Sunday, August 4, 2024

On Pathetic Neoliberal Leftism - ala Dervishism

...for they would NEVER walk away from Omelas.
Salvador Dali, "
Kneeling Woman" (1968)


  1. Maxine Waters has a butt fugly twin? Who knew?

  2. Yeah... cause you are fool-blooming Commie. ;-P

  3. Dervish is the greatest defender of neoliberalism that the world has ever known.

  4. Minus: Dervish is the greatest defender of neoliberalism that the world has ever known. your strong delusions. In reality I'm opposed to neoliberalism.

    Wikipedia: A prominent factor in the rise of conservative and right-libertarian organizations, political parties, and think tanks, and predominantly advocated by them, neoliberalism is often associated with policies of economic liberalization, including privatization, deregulation, consumer choice, globalization, free trade, monetarism, austerity, and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society. link

    Neoliberalism is a rightturd economic philosophy. Note that Qtard expressed support above.

    I am a Lefty Democrat, not a rightturd. Obviously you are extremely confused.

  5. YOU are their GREATEST defender, Derv. Zizek, Veroufakis, Assange... THEY are actual Leftists. And YOU are a neoliberal shill!

  6. I... forced to agree... with cretin this time...

    """...neoliberalism is often associated with policies of economic liberalization, including privatization, deregulation, consumer choice, globalization, free trade, monetarism, austerity, and reductions in government spending..."""

    ...that all and especially last thing -- that is DEFINITELY what DEMN-Commie cretin do not like. ;-P

    \\I am a Lefty Democrat, not a rightturd. Obviously you are extremely confused.

    Yeah... you are commie-totalitarian cretin.


  7. Neoliberals are the vassals of the technofeudal lords. If you support technofeudalism, you're a vassal supporting your lords. And so, Dervy is a neoliberal shill.


  8. Qtard: Yeah... you are commie-totalitarian cretin

    No. I'm not a commie. I'm not a totalitarian. I'm not a cretin.

    Minus: And so, Dervy is a neoliberal shill. qed

    QED: Definition. Latin abbreviation for quod erat demonstrandum: "Which was to be demonstrated." Q.E.D. may appear at the conclusion of a text to signify that the author's overall argument has just been proven.

    Definition for "QED" provided because you obviously don't know what "QED" means. I've never said I support "technofeudalism". I don't like Jeff Bezos.

    Obviously Minus doesn't understand neoliberalism either. d0nald tRump supports most (all?) of the tenants of neoliberalism. Though he lies about being opposed to globalism. Dupes like Minus believe him despite his poor "acta" record. d0nald tRump is mostly "verba".

  9. \\No. I'm not a commie. I'm not a totalitarian. I'm not a cretin.

    ...and you are NewSpeaking liar.

    Yawn. ;-P

  10. Dervy hates Jeff Bezos but loves every column inch printed in the WaPo.... why is that, Derv?
