Saturday, September 21, 2024

For Bomb-Free Pagers and Walkie-Talkies, Buy Chinese!

 Distrust - The beginning of the end of Globalism?


  1. The Chinese are very intelligent people and technologically ahead of many nations. Perhaps their pagers and walkie talkies are equipped to protect the users by having apps on them that can perform Taekwondo, Taekkyon, Subak, Tang Soo Do/Soo Bahk Do, Hapkido, Hanmudo, Gungdo, Kung Fu, Karate, Judo or other Chinese Martial Arts. I'm suddenly craving Haitian chop suey with fried cat and fried rice, LOL!


  2. Very interesting, dozens of electronic communications devices
    exploding. The explosives type and arrangement is sophisticated enough, but how the heck were they placed without the owner's knowing it? What's next, detonating ice cream cones?

    1. IDF had penetrated their comms, so they announced a switch to Pager-tech. Ever see the HBO series "The Wire"?

  3. This is my first comment in this thread. It's Mystere who hates Chinese people and thinks everyone he hates loves Chinese people. Comments from d0n-0ld such as "I like President Xi a lot, he was a very good friend of mine during my term" simply do not exist for Mystere. Due to the cognitive dissonance they cause. Mystere simply does not hear such comments. Even though d0n-0ld said this very recently.

    I am convinced that Mystere is very mentally ill. Keep in mind that I have been interacting with him online for over a decade. My conclusion is that he is quite crazy.

    There is no such thing as "Haitian Chop Suey", Mystere.

    Bing: Regarding “Haitian chop suey", there doesn’t seem to be any well-known dish by that name. Chop suey is generally associated with Chinese-American cuisine and involves a mix of meat and vegetables in a savory sauce. There are variations of chop suey in different cultures, but none specifically linked to Haitian cuisine.

    1. And your problem, dervy, is that you take yourself too seriously to have a sense of humour.

  4. d0n-0ld was joking when he said he likes Xi a lot? For you, everything objectionable tяump says is a "joke". Like "яussia, if you're listening" was a "joke".

    1. What's wrong with liking Xi a lot? Or Putin, for that matter? You can't like flawed people?

    2. ...and what's wrong with playing dumb? Kamala does it to seem "endearing" all the time... the "Kamala cackle"... as opposed to the more sinister "unburdened by what has been/ unencumbered by history" Marxism

  5. "unburdened by what has been/ unencumbered by history Marxism" is imaginary.

    Why don't you ask Mystere why he hates Xi (and Chinese people in general) with such intensity?

    d0n-0ld likes dictators because he wants to be one himself.

    That is quite the NewSpeak from you, btw. A brutal dictator who is responsible for many deaths is a "flawed person".

    1. ...and for you, it's your next Democratic presidential candidate.
