastrophic the long-term situation will be.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Some Observations on the Trump Broligarchy... the Technofeudal Lords

...apparently no one has noticed the entire world's digital adoption of economic technofeudalism.  There aren't even markets (open/ free) anymore.  "Search" has captured and now DIRECTS all access and activity in the markets.  There are only Technofeudal Lords (Platform owners), Technofeudal Vassals (corporations who make products), and Cloud Serfs (computer users who give away all their data).  The only hope for opportunities left are for 'serfs' to achieve 'vassaldom'.. they will never "own the platform".  The US IC owns the platform (Jack's Magic Coffee Shop).  Now that the entire world economy has been captured, there's no need to hide it any longer.  The only question left, is can it all now be "transformed" into a Tofflerian "Third Wave" Prosumer style economy from it's current feudalistic roots?
From a Society of Control... to the Achievement Society (only with a bit less "positivity" than we have currently)

Bernie Picks Up on What Trump DIDN'T Say in his 2nd Inaugural Speech...

Fixing the things Bernie rightly claims are America's greatest challenges can only be sustainably accomplished though a fundamental anti-fragile legal re-building of our economy into one that emphasizes and empowers small businesses and individual agency, not multinational corporations and globalism.  THAT is what Bernie didn't pay attention to in Trump's speech and that renders his "complaint", moot.  Bernie thinks that the solution to world hunger lies in redistributing fish being caught today instead of fabricating and handing out more fishing poles.  Not a single issue Bernie raises addresses the fundamental transformation of the economy needed.  Not one.  His ground truth premise and assumption is "continued global corporatism" with more generous government directed and controlled handouts.  That is his fatal fallacy.

Trump DIDN'T talk about Bernie's issues.  Because Trump is operating from a different premise.  One that doesn't adopt Bernie's status quo based economic fatal fallacy.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


...some reflections on the nature of "progress".
Rene Magritte, "Galconda"

A Fine British Whine... :)

When the Left forgot their own rules... Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals":
1. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."

...and a poor American sugar-free imitation Kool-Aid

Sunday, January 19, 2025

On Saving European Democracy from the Voters

 Gert Wilders, "Unlike Trump's America, EU Bigwigs Censor to 'Protect Democracy' from Voters"

Next Tuesday, the European Parliament will discuss with the European Commission the “need to enforce the Digital Services Act to protect democracy on social media platforms, including against foreign interference and biased algorithms.” The Digital Services Act (DSA) is the central European Union legislation regulating social media.

The EU bigwigs in Brussels are up in arms because Elon Musk had a chat on X with Alice Weidel, leader of the Alternative for Germany. The AfD is an increasingly popular right-wing party which the EU establishment wants to isolate in a cordon sanitaire. According to the European Commission, Ms. Weidel’s chat with Mr. Musk “improperly boosts” her agenda over her political rivals ahead of Germany’s upcoming Feb. 23 elections and constitutes “foreign interference” in the German electoral process.

Brussels has also reacted in outrage to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s recent announcement to end the fact-checking era on Facebook and restore free expression. Zuckerberg regretted that in the past, Facebook had suppressed information, and he confirmed years of systematic online censorship, either on demand of politically biased “fact-checkers” or under direct government pressure. While the American elections were “a cultural tipping point towards prioritizing speech,” Mr. Zuckerberg pointed out that Europe has yet to come to the same conclusion. “Europe has an ever increasing number of laws institutionalizing censorship,” he said.

The Meta boss was at once denounced by the European Commission. He is not telling the truth when he says the EU is institutionalizing censorship, European Commission Vice President Henna Virkkunen whined. It is “not true” and “misleading,” she wailed. At the same time, she took a snipe at Elon Musk for his support of AfD on X, threatening the platform with legal sanctions, saying that X has “obligations under our Digital Services Act and X is supposed to assess and mitigate the risks they are posing to our electoral processes and to civic discourse.”

