Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Steady Drip, Drip, Drip of Truth About the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Continues....


  1. Vladimir Putin is a totally awesome dude and Ukraine should offer it's complete and unconditional surrender. That will happen when Donald Trump is emperor. Ukraine will have no choice but to surrender when The Supreme Ruler Emperor Trump cuts off all aid to Ukraine. In the meantime I look forward to Russian forces CRUSHING the Ukraine army. And continues slaughtering Ukrainians. LOL!

    FYI, libtards, The TUSA (Trump's United States of America) is going to pull out of NATO. Yeah, Donald Trump, as Emperor for Life, is going to slap his name on America -- just like he does on buildings. Suck it, libtards!

    1. 🔺Says Assface Dervish Sanders using his fake Mystere account.🔺

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. 🔺Dervish is a coward. He writes some retort, then removes it like the coward he really is.🔺

  2. \\Ukraine will have no choice but to surrender when The Supreme Ruler Emperor Trump cuts off all aid to Ukraine.


    Your supime ruler would need to start to provide Lend-Lease... to RFia. ;-P

    And do it ASAP. Maybe... from starting collecting donations for "chmobiks". ;-P

    Before it too late... and all of em die in next half a year.

    Bu-ga-gah!!!! %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  3. Sorry we screwed up your peace deal, Q. But once a cold warrior, always a cold warrior.

  4. ????

    Yeah... you screwed your Big and Mighty America way -- Bomb Em Out, and only then start asking questions.


    And reduced/disgraced itself to the level of scaredy mice.

    Big Yawn.

  5. Here. Your "Vladimir Putin is a totally awesome dude"... troops. ;-P

    Well... feel free to go to RFia... and enter their army -- they taking people from everywhere, today. ;-P

  6. Like I've said before, America loves "hard kill" solutions. If you prefer "soft kill", you'll need to listen more to the Brits.

    In TECH we Trust. G_d save the King!

  7. Quit LAME bragging. Will Ya? Yawn.

    USA -- paper tiger. Period.

  8. Yeah... bears dislike smell of piss... they say.


    PS Did you watched till the end? ;-P

  9. How it ended up for Ukraine.... plan survives first contact with the enemy.

  10. ...cuz you ain't got more than a pen-knife to defend yourself with.

  11. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ How it ended up for Ukraine....

    Ended??? Are you from some frealing parallel universe where it ended "in three days"?

    Or that is just Antipods's Syndrome. AGAIN!


    \\...cuz you ain't got more than a pen-knife to defend yourself with.

    And what have USA... against China nuke stockpiles rised to M.A.D. levels???

    Number of carriers risen past 10?

    And surrounded with nuke-having proxies???

    Or even -- surround USA.

    Or... you will wait for Pearl Harbor 2.0 -- which your Sworn Enemies -- will not give you.

    They NOT that stupid.

  12. Like the motto says, "In G_d we Trust!"

  13. Yeah... problem is -- god can suddenly... decide instead of placing his faith n you -- to start test you. ;-P

    Iona Trial, know? ;-)

  14. I suppose that depends upon your god. Mine took His hands off the wheel 16 billion years ago.

  15. The White Supremacist Christianist "god" has his hand firmly on the wheel. He has selected donald tRump as his "chosen leader". You're calling God's prophets liars?

    1. Mystere: Says the prophet of Satan.

      PhophetS. Otherwise you are right. Thank you for agreeing -- Prophets of Satan say donald tRump is "God's chosen leader".

  16. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  17. You calling the Universe Deterministic Derv?

  18. ...and not just chance random locally ordered?

  19. ...the fractal-like patterns within chaos?

  20. Then whites truly must be supreme.... @@

  21. STOP scaring cretin with impossible to know to it words! ;-P

  22. He's not scared. He's just mad he can't redefine them all... file off their "rough edges" and make them all "smooth"... like "marriage".

  23. Dervish has been taking a political beat down lately. His god Basement Dummy Bidet has been glitching so much lately.

  24. \\He's not scared. He's just mad he can't redefine them all... file off their "rough edges" and make them all "smooth"... like "marriage".

    Cretin -- cannot "redefine".

    How and when you'd get it -- that you trying to have discussion with mindless gramophone of DEMN-propaganda???

    Do you know Eliza program? Or... just any chatbot of today? ;-P

    1. Cretin's been snorting sloppy seconds from Hunter's Boofing of white china. Cretin keeps frying his microscopic pea brain, like the pinhead he really is.

  25. Qtard: STOP scaring cretin with impossible to know to it words!

    I didn't see any unknown words. Obviously you did.

    Minus: You calling the Universe Deterministic Derv?

    My comment concerned what christianist rightturds like Mystere believe. To you they are obviously useful idiots. Well, to tRump too. He isn't a christian, he only pretends he is. One bigly clue that the self-proclaimed prophets Mystere listens to are liars and not prophets at all.

    Minus: He's not scared. He's just mad he can't redefine them all... file off their "rough edges" and make them all "smooth"... like "marriage".

    Marriage has already been "redefined" and that is what makes you mad. Well, until the fasist christianist scotus kings overturn Obergefell v. Hodges and Lawrence v. Texas. I'm sure you can't wait for the coming theocracy under Supreme Ruler tRump the First.

    Mystere: Cretin's been snorting sloppy seconds from Hunter's Boofing of white china. Cretin keeps frying his microscopic pea brain, like the pinhead he really is.

    Mystere is referring to recent activities of his at the Frat House Bar and Nite Club. He hooked up with a guy named Hunter.They did blow and had anal and oral sex.

  26. Dervy LOVES Fauci... cuz he sanded off all the rough AIDS edges that made sodomy acceptable again!

  27. ...nothing to fear here... like monkeypox!

  28. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: STOP scaring cretin with impossible to know to it words!

    \\ I didn't see any unknown words. Obviously you did.

    Then... feel free to provide your thoughtful comments about "fractal-like patterns within chaos". ;-P

    But... naaaah.

    You will not.

    Cause -- cretin. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin, only to reveal more of your cretinism. ;-P

  29. And what did I "prophesied" ;-P

    NO comments from cretin about "fractals". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because there is nothing about fractals in DEMN "metodichki". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  30. Qtard: NO comments from cretin about "fractals".

    Yeah. Because you dunno what that word means.
