Friday, September 27, 2024

How DARE Eric Adams Oppose US Immigration Policy?


  1. Lizz Cheney, a longtime Republican, turned Democrat said that the Republicans as well as the Now Democrats “has rejected the Constitution in the name of supporting Donald Trump” as now Kamala Harris and that Mike Johnson should Not be speaker.

    “Whether it’s organizing a new party — look, it’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party, and now Joe Biden/Kamala Harris have, given and what it has done, can make the argument convincingly or credibly that people ought to vote for third Party candidate until it really recognizes what it’s done,” Ms. Cheney said at the Cap Times Idea Fest in Madison, Wis.
    And by the way, just by chance, Ms. Cheney was speaking at the same time that Ms. Harris was also in Madison, holding a rally across town. Ms. Cheney said she had spoken with the vice president since announcing her support and hinted that she might participate in the campaign in some way
    Personally, I suggest that She can be a party of ONE .! Her own Constituents in WY kicked her Stupid, and Idiotic Democratic Ass to the Curb.

  2. Liz Cheney is still very much a republican. But "Opinionated" is talking about a "Lizz Cheney", which is a person that doesn't exist. Obviously "Opinionated" is referring to his (or her) delusions. Delusions concerning an imaginary "Lizz Cheney" that was a longtime republican who "turned Democrat".

    It seems that mental illness is quite prevalent among rightturds. That guy who used to comment here, Qtard, is another example of rightturd craziness. According to him, he was my alter ego. Apparently he disbelieved his own existence.

  3. Lizz Cheney, a longtime Republican, turned Democrat = imaginary.

  4. Lets face it and call it like it is! Women voters put Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, and Joe Biden in the White House. And look at the MESS that they put us in. Not enough thought was put into the process when women were given the vote.
    There's no reason Biden should have won. Trump was great then and Trump should have been the next president. It’s the women sr fault the worlds a mess right now. Biden, and Kamala Harris is to blame.

    I think Bill Clinton was a pretty good president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

    You can look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the four Trump years. We had no Wars, the Economy was doing great, everybody was happy. And now the women want to put Kamala in the White House for ONE REASON ONLY! Just Because She’s A Women. THERE CAN BE NO OTHER REASON. She doesn’t have any other reason. In fact she should never have been the Vice President either. It was only the Stupidity of Joe Biden that put her there!
    All the Women’s Sororities are mobilizing for Harris, Only because the she sis a Female!

  5. You think she's a Democrat too? In your delusions?

  6. ...Cheney voted with Trump 92.9% of the time he was in office from 2017 to 2021. Her votes clashed with Trump's positions 13 times... link

    That means she voted with tRump 170 of 183 times. That (in your delusions) makes her a Democrat? The 13 disagreement votes or the 170 votes in agreement with tRump? Because if it is her 170 votes that agreed with the tRump position, wouldn't that mean tRump is also a Democrat?

  7. Mitch McConnell is tRump's bitch. He isn't going to be there much longer, though. I doubt he will be on earth much longer. He's probably going to be going to hell pretty soon.

    "Mitch voted with Trump 91.4% of the time" -- yet somehow he's a "rhino". I looked for Vance's percentage, but couldn't find it. Though I didn't put a lot of effort into it. I suspect his percentage is lower, though. Yet he isn't a "rhino" apparently. Unless you think he is. You said you don't trust him. Though are hopeful he will prove himself. I hope he doesn't get the chance and that this is the end of his political career.

    1. Mitch isn't a Rhino, he's a turtle. He wouldn't stick his neck out for a truly conservative cause if his life depended upon it.

    2. You should be very careful of pretending to be God, Dervish. Wishing a soul to go to hell is very displeasing to God Almighty. It can backfire and send you there instead.

  8. RINO. Aka "republican in name only". What d0n-0ld tRump is. Real republicans are now called "Never Trump".

    1. They (Neocons) were ALWAYS Democrats. They've finally come home to political party that spawned them. When/Whilst they called themselves "Republicans", they were/are RINOs. Republicans In Name Only.

  9. Neoconservatism is a political movement that began in the United States and the United Kingdom in the 1960s during the Vietnam War among foreign policy hawks who became disenchanted with the increasingly pacifist Democratic Party ... Neoconservatives typically advocate the unilateral promotion of democracy and interventionism in international affairs, together with a militaristic and realist philosophy of "peace through strength". link

    I'm listening to the veep debate right now. Vance's initial comments were about how d0n-0ld believes in "peace through strength".

    Many adherents of neoconservatism became politically influential during the Republican presidential administrations of the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, peaking in influence during the administration of George W. Bush, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Prominent neoconservatives in the George W. Bush administration included Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, Paul Bremer, and Douglas Feith.

    Neoconservative = republican.

    1. Neocon = Never Trumper. Democrats once again! NED=NDI+IRI++=US IC=Deep State

  10. NeverTrump is neocon. Also republican. Real ones. That is why you lie about them being "RHINO". Even though d0n-0ld supported the Iraq war. He told Howard Stern. He only pretended to be against it in 2016 to take out Jeb bush in the primary.