Last December, the presidential elections in Romania were annulled after an outsider had surprisingly won the first round with 23 per cent of the vote. According to the EU bigwigs, this was the result of foreign “disinformation” spread via TikTok and other social media platforms.

While the EU’s Digital Service Act (DSA) pays lip service to freedom of speech, it acts as an instrument to restrict freedom of speech and censor social media platforms so that “risks to the electoral processes and civic discourse” are “mitigated”. On these platforms, politicians such as I, who were the victims of media bias, but also every citizen, can freely speak our minds and voice our opinions without “mitigation” by the powers that be. The fact that platforms such as X and Facebook are owned by Americans is used as a xenophobic pretext to add “foreign interference” to “the risks to Europe’s electoral processes and civic discourse.”

The EU uses the word “democracy” in the same way as the former Communist dictatorship in East-Germany used to call itself the German “Democratic” Republic. In the infamous G“D”R, “democracy” also needed to be protected against critics who were said to be in cahoots with foreign powers. 

I am the leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom (PVV), by far the most popular party in the Netherlands. For decades, the PVV and other parties like mine have hardly ever been fairly treated by mainstream journalists. But never did the European Commission voice any concern about how the disinformation about us might “improperly boost” our political adversaries or how it might subvert the “electoral process.” I am not complaining, just pointing out the EU hypocrisy.

I am not complaining, because guess what? The scandalous behaviour of the mainstream media had the same effect as water on a duck’s back. It flowed off us. The voters kept coming to us because voters are mature enough to make their own decisions.

For decades, we were also the victims of outright censorship by some social media outlets. Parties like mine have been censored online for years. I am one of many like-minded European politicians whose views were banned. Whenever we voiced our opinion on Islamization or mass immigration, so-called fact-checkers had our messages removed as “hate speech”. It happened to me on Twitter — before that company was bought by Elon Musk — and on YouTube.

Despite years of social media censorship, however, we kept winning the elections. Voters can feel when they are being lied to. They sense when they are being deceived. They realize well enough that the authorities are deceiving them when social media remains silent about what is happening on the streets of Europe. Indeed, the electorate is mature enough to make their own decisions.

Companies like X and Facebook are abandoning censorship. I applaud them for that. The mainstream media say they “sprint to kiss Trump’s ring” and “suck up to the incoming president,” but the decision is plain common sense. Censorship is a costly business and just not worth the effort. The mainstream media refuse to see it, but they are a dying breed. Who cares about what The Guardian writes?

Parties such as mine have survived decades of media bias and disinformation; if anything, it has only made us stronger and more popular. Ultimately, we won. This will happen everywhere. Ultimately, freedom and truth will prevail! The only “risk to the electoral processes” that I see in Europe, is the EU “interfering” in elections because Brussels does not like the outcome and claims it has to protect “democracy” against the voters.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

What's the Value of Hunter Biden Art? five days it should all be $0, as his Dragon Eggs will become worthless without a dragon to redeem them.

Ben Kew, "REPORT: Hunter Biden Loses 200 Of His Artworks in California Fires – Claims Value at ‘Millions of Dollars’"
Hunter Biden has reportedly lost hundreds of his treasured artworks in the Los Angeles wildfires.

According to The New York Post, Hunter’s artworks went up in flames as wildfires continued to ravage the city, leaving thousands of properties in its wake.

The report states:
A trove of nearly 200 artworks by Hunter Biden has been destroyed — one of the casualties of the wildfires ravaging Los Angeles, The Post has learned.

The controversial art had been in storage near the Pacific Palisades home of Hunter’s Hollywood attorney Kevin Morris and is valued at “millions of dollars,” a source close to the Biden family said.

Morris, who loaned the first son nearly $5 million to help pay a tax bill and has been financing a documentary on him, lives in a sprawling five-bedroom, six-bathroom home which is among the few houses still intact in the posh neighborhood, The Post can confirm.

