Wednesday, August 21, 2024

DEI - Democratic Convention Style!

Apparently, DEI only applies to superficial qualities like skin colour or ethnicity at the DNC.  No Diversity, Equity, or Inclusion of people with deeper qualities, like different thoughts or ideas or their own minds in their heads.


  1. Diversity of Thought = Democratic Party.

    The Democratic Party's tent is so large now that it includes Republicans. Meanwhile you were bragging about purging republicans who don't like tRump.

    "different thoughts or ideas" = White Supremacy.

    "stop arming Israel" people were welcomed at the RNC?

    d0n-OLD is speaking against the war criminal NuttenYahoo? Naaah... it doesn't look like it.

    1. And when the Pseudostinian asylum seekers come to America, it will have been accomplished by the Democratic Party. Terrorists loving terrorists.

    2. ...because Democrats just don't have different thoughts... they have NO thoughts... except cheating in elections for power.

  2. The war criminals are Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack 0bama, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger.

  3. Minus: ...Pseudostinian asylum seekers come to America...

    "Pseudostinian asylum seekers" will NEVER come to America. Because they are imaginary.

    Minus: will have been accomplished by the Democratic Party.

    Your rightturd delusion. In reality asylum seekers are vetted.

    Minus: Terrorists loving terrorists.

    Yeah. rightturds definitely love terrorists. Call them "hostages" and want to give them pardons.

    Minus: ...because Democrats just don't have different thoughts... they have NO thoughts... except cheating in elections for power.

    Projection. d0n-OLD cheated in 2020 and still lost. Then he attempted an insurrection and failed. There will absolutely be more republiturd cheating this time. They WILL try (and might be successful) in moving the election to the House. As they did the last time.

    Otherwise I think Harris will likely win and become the next president. d0n-OLD is hated. People are sick of him and want him to go away (hopefully to prison where he belongs).

    People want the Turd rfkjr to go away as well. I've heard he is going to show his true Turd colors and will be endorsing the Orange Turd for predisent soon Proving that he never was a Democrat. His turd endorsement will help tRump, because (if he had stayed in the race) he would have taken votes from tRump and not from Harris (as you moronically claimed).

    The people Mystere called "war criminals" are only guilty of war crimes in Mystere's delusions. NuttenYahoo is a bigly war criminal. He won't even negotiate to save the lives of Israeli hostages. The corrupt criminal Turd NuttenYahoo (even not counting his war crimes) belongs in prison.

    1. "Pseudostinian asylum seekers" will NEVER come to America. Because they are imaginary.

      Liar! Who do you think is screaming "Death to Israel' outside the Democratic Convention in Chicago, Dervy, your imagination?

    2. They'll be as vetted as the Afghani's were... which means "NOT vetted". as were also the thousands of frauds from Venezuela...

  4. Minus: Liar!

    Obvious NewSpeak. The page you link to concerns Palestinians, not any imaginary "Pseudostinian".

    Minus: Who do you think is screaming "Death to Israel' outside the Democratic Convention in Chicago, Dervy, your imagination?

    No, yours. Looked at the page you link to. There is nothing there about anyone screaming "death to Israel".

    HOW could people not here (though potentially "imported" in the future) be outside the Democratic National Convention? Are they here on tourist visas?

    1. Palestine is a country?

      Political relations between the State of Palestine and the United States have been complex and strained since the 1960s. While the U.S. does not recognize the State of Palestine, it recognizes the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the legitimate representative entity for the Palestinian people; following the Oslo Accords, it recognized the Palestinian National Authority as the legitimate Palestinian government of the Palestinian territories.

      Due to its non-recognition of Palestine, the U.S. does not maintain any official diplomatic offices in the Palestinian territories nor does it provide consular services to Palestinians, and the Palestinians have had no diplomatic representation in the U.S. since the closure of the PLO mission in Washington, D.C., in October 2018. The U.S. designated a "Palestinian Affairs Unit" within its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem for the purpose of handling relations with the PNA, but Palestine is presently maintaining a public policy of non-cooperation with the office and with the U.S. in general.[1] In June 2022, the "Palestinian Affairs Unit" (PAU) was renamed the "United States Office of Palestinian Affairs" and will report directly to Washington "on substantive matters"

      Gee, neither Fatah or the PLO are even in charge now... what to do for the poor Pseudostinians?

  5. Nope. Parole. Remember those University "encampments"?

  6. You have a very selective memory, Derv...

  7. Wikipedia: Reports published by CIS have been disputed by scholars on immigration, fact-checkers and news outlets, and immigration-research organizations. The organization had significant influence within the Trump administration, which cited the group's work to defend its immigration policies. The Southern Poverty Law Center designated CIS as a hate group with ties to the American nativist movement.

    1. The Southern Poverty Law Center designated CIS as a hate group

      The SPLC IS currently a hate group. How far they have fallen...

  8. Minus: Remember those University "encampments"?

    Outside the DNC? By definition a "University encampment" can only exist outside a University.

    So no, I definitely do not remember any imaginary "University encampment" outside the DNC.

    1. Your an idiot Derv. But then, we all knew that coming in.

  9. Wikipedia: As of June 2024, the State of Palestine is recognized as a sovereign state by 145 of the 193 member states of the United Nations, or just over 75% of all UN members. link

    Minus: what to do for the poor Pseudostinians?

    Absolutely nothing. Doing anything for them would be impossible, seeing as they are imaginary.

    1. "We" aren't part of the 145 Derv. Not that it matters to you.

    2. And pseudostinians implies "fakeness".... non nonexistence.

    3. ...a certain lack of "authenticity".

  10. Is that what makes it ok to slaughter them -- people who don't exist can't be killed?

    1. They can't? You sure? Wouldn't their killers have to believe that, too?

  11. You're the one who wrote the following...

    ...pseudostinians implies "fakeness".... non nonexistence.

    That is what I was responding to. YOU said they don't exist.

    I am sure they do exist.

  12. Is d0n-OLD, if he becomes predisent again, going to bomb American neighborhoods where Palestinian immigrants live?

    1. The depends whether or not they begin to bomb American neighborhoods where non-Pseudostinians live.
