Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Steady Drip, Drip, Drip of Truth Begins to Escape the West Wing...

“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?” 
-  Kevin Alfred Strom, White Supremacist and Pedophile nee "Voltaire"


  1. "Truth" is whatever Minus wants it to be. If he wants it to be true -- and finds some rightturd propagandist that tell him it is -- then it is true.

    1. πŸ”ΊSays Satan's Butt Pimple Ichabod Derpwood bin Satan~Sanders.πŸ”Ί

  2. Why not when the criterion for truth is an increased "feeling" of power, and not some objective event that EVERYONE can agree upon, Democrats AND Republicans.

  3. Power felt as 'Americans" and not just Democrats or Republicans.

  4. Funny though, most Democrats recognize now that their president is a potato. But then there are the "clingers" like Dervy, who despite all evidence continue to believe in "Biden 2024"....

  5. The truth lies in a consensus of "public knowledge", not the private knowledge in Dervy's head.

  6. ...the Overton Window has now shifted in favour of "potato".

  7. ...and so we OPENLY LAUGH at the remaining "clingers"... the Democratic Party "Flat Earthers".

  8. ...the Republicans are RACISTS!


  9. ...but it's true... it HAS to be if we (Democrats) are to remain "morally superior" to them!

  10. As George Soros says, "Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it's interested in operational success."

    Or RW Emerson: Alchemy which sought to transmute one element into another, to prolong life, to arm with power, — that was in the right direction.

    Americans always were and will be "pragmatists", after all.

  11. Wasn't Goethe's 'Faust' an alchemist, too? No wonder Oswald Spengler called our "The Faustian Age".

  12. Jeff Dunham, "Look, the Emperor wears no clothes!"


    1. And Dervish says "OH HO-HOH, OH HO-HOH! OH HO-HOH, OH HO-HOH!"

    2. Mystere: And Dervish says "OH HO-HOH, OH HO-HOH! OH HO-HOH, OH HO-HOH!"

      I have never said that in my entire life, Mystere.

    3. You did now!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    4. And by the way, I'm Rattrapper, not Mystere.

    5. And Dervish's month has been over for 9 days now.

  13. Barrack Obama:

    "You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

    And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

    There's no one here but us "clingers"...regaining our lost "powers" from the Overton-Window shifting alchemy of the elites.

  14. \\"Truth" is whatever Minus wants it to be. If he wants it to be true -- and finds some rightturd propagandist that tell him it is -- then it is true.

    Judging by ITself, cretin? ;-P

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ Why not when the criterion for truth is an increased "feeling" of power, and not some objective event that EVERYONE can agree upon, Democrats AND Republicans.

    No-no-no... you MUST admit THEIR "truth"... based on THEIR "facts"... and admit defeat from their strawmaning of ya!


    Because... because... because they will themself MISERABLE. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Funny though, most Democrats recognize now that their president is a potato. But then there are the "clingers" like Dervy, who despite all evidence continue to believe in "Biden 2024"....


    that's because it did not downloaded fresh "metodichki". ;-P

    \\The truth lies in a consensus of "public knowledge", not the private knowledge in Dervy's head.


    You Lie.

    (in cretin's voice mocking) %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Americans always were and will be "pragmatists", after all.

    Yankees of yankees? ;-P

    \\Wasn't Goethe's 'Faust' an alchemist, too? No wonder Oswald Spengler called our "The Faustian Age".


    That is just Traditional Society fer ya.

    Nobody knows nothing. Well, shamans claim knowing... but still, not everything.

    So... everybody, just ought to seek for their own clues.


    1. Q is Ichabod Derpwood bin §atan~§ander$666's kryptonite πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  15. /No-no-no... you MUST admit THEIR "truth"... based on THEIR "facts"... and admit defeat from their strawmaning of ya!
    Because... because... because they will themself MISERABLE. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Welcome to the Age of "Profilicity". Everything I post on my Social Media feeds is true! I've curated it. It's my SUPERPOWER!

