Wednesday, August 21, 2024

New Left Democrats Desperately Cling onto their Last Political Issue...

...and begin Screaming Expletives in praise of the "essential consumer product" that defines AND completes their Democratic Identity"!  It was the Pill in '68.  Now it's Plan B in '24.

Don't you LOVE Capitalist Realism


  1. I'm strongly opposed to abortion, unless the MAN wants to abort HIS baby. No way it should be allowed for any woman to abort a man's baby. On the hand, it was fine (and not hypocritical in the least) for the 100 percent pro-life Rep. Scott DesJarlais to tell his mistress to abort HIS baby. He didn't want it and, as a MAN, it was his RIGHT to command his mistress to get rid of the unwanted thing of HIS.

  2. ...What if it's a woman who identifies as a man impregnated by a man who identifies as a woman? The Democrats will always just NewSpeak their way around it.

    The Constitution is a living document, after all!

  3. I see that you did not disagree with what Mystere wrote about how men have the right to control women's bodies. I can't say I'm surprised.

    And wtf does the Constitution have to do with this discussion? Maybe you're talking about 5th amendment property rights? A woman can't deprive a man of his property -- the potential baby he created using his sperm?

    1. Faking Mystere with your fake account is a bad thing, Dervish.

    2. I see that you don't comprehend the English language or the nature of a question... which explains everything.

    3. Is that because you think you know everything?

  4. "The Constitution is a living document" = rightturd scotus kings when they invented "presidential immunity".

    1. As opposed to the US Congress, where they exempt themselves from all the laws they write.

  5. Mystere: Faking Mystere with your fake account is a bad thing, Dervish.

    The comment you are referring to has the name "Mystere" attached to it. Proving it was authored and published by Mystere. As per the rational you use when you use your fake "Dervish Sanders" account to fake comments from me, asshole.

    If it is a bad thing for me to fake comments from you (you allege) then why is it not a "bad thing" when you fake comments from me, asshole?

    That other "Mystere" account is an account you use for "plausible deniability". You're writing those comments using your 2nd "Mystere" account specifically so you can blame me for them.

    Minus: As opposed to the US Congress, where they exempt themselves from all the laws they write.

    Translation: You're right.

    And that's a genuine admission of me being right. As opposed to one of your fake agreements where you write "you're right" -- then follow that with stuff I never said.

    1. 🔺Another rich retort butt blast from the king of chronic liars Dervish bin Satan-Sanders.🔺

  6. This is conservativism, MAGA edition, from Mother Jones:

    "During his father’s speech, Gus was emotional—normal for anyone proud of a parent’s big moment, whether they are neurodivergent or neurotypical. On social media, the right’s response to Gus’ expressions and emotions has been really weird: just go to any replies to videos featuring Gus at the event. Even Ann Coulter chimed in with a tweet she then deleted.
    In another since-deleted tweet, talk radio host Jay Weber tried to parody Tim Walz, tweeting, “Meet my son Gus. He’s a blubbering b*tch boy."

    Cruelty IS the point with neo-Nazis and other Trumpists.

    1. 🔺Oh look!🔺

      Assface Dervish's boyfriend Dave Dubya came by! Davey's giving Assface some badly needed Tampon Timi's Horse juice to jack Dervish from behind. And Davey brought something to bring out the Mama's Boy out of Assface Dervish.

  7. The Democrats Convention in Chicago should be renamed the "Virtue Signaling Cringe Olympics"...

  8. @Dervy - Different branches, different methods.

  9. The republiturd Convention could have been called the "Virtue Signaling Cringe Olympics"... Given that they were virtue signaling to White Supremacists.

    1. You'd know, being the only white supremacist at this blog.

    2. Yes, but in your NewSpeak a "White Supremacist" is an anti racist minority community ally.

    3. btw - where are all the "racists" that you're so anti? The only place you'll likely find them is in the mirror every morning when you shave. Cuz nobody else in America really gives a sh*t about anybody else's race.

    4. ...except for your own guilt-pride race cult and all those anti-Semitic Pseudostinians you love so much.

  10. The hate is the same, but Sturmbannfuhrer Rattrapper's remarks were more eloquent in the original German.

  11. Joe, speaking of white supremacists, do you still stand by your Fuhrer's demand that the exonerated Central Park Five be executed?

