Friday, September 27, 2024

The Left has become the New Right Establishment Party


  1. I thought I was center right? It seems your delusions are getting worse. If now I'm 100 percent right wing. Do I think it's time to start dismantling the social safety net? Am I convinced that social security should be privatized? Did I go from strongly opposing george bush's illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to now (looking back) think they were a good idea? I thought I was for health care available for all and which goes much further than the ACA, but I'm actually against that? Why would I not know about these positions you say I have?

    I think it might be time to start taking Seroquel again. Or has your doctor prescribed Risperdal?

  2. Center right is still right wing, Derv. And unlike you, I don't take suppositories.

  3. The positions I support that prove I am a Lefty -- in your delusions those are all rightwing positions?

    1. No, it means that your "government responsibility avoidant"... because that's what "institutionalized wokism" is... a racial excuse for not carrying out responsibilities, like teaching inner city youth math. Math is racist... after all, and THAT's why we can't teach it.

    2. Law enforcement can't be done because it's full of racist cops...

  4. Yes, I do see the tinfoil pattern. Math can and is being taught. It isn't racist. That's absurd. Law enforcement can and is being carried out. Despite the very real racist cop problem. Bigly reforms are needed.

  5. Border enforcement is necessary. Though rightturds definitely wish to carry it out in a racist manner. But racism isn't an integral component of border enforcement as rightturds believe. Why you opposed the bipartisan border bill. The racism was missing.

    1. So were the 5,000 immigrants a day that would have been allowed in under the "enforcement bill" before border enforcement for the day even began...

    2. It wasn't a border enforcement bill, it was a border unenforcement agreement bill.

  6. Minus: So were the 5,000 immigrants a day that would have been allowed in under the "enforcement bill" before border enforcement for the day even began..

    "This is one of the most widely mischaracterized provisions in the Senate bill", said Michelle Mittelstadt, the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute's communications director. "The legislation would not allow for the entry of 5,000 illegal immigrants a day". link

    1. That is BS.

      The 5000 number refers to the number of encounters with immigrants and border patrol agents. It is not the number of people being let in.

      "...if officials record 5,000 encounters a day over seven consecutive [that] compels the Homeland Security secretary to use an emergency authority to bar people from requesting asylum..."

      The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 14) ... states that everyone has the right to seek and enjoy asylum from persecution in other countries.

      That is why this border deal was such a huge win for Republicans -- it gives them what they want -- which is to violate the human rights of brown people attempting to cross our southern border.

      You hate it because you want to violate the human rights of these brown people all day, every day. Not just when the numbers become so great that they overwhelm our ability to process them.

      FYI, the average rate that asylum is granted is 30 percent. 70 percent of brown asylum seekers are sent back.

    2. While the 1st 5,000 do, request asylum and are released into the country to await their court date, 7 years hence.

    3. point of order... do the Tren de Aragua gang members flown in from Maiquetia count towards the total encounters figure?

  7. Minus: While the 1st 5,000 do, request asylum and are released into the country to await their court date, 7 years hence.


    Bing -- Here’s a breakdown based on recent data...

    Expedited Removal -- In Fiscal Year 2020, expedited removals accounted for 41% of all removals from the country. This means that a significant portion of individuals who do not pass the credible fear interview are quickly sent back to their home countries.

    Allowed to Stay for Hearing -- For those who apply for asylum and go through the court process, about two-thirds (66%) are found legally entitled to remain in the U.S., while approximately one-third (34%) are ordered deported.

    Hearing Timeline -- The timeline for asylum hearings can vary. While some cases may take years due to backlogs in the immigration court system, it’s not a standard 7-year wait for all cases. While there are delays and backlogs in the system, it’s not accurate to say that all asylum seekers are released and then wait 7 years for a hearing. The process involves multiple steps and varies depending on individual circumstances. [end Bing response]

    We could remove many asylum seekers a lot faster if we hired more judges and got rid of the backlog.

  8. Tren de Aragua gang members are not being “flown in”. Who, in your delusions, is flying them in? The Biden administration?
