Sunday, August 4, 2024

Why Blogs & US Globalism Become Toxic

...and why Democrats support Blacks & Minorities (as fetish objects):
Making other Americans pay for the Democratic Party's own crimes.  Transference + Guilt-Pride = Weaponized Woke Anti-Racism (=New US foreign policy goals).  Just like Germany's unwaivering support for Israel keeps Palestinians from becoming naturalized German citizens by making them recognize Israel's existence (and pre-screen out those who can't walk away from their former Omelas).


  1. Minus: ...and why Democrats support Blacks & Minorities (as fetish objects)...

    Nope. Support as allies in the fight against rightturd White Supremacy and reverence of the oligarchs. That's what Qtard's "Demn-communist" and "commie talks" BS concerns. The fact that the right has allied with the uber wealthy and the oligarchs.

    Oligarchs = righturds saviors and "alpha males" who they revere like gods.

    Minus: Making other Americans pay for the Democratic Party's own crimes. Transference + Guilt-Pride = Weaponized Woke Anti-Racism...

    The republiturd party's embrace of White Supremacism isn't a Democratic party "crime". That crime is being committed proudly by rightturds right NOW. In the PRESENT. fyi, a super majority of Black voters know this. They don't hold the current Democratic party responsible for what some dead people who might (or might not) have been Democrats did in the long ago past. They can see for themselves what is going on RIGHT NOW. Which is that the republicans nominated an orange White Supremacist as their party leader.

    "Guilt-Pride" is imaginary. Imagined by White Supremacists to explain to poor White (and middle class) dupes why White people would be concerned about past crimes against minorities or ONGOING racism.

    Minus: Just like Germany's unwaivering support for Israel keeps Palestinians from becoming naturalized German citizens by making them recognize Israel's existence.

    Oh. So then you disagree with d0nald tRump's Plan to deport pro-Palestinian protesters? tRump says "Any student that protests, I throw them out of the country".

    republiturds are pro-free speech and anti-censorship??? BS. Does he want to deport only foreign student protesters here on student visas, or US citizen protesters too? You'd support deporting students from both categories?

    Or are you opposed to calling Joe Biden (and Kamala Harris) antisemitic for saying to NuttenYahoo, "hey, maybe try to kill fewer Gazans"? Or maybe you're supporting the pro-Palestine student protesters... because it looks bad for Biden? If/When tRump is predisent again, then you'll be against them? Am I right, or am I right?

  2. Please, you're nothing but a cloudserf begging for a surplus salary, seeking to become a prole amongst proles.

  3. Now go whisper to Acxiom what your latest desire is. I've work to do.

  4. Your market branding categories (race/sex/religion) are of no interest to me.

  5. Minus: Your market branding categories (race/sex/religion) are of no interest to me.

    That is because (as a straight White Male) that is the ONLY identity that means anything to you. I believe you that you don't care about people having other identities. In your view (as a White Supremacist) Straight White Males should be running the world and the world should be entirely Straight-White-Male-centric. People with other identities should shut the hell up about them and accept that they are subservient and inferior to their White masters.

  6. lol!

    That's funny coming from a Woke Supremacist that needs imaginary White Supremacists like the Nazi's needs Jews...

  7. "Vote Democrat and save our "democracy" from the racist MAGA Jews!"

  8. I find it hilarious that the actual Left makes fun of the Neoliberal Democrats playing "white saviours" like you.

  9. When all you really do is prop up establishment billionaires who appoint your leaders to govern you.

  10. ...and take jobs away from the very people you claim to protect!

  11. Like ALL Commies... yawn. (that's why they need "class-close" to do their job)

  12. \\I believe you that you don't care about people having other identities.

    Do they care about my?

    Well... I would not like too close attention to it.

    Well... if not some straight White Female... oh, shit... that makes TWO of em.

    And some straight Blakk Female... that's three.

    And some... you call "Asyan"... that's four?


    PS I bet FJ will agree with it too. ;-)

  13. \\People with other identities should shut the hell up about them and accept that they are subservient and inferior to their White masters.

    Like "yellowish" Chinese? ;-P

    You still UNABLE to admit fairly and squarely being White... and Surrime (for you, personally ;-P)

    \\Nope. Support as allies in the fight against rightturd White Supremacy and reverence of the oligarchs.


    Like Ukrainian allies?

    Or that is just how DEMN-Commies DO SUPPORT ALL of their so-called allies?

    \\The fact that the right has allied with the uber wealthy and the oligarchs.

    And what's the problem with it? ;-P

    There is a little number of wealthy... and few who are oligarchs.

    So... under One Citizen One Vote rule you DEMN, who supporting Workers SO MUCH -- will always WIN over em. ;-P

    \\Oligarchs = righturds saviors and "alpha males" who they revere like gods.

    Well... as far as that "gods" provide food and shelter... isn't it good idea to support em? ;-P

    Because... DEMN-Commies able only to ROB em off... with rising taxes, so business CANNOT pay salary anymore, and workers going on a streets, become beggars...
