Saturday, September 7, 2024

Good Physical Health is "Bad for US Business"

...another reason why 1st World Values aren't good for the general human population on Planet Earth.  If the Medical Profession produced cures for the underlying diseases, and not merely treatments for alleviating the symptoms of them, their "share of US and World GDP" would crash substantially.  In other words, "Good Physical Health is Bas for US Business".

1 comment:

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

NYT: Doctors tend to earn very high salaries compared with average Americans, but the highest-paid doctors earn many times as much as those in the lower-paying specialties. The fields with higher average salaries tended to contain more doctors who were Republican, while the comparatively lower-paying fields were more popular among Democrats. link

Maybe good physical health is bad for the salaries of republican doctors? They're the ones raking it in.