  12. Joe Con/-FJ,
    I'll take that as "yes", you still stand by your Fuhrer's demand that the exonerated Central Park Five be executed.
    Loyalty to your Fuhrer is uber alles, nicht Wahr?
    So it is written in Project 2025, the "Mein Kampf" of Trumpism.


  13. Radical Right projection:

    "btw - where are all the "racists" that you're so anti? The only place you'll likely find them is in the mirror every morning when you shave. Cuz nobody else in America really gives a sh*t about anybody else's race."|

    It's mighty white of Joe Con to declare the end of racism., since he can't even see it in himself.

    Joe doesn't give a sh*t that Trump gained legions of racist followers with his racist birtherism. They HATE and BLAME the Black president to this day. How "not racist" of them. Just look at their attacks on his wife to see their viscous racist hate.

    IF Joe Con even KNOWS a black person, he could ask him about "driving while black" and lecture him on how racist cops don't "give a sh*t" about his color.

    Joe can tell him that Blacks have no idea what racism is, but HE does, and it doesn't exist unless it's anti-HIM, of course.

    Because only white conservatives know what "real racism" is. It's all those "anti-white Black commies" and their "Marxist white anti-Trumpers" who are the real racists, amirite?

    Joe's favorite general Mike "Q-Anon" Flynn also knows who the "real racists" are.

    Flynn met with III%ers, J6ers, neo-Nazis & Q-anon cult members at neo-Nazi paramilitary training camp “88 Tactical.”

    “H” is the eighth letter. In neo-Nazi code 88 = Heil Hitler.

    But we can rest assured. Joe Con is also a "very fine" person, like his fellow neo-Nazis at Nick "I piss on your Talmud" Fuentes's "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville.

  14. Let's have a peek at how the guy Joe Con/-FJ supports reposts neo-Nazi content, shall we?

    Trump shared post from N-word-spewing account that claims “Hitler was right” and the Holocaust “never happened”

    Former President Donald Trump promoted a social media account that wrote that “the election must be too big to rig” above an image of a flag with the words “Trump or Communism.” (See what I mean?)

    The account Trump promoted is filled with extremist content, including claims that “Jews have been capitalizing on niggers for thousands of years”; “Adolf Hitler was right”; and the Holocaust was “the Holohoax. 6 Million never happened.”

    The account also wrote: “I'm a proud White Nationalist” and “Make Anti-Semitism Great Again.”

    Trump’s behavior isn’t an aberration: Media Matters also recently reported that Trump has frequently promoted a Truth Social account that's shared material calling for Vice President Kamala Harris, Gov. Tim Walz, and others to be killed.

    There is nothing subtle about the X account that Trump promoted: It is blatantly white nationalist and antisemitic, including writing numerous posts that deny the Holocaust and portray Adolf Hitler as a hero. Here are several examples:

    TheRISEofROD wrote in April 2023: “Adolf Hitler was right.”
    TheRISEofROD wrote in April 2024: “Hitler didn’t kill 6 million jews, but Stalin did kill 50 million Christians.”
    TheRISEofROD promoted a pro-Hitler video in July 2024.
    TheRISEofROD wrote in April 2023 that it is “my 1st Amendment right to call out the Holohoax. 6 Million never happened.” The account has called the Holocaust a hoax in other instances.
    TheRISEofROD wrote in August 2024: “Jews have been capitalizing on niggers for thousands of years.” The account also wrote that month: “Shut the fuck up, nigger.”
    TheRISEofROD wrote in August 2024: “Bin Laden was a CIA/MOSSAD asset so he knew exactly what was going on. Jews did 9/11 and he was the patsy.”
    TheRISEofROD wrote in August 2024: “The Kalergi Plan has been in action for decades to replace Whites in our countries. Mass deportations must happen to stop and reverse the evil jew scheme.”
    TheRISEofROD wrote in August 2024: “Make Anti-Semitism Great Again.”
    TheRISEofROD wrote in June 2024: “If you’re White and not a full blown patriotic White Nationalist at this stage in the Great Awakening then you’re a faggot.”
    TheRISEofROD wrote in February 2024: “I'm a proud White Nationalist.”
    This tells anyone with at least half a brain and a trace of conscience EXACLTY what Trumpism and Trumpists are.