A lawyer for Hunter Biden, who is a self-taught artist who turned to painting while in recovery from drug addiction, did not immediately return a request for comment.
Hunter’s ventures into the art world have long raised eyebrows for their sky-high valuations and consequent sales.

His abstract and mixed-media pieces have been sold for prices ranging from $75,000 to $500,000, figures that are more likely due to his family connections than his artistic talent.

In fact, many of his buyers have since been revealed to have been purchased by Democratic donors and other wealthy allies of the Biden family.

The most prominent of these buyers was Morris, who bought 11 works of Hunter’s art for $875,000.

Morris also previously covered $2 million in Hunter’s unpaid tax bills taxes o a $50,000 donation to Joe Biden’s campaign in 2020.

Last month, local landlord Shaun Maguire claimed that Hunter owes him $300,000 in back pay rent and had tried to pay him with artwork made of his own feces.

“Hunter was our tenant in Venice, CA. Didn’t pay rent for over a year. Tried to pay w/ art made from his own feces,” Maguire explained.
“Absolute shit bag,” he added.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Trump: The Ultimate Troll's Troll

A MASTER of creating and exploiting a Reflexive Environment...
A reflexive environment is one where everybody has to talk about a certain thing. That thing is going to be very polarizing, and there are either going to be one, or two, right ways to talk about it. Usually they're going to be diametrically opposed to one another, and that means it's a dialectical weapon.
When George Soros famously shorted the the pound sterling in like '92 or whatever, which led to him writing "The Alchemy of Finance" where he said that "Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it's interested in operational success." The method he said that they used to do the Alchemy of Finance was reflexivity. The idea is that you start jinning up an idea and make the idea become true because everybody starts talking about it and believing it in a particular way. So "the current thing" takes place in a reflexive environment (often Social Media).

On praising your negotiation "adversaries" (like Kim Jong Il) once an offer has been made: 

h/t - Woodsterman

Monday, January 13, 2025

Maryland Struggles to Fund It's Bloated State Gov Bureaucracy...

...and will pay outside consultants 20% of all Budget Savings Identified because the State employees are too incompetent to form their own DOGE like team?  I wonder how the Dem politicians in DC would react if Elon were entitled by a Trump-let contract to 20% of all federal budget savings he identified.... 20% of $2 trillion capped at $300b?

Jack Bowman, "Gov. Moore launches Maryland 'modernization' plan, aims for $50 million in savings"
Gov. Wes Moore is directing his administration to scour the state’s spending for waste and inefficiency, with a goal of producing $50 million in savings.

Moore announced the effort, called the Government Modernization Initiative, two days after promising to propose a budget with $2 billion in cuts, an attempt to address a projected $3 billion deficit.

“It’s finding the breakage in the systems and fixing them so we’re not papering it over in more expensive ways later on,” Moore said of the initiative in a Friday announcement.

The initiative is aimed at finding inconsistent or unnecessary spending throughout state government, fixing “things that have long been broken.”

Moore went on to mention inefficiencies including under-utilized state vehicles and inconsistently-priced technology and equipment that, if addressed, could save the state $50 million “this year alone.”

Chief Performance Officer Asma Mirza and the performance cabinet will spearhead the effort. Elisabeth Sachs, a longtime nonprofit and state/local government leader, will also contribute to the project.

Boston Consulting Group will also be brought on to aid in the analysis. In a pay-for-performance contract approved in October, the state will pay the firm, one of the “big three” in strategy consulting, a 20% share of the savings achieved, with a maximum payout of $15 million.

The study will begin this year, with a goal of implementing changes by fiscal year 2026, which begins in July.

“We know the challenges that exist,” Moore said. “It’s created a chance for this team to show what we’re made of, because we will address it, and Maryland will grow.”

Really?  $15 million on outside consultants? No wonder they're $3b in the hole... @@

Civilization and Its' Discontents...

...I gotta assuage me some white guilt-pride!

What responsibilities do individuals have in supporting and maintaining their civilization?  What sacrifices should we be expected to make for it?

