Monday, August 26, 2024

Now Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Trump

Meanwhile in Biden's basement...

h/t - Baysider 


  1. All the fake Democrat Putin puppets are endorsing tRump. Big surprise.

  2. ...and all the Deep State midwits, Romney/McCain staff are endorsing their puppet, Kamala.

  3. Given your expertise, Joe, you should read and comment over at Bunkerville today:

  4. Yeah, ACTUAL republicans endorsing Kamala Harris is bad. While fake Democrats endorsing d0n-OLD is good. I got it -- only endorsements from America haters who stand with Putin count.

  5. THAT does it. No more jokes or denying of Hillary Clinton election interference fairy tales!

    ...and all those 30k e-mails were on Anthony Weiner's laptop gathering dust in an FBI closet the whole time!

  6. They didn't "gather dust". James Comey interfered in the election and announced the investigation was being reopened. Election interference -- that thing d0n-OLD is always shouting about. rightturds were ok with James Comey interfering to help tRump.

    tRump admitting his son colluded with Russia on behalf of the campaign isn't "a Hillary Clinton fairy tale".

    And Hillary Clinton had NOTHING to do with Roger Stone coordinating with Roger Stone re the release of HRC campaign emails stolen by Russia.

    Hillary Clinton had NOTHING to do with d0n-OLD's direct and public appeal to Russia to hack and release content from HRC's personal server.

    The many contacts between the d0n-OLD campaign and Russian operatives were not a "Hillary Clinton fairy tale".

    Wikipedia: By April 19, 2019, The New York Times had documented that "Donald J. Trump and 18 of his associates had at least 140 contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, during the 2016 campaign and presidential transition". link

    Calling obvious publicly confirmed collusion a "Hillary Clinton fairy tale" is moronic gaslighting. People who know what facts are -- they know the d0n-OLD campaign colluded bigly with Russia.

    Hillary Clinton is the person that joked when she remarked about wiping her server with a cloth. It was a dumb joke, but it was intended as a joke. Unlike d0n-OLD asking Russian hackers to steal Hillary 's emails.

    1. DNC money fabricated the entire muh Russia hoax. Repeating Democrat lies will never alter that fact.

  7. So tRump was in on it? He helped "fabricate" a "hoax" against himself? How did Hillary Clinton cause "Democrat lies" to come out of d0n-OLD tRump's mouth? Ventriloquism?

    1. She just paid her DNC law firm. the same one that had a terminal in their DC law offices with access to the NSA database creating illegal and unconstitutional "parallel constructions" for the FBI.

  8. Poor Assface Derpwood! Smoking hot Tulsi Gabbard burned his flaming flatulent stinkhole with her intelligence and common sense.

  9. For Mystere "intelligence and common sense" is alligence to Putin.

    1. Maybe. Imagine the alternative (allegiance to China Joe).

  10. No, I won't. Because that would be a completely pointless exercise -- imaging allegiance to an imaginary person.

    1. Is that why you love China Tim so much? The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders is imaginary?

  11. "The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders" is a Blogger display name. It's attached to an account controlled by a real person. "China Tim" is imaginary.