    \\Funny though, most Democrats recognize now that their president is a potato. But then there are the "clingers" like Dervy, who despite all evidence continue to believe in "Biden 2024"....
    that's because it did not downloaded fresh "metodichki". ;-P

    The Daily DNC "Talking Points Memo"... yep, Obama's last minute "stalking horse" fatality screed.

    \\Americans always were and will be "pragmatists", after all.
    /Yankees of yankees? ;-P

    PT Barnum, "Advertising is to a genuine article what manure is to land, - it largely increases the product."

    \\Wasn't Goethe's 'Faust' an alchemist, too? No wonder Oswald Spengler called our "The Faustian Age".
    That is just Traditional Society fer ya.
    Nobody knows nothing. Well, shamans claim knowing... but still, not everything.
    So... everybody, just ought to seek for their own clues.

    Didn't Isaac Newton start out as an alchemist? ;)

    Dervy, "Alchemy is BUNK! I only believe in Science!"

  16. “And in what business is there not humbug? “There’s cheating in all trades but ours,” is the prompt reply from the boot-maker with his brown paper soles, the grocer with his floury sugar and chicoried coffee, the butcher with his mysterious sausages and queer veal, the dry goods man with his “damaged goods wet at the great fire” and his “selling at a ruinous loss,” the stock-broker with his brazen assurance that your company is bankrupt and your stock not worth a cent (if he wants to buy it,) the horse jockey with his black arts and spavined brutes, the milkman with his tin aquaria, the land agent with his nice new maps and beautiful descriptions of distant scenery, the newspaper man with his “immense circulation,” the publisher with his “Great American Novel,” the city auctioneer with his “Pictures by the Old Masters”—all and every one protest each his own innocence, and warn you against the deceits of the rest. My inexperienced friend, take it for granted that they all tell the truth—about each other! and then transact your business to the best of your ability on your own judgment.”
    ― P.T. Barnum, "The Humbugs of the World: An Account of Humbugs, Delusions, Impositions, Quackeries, Deceits and Deceivers Generally, in All Ages"

    “Science is another important field of human effort. Science is the pursuit of pure truth, and the systematizing of it. In such an employment as that, one might reasonably hope to find all things done in honesty and sincerity. Not at all, my ardent and inquiring friends, there is a scientific humbug just as large as any other. We have all heard of the Moon Hoax. Do none of you remember the Hydrarchos Sillimannii, that awful Alabama snake? It was only a little while ago that a grave account appeared in a newspaper of a whole new business of compressing ice. Perpetual motion has been the dream of scientific visionaries, and a pretended but cheating realization of it has been exhibited by scamp after scamp. I understand that one is at this moment being invented over in Jersey City. I have purchased more than one “perpetual motion” myself. Many persons will remember Mr. Paine—“The Great Shot-at” as he was called, from his story that people were constantly trying to kill him—and his water-gas. There have been other water gases too, which were each going to show us how to set the North River on fire, but something or other has always broken down just at the wrong moment. Nobody seems to reflect, when these water gases come up, that if water could really be made to burn, the right conditions would surely have happened at some one of the thousands of city fires, and that the very stuff with which our stout firemen were extinguishing the flames, would have itself caught and exterminated the whole brave wet crowd!”
    ― P.T. Barnum, "The Humbugs of the World: An Account of Humbugs, Delusions, Impositions, Quackeries, Deceits and Deceivers Generally, in All Ages"

    “The greatest humbug of all is the man who believes—or pretends to believe—that everything and everybody are humbugs.”
    ― P.T. Barnum, "The Humbugs of the World: An Account of Humbugs, Delusions, Impositions, Quackeries, Deceits and Deceivers Generally, in All Ages"

    ...or as Jacques Lacan would say, "Les non dupes errant!"