Meden agan!
Perkins Coie
Parallel construction is a law enforcement process of building a parallel, or separate, evidentiary basis for a criminal investigation in order to limit disclosure as to the origins of an investigation.[1]

In the US, a particular form is evidence laundering, where one police officer obtains evidence via means that are in violation of the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable searches and seizures
(ie - 702 NSA dB search), and then passes it on to another officer, who builds on it and gets it accepted by the court under the good-faith exception as applied to the second officer.[2] This practice gained support after the Supreme Court's 2009 Herring v. United States decision.[2]

Sunday, January 12, 2025

We Cannot Remainheah...

Paul Serran, "Hundreds of Thousands Flood the Streets in Romania to Protest Cancelling of the Presidential Election Over Bogus ‘Russian Influence’ Charge "
Hundreds of thousands of Romanians furious with the current government for the cancellation of the presidential election marched today (12) through the capital Bucharest to demand that the vote should proceed and that outgoing – and by now illegitimate – President Klaus Iohannis should resign.

Reuters reported:
“In a move that polarized voters, Romania’s top court voided the presidential election on Dec. 6, two days before the second round.

The cancellation came after state documents showed frontrunner Calin Georgescu, a critic of NATO, had benefited from an unfair social media campaign likely to have been orchestrated by Russia, accusations Moscow has denied.”
Reuters is lying, here – the documents show no proof whatsoever of Russian involvement, and the ‘campaign’ they object to was proven to have been financed by Romanians.
Watch: 100,000+ take to the streets.

Romania’s top court ordered a re-run of the election. Governing party leaders have agreed – not yet officially – party to hold the two rounds on May 4 and May 18.

Illegitimate President Iohannis, whose term expired on Dec. 21, vows to stay on ‘until his successor is elected’.

Organizers say over 100,000 people were at the protest, but riot police estimated at only around 20,000.
“’Our right to vote was broken’, said Bogdan Danila, a 43-year-old truck driver. ‘In addition, Iohannis was in power for ten years and did nothing for the people, while parties betrayed us, they are all corrupt. We want something else’.

[…] ‘Authorities must say why they cancelled the election, we want to see the evidence’, said Cornelia, 57, an economist wrapped in a Romanian flag who declined to give her last name. ‘At this rate we won’t be voting anymore, they will impose a leader like in the old days’.”

Romanian Presidential Elections Will Be Held AGAIN on May 4th – Globalist Establishment Desperate That Right-Wing Georgescu Still Has the Support of 40% of the Voters

Who Should You Believe... Your Own Eyes, or the Media Victim Narrative?

What is white guilt-pride? It's believing in things that are both "not true and can't be denied".

from Wikipedia:
Wilfred Reilly is an American political scientist. He is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Southern Illinois University and a J.D. from the University of Illinois College of Law.[2] Reilly's research focuses on empirical testing of political claims.

(D) Politicians Keep Victimizing Victims for Personal Gain

Who will watch the watchdogs?

Ely Bonchie, "Wildfire ActBlue 'Donation' Scandal Explodes, Elizabeth Warren Implicated While Obama Bros Go Berzerk"
Outrage is exploding over a push by numerous Democrats to get people to donate to wildfire "relief funds" facilitated through ActBlue, the party's scandal-ridden fundraising apparatus.

As RedState reported on Saturday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom made the ill-advised move to go on "Pod Save America," a far-left show run by former Barack Obama staffers, while large parts of Los Angeles County still burned. His attempt to pass the buck and paint himself as an innocent bystander amid a laundry list of government failures was bad enough, but then came the plea for donations.

Within hours, Sen. Elizabeth Warren put up a similar donation link, again directing people to ActBlue. At the top of the donation screen sits her campaign logo.

