Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Walz's for Trump


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Benny Johnson = confirmed Paid Putin Puppet.

Two Russian nationals working for a news network controlled by Vladimir Putin's government funneled millions of dollars to an American media company that paid right-wing influencers for videos pushing narratives favorable to the Kremlin ... Federal prosecutors said RT oversaw a series of "covert projects" that included funneling $10 million through a series of shell entities to a Tennessee-based company [Tenet Media] launched in 2023 that publishes videos on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and X, formerly known as Twitter.

...videos published by U.S. Company-1 [Tenet Media] contain commentary on events and issues in the United States, such as immigration, inflation, and other topics related to domestic and foreign policy" the indictment said. "...the subject matter and content of the videos are often consistent with the Government of Russia's interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition to core Government of Russia interests, such as its ongoing war in Ukraine".

Tenet Media describes itself using the same phrase on its website, and other details in the indictment align with the firm. Its website lists six right-wing personalities, including Dave Rubin, who has more than 2.4 million YouTube subscribers; Tim Pool, a podcast host with more than 1.3 million YouTube followers; and Benny Johnson, whose YouTube channel has nearly 2.4 million subscribers. link

Joe Conservative said...

lol! Sounds like the beginnings of a great "Enemies list" Derv. Maybe after the election you can "purge" the traitors.

Joe Conservative said...

No Kennedy's?

Joe Conservative said...

What does the above denunciation say about your own media sources? That they're Indie? LOL!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

rfkjr was paid by Russia for running a fake campaign? Is that what you're saying? I doubt it. But maybe.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

ABC News: A sister of Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz says she doesn't recognize the people wearing “Nebraska Walz’s for Trump” T-shirts in a photo that is making the rounds on social media. ... Walz’s sister, Sandy Dietrich, of Alliance, Nebraska, said she suspected it might be people from that branch of the family. ... “We weren’t close with them. We didn’t know them", she said. Dietrich declined to comment on their distant cousins' opposition to her brother and referred to herself and her family as “Democrats for Tim". link

That "the entire family of Kamala Harris running mate Tim Walz just endorsed tRump" is false. Future VP Walz's immediate family members support Kamala Harris.

Benny Johnson = Confirmed PAID Putin propagandist. He should retire from rightturd commentary in shame. Can he (and the other Turds) be charged? I don't know. I definitely think the DOJ and FBI should be considering charging him. Depending on what evidence would be necessary to convict. I say he knew where the money was coming from but just didn't care.

What I heard is that the puppets are claiming ignorance. They were paid by an "American" company. Created and money funneled though by RT. I'd definitely like to see Pool and Johnson charged and convicted. Why not Jimmy D0re and Matt Taibbi too? As long as there is evidence. Just being a Turd isn't a crime. Tim Pool is so full of himself. It would be hilarious for him to end up in prison.

Bing AI: If it were proven that Tim Pool and Benny Johnson were aware of the source of the funding and knowingly participated in the scheme, they could potentially face criminal charges. The specific charges would depend on the nature of their involvement and the laws they may have violated. Possible charges could include...

Conspiracy: If they conspired with others to commit a crime.

Money Laundering: If they knowingly accepted and used funds from illegal sources.

Violation of Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA): If they acted as agents of a foreign government without proper registration. [end Bing response].

Joe Conservative said...

When is Hunter going to be charged for FARA violations? Tim Pool wasn't lobbying the US Government on Russia's behalf.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: When is Hunter going to be charged for FARA violations?

Why don't you ask the tRump appointed republican special counsel in charge of persecuting Hunter Biden? Perhaps there is nothing to such allegations? Why isn't David Weiss pursuing that? Instead of going after Hunter on BS charges that are mostly never brought. He didn't have the gun very long and he paid his back taxes plus interest and penalties. That Merrick Garland allowed this is disgraceful. Garland is doing a terrible job. Hopefully he won't be on the job after the election of President Kamala Harris.

Minus: Tim Pool wasn't lobbying the US Government on Russia's behalf.

USA Today: Foreign agents... are defined as operating under the direction or control of a foreign government that seeks to influence U.S. policy. link

Looks to me like rightturd media figures who were paid by Russia to spread Russian propaganda COULD be charged under FARA. He is absolutely under the control of the Russia government.

Merrick Garland should have fired David Weiss, then announced that the DOJ was declining to bring charges against Hunter Biden. Certainly in regards to the gun and tax charges. Then he could have appointed some other special council to look into the alleged FARA violations. Instead he left a tRump appointee in place to persecute the President's son. Disgraceful. He should have been fired already.

Our fantastic President Joe Biden absolutely should pardon his son. 100 percent for sure if (somehow) the next president is dementia d0n-OLD (with "Vance" as his minder).

Joe Conservative said...

...better re-read the definition, Derv. Maybe it'll sink in on second reading.

Dervi$h §ander$' Death Angel said...

YOU can run but YOU can't HIDE, Dervish!

Rattrapper said...

Hey Derpwood, you need to learn to spell: it's P-R-O-S-E-C-U-T-I-O-N.

Rattrapper said...

Benny sure has a great scoop here, Joe.

Dervish Xi Sanders' Fake Prophet Master said...

OH DERVISH? Did you eat all those stale fake fortune cookies in your rat infested basement?

Fake fortunes are not prophecy, Dervish. Timi's brothers and sisters have spoken out.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: Timi's brothers and sisters have spoken out.

Most of Tim Walz's family members support him, Mystere. Excepting an older brother and cousins they don't know. You lie. Or (more likely) you are convinced (in your delusions) that what you write is accurate.

Although you're talking about someone named "Timi". While the Democratic VP candidate's first name is Tim.

Benny Johnson got no "scoop".

Minus: ...better re-read the definition, Derv. Maybe it'll sink in on second reading.

They paid them. If you pay someone, it's to get them to do what you want. You need to re-read the definition.

I want to know when are these traitors going to be arrested. Likely never. While Hunter Biden sold no influence, yet you're convinced (despite the lack of evidence) that he did.

The Handler Of Prophet Dervish Xi Sanders said...

Here's your new blow up doll you ordered, Dervish.'%20Timmi%20Walz%20Buttplug.jpg

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Your special order, Mystere?