Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Biden Campaign to Elect Donald Trump President in 2024 Rolls On...

 “I look forward to getting back on the campaign trail next week to continue exposing the threat of Donald Trump’s Project 2025 agenda while making the case for my own record and the vision that I have for America: one where we save our democracy, protect our rights and freedoms, and create opportunity for everyone...”

-Joe Biden 


  1. Show... must... go on.


  2. It's a "reflexive" environment. It's "The Current Thing".

    Political "alchemy". :)

  3. "The Biden Campaign to Elect Donald Trump..."

    No, it's the Democrats attempting to force out our fantastic president Joe Biden who are trying to do that.

  4. If he's so fantastic, and Democrats only do what's good for the country, why would they do that?

  5. How should I know why some Democrats act so stupidly?

  6. And WHY is Kamala evil? Because she's Black and "knows" she isn't qualified? Maybe she should drop out too so a qualified White man can have the job?

    Though maybe you're saying she was among the Democrats that forced Joe Biden to resign? I doubt she was disloyal. You think you have some inside information? According to what I've heard, it was the donors who forced out Biden.

    That's pretty bad. Not as bad as on the other side though -- where two donors purchased the VP slot and slipped in their puppet. They must be expecting a LOT, given how much they are paying.

  7. An evil Orange Turd inched closer to destroying American democracy -- and the fascist-loving fake Christian Mystere rejoiced.

  8. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ How should I know why some Democrats act so stupidly?

    Isn't that because they are same as you -- cretins. ;-P

    \\If he's so fantastic, and Democrats only do what's good for the country, why would they do that?

    Did pShaw ALLOWED such question to be revealed? ;-P

  9. Show... must... go on. (in Freddi's voice)

  10. And WHY is Kamala evil?

    Because she deprived America of another four years of presidential excellence in Joe Biden, of course! What a jealous/ envious dirty rotten conniving b*tch!

  11. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Fer surA! ;-P

  12. But well... that DEMN-cretin already pivoted on that issue.

    And ready to double-think "I always praised Kambala as Best Prezidentass EVER!". ;-P

  13. "Kambala" is imaginary. I never praised any "Kambala". Well, maybe you're talking about yourself again? Are you "DEMN-cretin"? You must be.