Why exactly are Democrats trying to get people to donate relief funds through a partisan fundraising operation? Especially since that operation skims off 3.95 percent, and that's assuming every single other dime ends up passing through untouched. To put it lightly, that's hardly a benefit of the doubt ActBlue and these Democrat politicians should be receiving. 
But while many suspected these donation links, which require the entry of an email, are being used to build political contact lists, the manipulation may go much deeper than initially expected. According to the DC Reporter, one political laid out how this affects the Super PAC in question, calling it "the most evil **** I have ever seen."
Dark money groups frequently have to get creative to spend the social welfare portion of their programming budget. But money raised for these charities that passes through the (c)(4) allows for money raised elsewhere to go to electioneering ads. “This is prima facia non-political cap space that they are generating,” the veteran strategist strategist told the Reporter.

“Let’s say they raise $6 million in money for the fire that they pass on to these [501(c)(3)s]. The next $4 million that they take in from a major donor can go directly to a super PAC undisclosed without having to take a haircut. This lets a major donor give $4 million undisclosed to a Democrat super PAC. This is like the most evil [****] I have ever seen. Using a (c)(4) to generate dark money cap space on the back of the worst natural disaster in recent California history is such appalling behavior.
Putting aside whether ActBlue is directly profiting from these fundraising efforts, using donations to wildfire victims to manipulate the Super PAC system for partisan gain is absolutely grotesque. Of course, there's no reason to believe ActBlue isn't also taking its cut, given there's been no proof offered that they aren't.

Then there's the issue of what the charities involved in this actually do. One of them is the "Latino Community Foundation," which is a "frontline immigrant rights" organization. In other words, it's a typical open-border NGO that helps facilitate the illegal immigration crisis. How much money are they going to send to wildfire victims when their mission is completely unrelated to them?

Meanwhile, we've gotten hysterical posts like the one below from "Crooked Media" co-founder and "Pod Save America host Jon Lovett.
For one, Lovett doesn't seem to know what the word "directly" means. If the money is going through ActBlue, then it is, by definition, not going directly to relief organizations, and that brings us to the million-dollar question: Why not just provide links directly to these various charities instead of sending people to ActBlue?

I attempted to get an answer from Jon Favreau, another "Pod Save America" bro.

Are we supposed to believe that former Obama staffers have a special skill for "vetting" relief organizations? And even if that were the case (it's not), it would make far more sense to send people directly to those charities to donate than to run a shell game through ActBlue. Nothing about this scheme makes sense unless you assume the worst, and right now, I see zero reason not to assume the worst.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Euro-Left Coordinates Media to Cancel Elon & Destroy his Reputation

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
- Saul Alinsky, "Rules for Radicals"
The Progressive Panic to Save 'Woke' and Kill All Uncensored/ Uncontrolled Media Outlets has been cranked to full Wee-wee-up (aka- 11)!

There will be no Apocalypse...

Peter Thiel, "A time for truth and reconciliation"
Trump’s return to the White House augurs the ‘apokálypsis’ of the ancien regime’s secrets

In 2016, President Barack Obama told his staff that Donald Trump’s election victory was “not the apocalypse”. By any definition, he was correct. But understood in the original sense of the Greek word apokálypsis, meaning “unveiling”, Obama could not give the same reassurance in 2025. Trump’s return to the White House augurs the apokálypsis of the ancien regime’s secrets. The new administration’s revelations need not justify vengeance — reconstruction can go hand in hand with reconciliation. But for reconciliation to take place, there must first be truth.

The apokálypsis is the most peaceful means of resolving the old guard’s war on the internet, a war the internet won. My friend and colleague Eric Weinstein calls the pre-internet custodians of secrets the Distributed Idea Suppression Complex (DISC) — the media organisations, bureaucracies, universities and government-funded NGOs that traditionally delimited public conversation. In hindsight, the internet had already begun our liberation from the DISC prison upon the prison death of financier and child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in 2019. Almost half of Americans polled that year mistrusted the official story that he died by suicide, suggesting that DISC had lost total control of the narrative.