  17. How Global Warming became a "thing"...

    P. T. Barnum

    Advertising is like learning - a little is a dangerous thing. If a man has not the pluck to keep on advertising, all the money he has already spent is lost.

    Small doses of advertising result in nothing, obviously. It's like giving a sick person half the medicine he needs. It just causes more suffering. Give the whole dose, and the cure will be certain and decisive.

  18. Where does one advertise best? On the "news", of course! it's sure HOT today!

  19. ...maybe there's a "pattern" to it!

  20. I'll need a SUPERCOMPUTER to map and model THIS vortex!

  21. That's pretty expensive... how can I get the money? Maybe I should ADVERTISE in the newspaper... you know how the public loves a goofy Donald Trump story!

  22. ...and if I focus on one trivial thing, like rising CO2 levels, and ignore ALL the rest/ context... maybe I can get THEM to buy ME a new SUPERCOMPUTER!

  23. Ah, we're probably way too far into a sunk-cost fallacy to redirect our scientific research elsewhere... :(

    Kinda like the war in Ukraine!

  24. Well, best get back to pursuit of a "higher Telos"... ;)

  25. \\Didn't Isaac Newton start out as an alchemist? ;)

    There was no alternatives... that was The Science, of that times.


    SAME... as current "science" is The Science... in a minds of DEMN-cretins.

    That treat it the same -- as prophecies from shamans.


    By the way -- exactly what DiBi rawls about... wanting to be admitted Supreme Shaman. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

  26. He seeks "power" just like every good alchemist does. Only for some, it's a 24/7/365 volition, and others an 8/5/252 "job". You can guess which ones become "Supreme Shamans."

  27. ...the one who donates to the powerholder with the best advertisements, of course!

  28. \\ You can guess which ones become "Supreme Shamans."

    "Those, who know better"? ;-P

    \\...the one who donates to the powerholder with the best advertisements, of course!

    If only that'll be THAT simple... "those, who know better" -- would not need neither shamans nor alchemists... and not even technologists. ;-P

  29. I wrote a comment that I did not save. Clicked publish and I saw it. But it's gone now. That was awhile ago. Not retrieved from Spam yet. Minus might say there is nothing there.

  30. Mystere: You did now!

    No, moron. I cut and pasted from your comment. That's what is called a "quote". I didn't say it. I never will. That's your moronity.

    Minus: Power felt as 'Americans" and not just Democrats or Republicans.

    As long as they're White christianists. Those are the REAL Americans, right?

    Minus: Funny though, most Democrats recognize now that their president is a potato. But then there are the "clingers" like Dervy, who despite all evidence continue to believe in "Biden 2024"....

    Most Democrats realize donald tRump is a potato. Rambles insanity like about sharks and being electrocuted by electric boat motors -- which are designed to be watertight. You know, given that they are for BOATS. And boats are surrounded by water when in use.

    Minus: Dervy, "Alchemy is BUNK! I only believe in Science!"

    Fake quote. I understand the power of what you're referring to as "alchemy". It's the basis for tRumpism. Another example (re how George Soros primarily was referring to it in his book) would be the bigly overvaluation of GameStop stock in 2021.

    Minus implies that George Soros is using his wealth to fool voters. But he ignores what Koch (only one brother now) does. Their funding of the astroturf "Tea Party", for example. I have not read the Soros book, but my guess would be that he (re politics) identifies how the right fools it's gullible adherents.

    donald tRump is using this strategy by harnessing the racism of low information rightturd voters. It didn't work for Pat Buchanan, but it is working gangbusters for donald tRump.

    1. πŸ”ΊDervish is blushingπŸ”ΊπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  31. You can't harness what doesn't exist... but you sure can pretend to FIGHT against it! How hard would THAT be?

  32. btw - I state that I prefer a whole to two halfs, but them you claim that I now prefer 1/4 to the whole. What a moroon!

  33. ps - The Kochs are NeoLibs. I most REAL leftists, I Bigly dislike NeoLibs.
