Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Steal Begins...

meanwhile in Maryland...

Mike Murillo, "That'd Be an 'Oops'? Montgomery Cty Brd of Elections Sends Out Ballots w/ Wrong Voter Names"
Some voters in Montgomery County’s 8th Congressional District got a surprise when their sample ballots arrived in the mail recently. Above their address was someone else’s name.

Liz Allen, of Bethesda, Maryland, was among the voters who received an incorrectly labeled ballot. She said it was alarming at first.

“I was thinking, ‘Oh, what if I go vote with my driver’s license and they don’t have my name at this address,’” said Allen.

Montgomery County’s Board of Elections said it recently sent out 132,217 sample ballots to voters in the district which encompasses a large portion of Montgomery County from the D.C. border up through Damascus.

Allen called the Montgomery County Board of Elections and was told she wasn’t the only person notifying them of errors with their sample ballot.

Gilberto Zelaya, with the county’s BOE, said those calls tipped them off to an issue with sample ballot and voter information packet sent to voters whose last names start with “A” or “B.”

“Then, as we looked and got into the weeds, we saw that it was the spreadsheet used to print the name and addresses on the sample ballot,” Zelaya said.

He said the error in the spreadsheet that was used by the company which prints the ballots led to a “limited number” of ballots arriving with the wrong names on them. Zelaya said the spreadsheet was corrected and replacement sample ballots will be sent out soon.

“We’re going to reprint those. We’re going to send them out. But all the information on what the voter received is fine. It’s current,” Zelaya said.

When asked if the spreadsheet error, if unaddressed, would lead to a printing error for the official ballots later this year, Zelaya said the answer is no.

“Those are two separate systems,” he said.

Zelaya said it’s unclear how many voters were impacted. All voters in the district were emailed digital versions of their sample ballots after the error was discovered.

The BOE said it also noted an error with the early voting dates on the sample ballots printed in Spanish. Early voting will take place from Thursday, Oct. 24, through Thursday, Oct. 31.

For Allen, she said the name mix-ups have been the talk of the neighborhood listserv, but she is glad the issue is being addressed and that the error won’t impact official ballots.

“Especially at this election time, I think it’s important that special attention is brought, that everything’s looking good,” she said.


  1. Well, well.
    It figures Kremlin Joe regurgitates a fellow Kremlin agent, PAID by Russia.
    Question: How much does Russia pay -FJ/Joe Con?

    1. If Russia is helping expose the Democrat's stealing of the US election, he's doing more to support American democracy than the Mainstream media is. G_d bless Putin!

    2. Think the MSM will report any of this? Do me a favour... hold your breath until they do!

  2. Ironic and quite prophetic on how this situation parallels a parable Jesus once used to teach his Disciples. In the narrative, Jesus spoke of a man who headed out on a road to Jericho. Along the way, he encounters a (demon) thief who badly wounds him, robs him blind, and leaves him for dead. A (temple) priest sees him and goes out of the way to leave him for dead. A (politician) Levite also does what the priest did. A Samaritan (commoner) sees him, takes care of him, and gets him to a safe place. That intersects with another incident centuries later when Saul, who is bent on destroying the disciples of Jesus goes on the road to Damascus. In this case, Jesus intervenes, stops him by temporarily blinding him, and Saul (the crazed spiritual savage) changes to Paul, the people's teacher. Mankind gets a gift, rather than being robbed.

    Which way will Montgomery County Maryland go? Which way will the state of California go? Which way will the United States go? In California, The Chief Thief Gavin Newsom and his accomplice Eleni Koulinakas will try to steal the votes again.

  3. The republiturd NewSpeak redefinition of "steal" is to win by getting more votes than your opponent.

    1. No, it's winning in the Electoral College. That is, the old definition before the democrats tried to make it winning the popular vote.

  4. Yeah, you are ALL FOR bypassing the voters. A state's electoral college votes are supposed to go to the popular vote winner in the state. But you would NO DOUBT think it great if a state legislature gave their EC votes to the candidate who lost the popular vote in their state. So long as the state legislature is republiturd controlled and the loser they are giving their EC votes to is d0n-0ld tяump.

  5. Cato Institute: Another batch of emails from John Eastman, the conservative legal scholar at the heart of President Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election, have been obtained and published by Politico. This new exchange was between Eastman and Rep. Russ Diamond, a Pennsylvania state legislator, and provides further insight into the arguments and tactics that pushed us to the brink of a constitutional crisis.

    In the emails, Eastman and Diamond discussed having the Pennsylvania state legislature (where Republicans held the majority in both chambers) decree a new set of “untainted” vote totals through some ridiculous mathematical gymnastics. In this plan, tens of thousands of votes would have been thrown out based on little more than guesswork, using prorated percentages across different categories of ballots.

    Underlying the conspiracy theories and fuzzy math is a more serious and pernicious legal theory central to most of Eastman’s claims: that state legislatures have some constitutional power to overturn, alter, or “decertify” their state’s presidential election results. 5/11/2022

    That's a plan you would fully support, yes?

    1. That's why Electors can be challenged on J6 in Congress, and sort them out... only Nancy refused to allow that to happen in 2020. She faked a bomb threat instead to cut off the enquiry.

  6. The setting up of the "stop the steal 2.0" false narrative began awhile ago. It has been ongoing since the last "stop the steal" false narrative was introduced. Which was as soon as the prior potus election (which Joe Biden legitimately won) began. FOR SURE if/when d0n-0ld loses he will immediately scream that the election was stolen. It is 100 percent guaranteed. No matter how obvious it is that Kamala Harris won.

    1. lol! This time you'll use the Congress to elect the President. The fixx is already in. The "UniParty" will do exactly what Macron did, toss democracy in the trash can.

  7. Nancy refused to allow that to happen in 2020. She faked a bomb threat instead to cut off the inquiry.

    BS. Also tinfoil hat nuttery.

    1. So who's the bomber, derv? Who dumped the cell phone tower records?

  8. If something is unknown then whatever you want to be the truth -- is?

    OK, I'll make up my own explanation then. The bomber was 100 percent a rightturd. Almost certainly one tasked by a tяump ally as part of the plan to get Pence to flee so he could be replaced by Grassley. Just in case the mob of tяumpturds d0n-0ld sent didn't enter the Capitol.

  9. Minus: Who dumped the cell phone tower records?

    Why the question mark? That is definitely known. It was the secret service. To get rid of the evidence that they were coordinating to help tяump.

  10. ...and now they're plotting security lapses so that Trump can be assassinated. Got it!

    *fickle b*stards*

  11. Yes. I do think these fake assassinations are being planned to help tяump. I am now 100 percent convinced. You convinced me -- conspiracy theorists are so often right.

  12. They are absolutely right. Isn't that what you believe re your mind reading which allowed you to determine that I am secretly a rightturd?