It may be too early to answer the internet’s questions about the late Mr Epstein. But one cannot say the same of the assassination of John F Kennedy. Sixty-five per cent of Americans still doubt that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Like an outlandishly postmodern detective story, we have waited 61 years for a denouement while the suspects — Fidel Castro, 1960s mafiosi, the CIA’s Allen Dulles — gradually die. The thousands of classified government files on Oswald may or may not be red herrings, but opening them up for public inspection will give America some closure.

We cannot wait six decades, however, to end the lockdown on a free discussion about Covid-19. In subpoenaed emails from Anthony Fauci’s senior adviser David Morens, we learnt that National Institutes of Health apparatchiks hid their correspondence from Freedom of Information Act scrutiny. “Nothing,” wrote Boccaccio in his medieval plague epic The Decameron, “is so indecent that it cannot be said to another person if the proper words are used to convey it.”

In that spirit, Morens and former chief US medical adviser Fauci will have the chance to share some indecent facts about our own recent plague. Did they suspect that Covid spawned from US taxpayer-funded research, or an adjacent Chinese military programme? Why did we fund the work of EcoHealth Alliance, which sent researchers into remote Chinese caves to extract novel coronaviruses? Is “gain of function” research a byword for a bioweapons programme? And how did our government stop the spread of such questions on social media?

Our First Amendment frames the rules of engagement for domestic fights over free speech, but the global reach of the internet tempts its adversaries into a global war. Can we believe that a Brazilian judge banned X without American backing, in a tragicomic perversion of the Monroe Doctrine? Were we complicit in Australia’s recent legislation requiring age verification for social media users, the beginning of the end of internet anonymity? Did we muster up even two minutes’ criticism of the UK, which has arrested hundreds of people a year for online speech triggering, among other things, “annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety”? We may expect no better from Orwellian dictatorships in East Asia and Eurasia, but we must support a free internet in Oceania.

Darker questions still emerge in these dusky final weeks of our interregnum. Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen recently suggested on Joe Rogan’s podcast that the Biden administration debanked crypto entrepreneurs. How closely does our financial system resemble a social credit system? Were an IRS contractor’s illegal leaks of Trump’s tax records anomalous, or should Americans assume their right to financial privacy hinges on their politics? And can one speak of a right to privacy at all when Congress conserves Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, under which the FBI conducts tens of thousands of warrantless searches of Americans’ communications?

South Africa confronted its apartheid history with a formal commission, but answering the questions above with piecemeal declassifications would befit both Trump’s chaotic style and our internet world, which processes and propagates short packets of information. The first Trump administration shied away from declassifications because it still believed in the rightwing deep state of an Oliver Stone movie. This belief has faded.

Our ancien regime, like the aristocracy of pre-revolutionary France, thought the party would never end. 2016 shook their historicist faith in the arc of the moral universe but by 2020 they hoped to write Trump off as an aberration. In retrospect, 2020 was the aberration, the rearguard action of a struggling regime and its struldbrugg ruler. There will be no reactionary restoration of the pre-internet past.

The future demands fresh and strange ideas. New ideas might have saved the old regime, which barely acknowledged, let alone answered, our deepest questions — the causes of the 50-year slowdown in scientific and technological progress in the US, the racket of crescendoing real estate prices, and the explosion of public debt.

Perhaps an exceptional country could have continued to ignore such questions, but as Trump understood in 2016, America is not an exceptional country. It is no longer even a great one.

Identity politics endlessly relitigates ancient history. The study of recent history, to which the Trump administration is now called, is more treacherous — and more important. The apokálypsis cannot resolve our fights over 1619, but it can resolve our fights over Covid-19; it will not adjudicate the sins of our first rulers, but the sins of those who govern us today. The internet will not allow us to forget those sins — but with the truth, it will not prevent us from forgiving.

...Peter Thiel is dreaming if he believes that the USIC will just roll-over and reveal its' plans for global domination.  As I learned at KP, the Administration CAN and WILL do whatever they want, regardless of any paper limitations stated in the US Constitution otherwise.  Where there's a coordinated will, the rulebooks go out the window.