Saturday, July 20, 2024

Flattery will get You Everywhere!???

Is there a difference between flattery and loyalty?  Think Trump knows it?


  1. Trump isn't going to have the same trouble staffing the government that he had in 2017. The NATCons bring a pretty deep bench.

  2. True question is -- do he NEED to know it? ;-P

  3. Will place it here... if you'll permit, Joe.

    For derpy (and other DEMNs) harder to run away from it!

    \\Qtard: Means... that is NOT any factual stone cold facts... but some RUMORS, some WORDS of some "witnesses".

    \\The people themselves -- identifying as Far Right and Nazis.


    On video?

    Like HERE -- Russian NAZI openly claims "I'm nazi"

    But... WHERE is CNN... REPORTING such a case of OPEN and PROUD declaration from the side of Russia inhabitants?????!!!!


    It always "ukrainian nazis" who are on DEMNs mind.


  4. \\Qtard: As it started in after-match of First World War -- when newly created Russian government of Bolshe_viks -- decided to bad-mouth Ukrainian revolutio_ners that fought for independence of Ukraine from Russian Empire then turned B_olshevik's Empire. With FALSELY accusing em in doing "pogro_ms" of Jews in Ukraine(while perfectly knowing that that was Bolshevik's doing). THAT is when it all started.

    \\Sure. I don't disagree. That doesn't mean there are zero Nazis in Ukraine.


    Almost half a million of em -- Russian Nazis, on territory of Ukraine. Trying to genocide people of Ukraine and occupy freed from Ukrainians land.

    AND nearly half a million ALREADY buried in its soil.

    That -- I can't deny.


  5. \\There are, but in insignificant numbers. Putin says there are many more. republiturds agree. Yet you cretinicly blame "DEMN propaganda".

    And that was NOT you... who as "proof" of it "there are nazis in Ukraine" was giving article from CNN????

    Article -- WITHOUT any facts (like video or audio for at least, attached) -- just WORDS of that CNN journalist that claimed that he was in Ukraine and saw "nazis" there????

    AND... you NEVER was giving links to any OBVIOUSLY "republiturd" sources.

    Well... you NEVER was giving ANY OTHER sources... (apart from obvious liliPut's propaganda FAKES)

  6. rightturd populism is White supremacy. Glenn Greenturd is obviously a fan.

    Qtard: Will place it here... if you'll permit, Joe.

    It is the Glenn Greenturd video that contains Putin propaganda. This is a person with many subscribers. I have zero subscribers. And I refute Putin propaganda. More proof you don't give a shit about Ukraine. You just pretend you do.

    Qtard: For derpy (and other DEMNs) harder to run away from it!

    I don't run away from the truth -- unlike you.

  7. partial link translation: I'm a Nazi
    I'm a Nazi I won't go deeper
    nationalists patriot imperial 2
    directions then I'm just a Guria Nazi
    you can throw off your hand, you know when you
    you love a person, you feel excitement
    hunting who has not been to hunting try it
    interesting to Gaidar, well, the guys got burned
    burnt out at work, such a situation happens
    worked brilliantly

  8. \\It is the Glenn Greenturd video that contains Putin propaganda. This is a person with many subscribers. I have zero subscribers. And I refute Putin propaganda. More proof you don't give a shit about Ukraine. You just pretend you do.


    Because if I would care about Ukraine -- I would be spreading propaganda videos showing "Ukrainian Nazis"...

    and not Russian Nazi, SELF-ADMITTED Nazi, bragging about how he kill people -- Ukrainians.



    But... continue-continue, cretin. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  9. \\0:08
    directions then I'm just a Guria Nazi

    Well... lost in transcription/translation.

    Correct one: "I just DIRECTLY saying -- I'm nazi".

    Well... first two verses "ya na'cist... ya na'cist" -- that is ABSOLUTELY SPECIFICALLY DEFINITE 100% correspondence with "I'm nazi".

  10. \\0:10
    you can throw off your hand, you know when you

    That's... about "throwing hand up high" AKA nazi saluting.

    you love a person, you feel excitement

    And this one -- heinous, Antipode's Effect Style mistrancription/mistranslation.

    What ACTUALLY said was "when you KILL a person".

    He starts it with "L"... like "Lo... killing", and STUPID program writes it as "LOVING".


  11. \\0:19
    interesting to Gaidar, well, the guys got burned

    That "Gaidar" is totally wrong.

    What, IT... talking here -- it's bragging about burning soldiers from "Ai-dar" "nazi batallion".

  12. \\I don't run away from the truth -- unlike you.

    Yep. NewSpeakean LIE.

    Like that is NOT YOU who screamed NUMEROUS(or innumarable) times "I NEVER said it"???

    Like about "I *DO* deny...". Or about calling Ukrainians "nazis". Or claiming that dRump "gonna be in jail". &c, &c, &c.

  13. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Surely. You know that -- because you channeling propaganda all of the time.

    \\ Yeah, in your NewSpeak where facts and truth telling is "propaganda".

    Facts??? AKA Open and Obvious ref to Reality itself? ;-P

    Naaah... of course not. Your "facts" is what DEMN propaganda talks about -- that and exclusively that is what you calling "facts" here.

    And that way you "allowing to ITself" to say such HEINOUS things like "I *DO* deny..." em HAVING Human Rights.


  14. \\And you ABLE to admit facts (like about Sun rising in the morning) -- I give you that.

    \\No. That's not a fact. The Sun does not rise in the morning.


    And you swiftly start denying even that little credibility that you have gained... in such a harsh way.

    With chanting your NewSpeakean gospel.


  15. \\"Obvious" to dummies who are easily fooled -- like you. Don't understand and can't comprehend that the sun rising is an illusion. Think it is "open and obvious" that the sun rises ����


    Thank you for revealing backbone of your cretinity.


  16. \\Ukrainan political party Svoboda existing "said" it.

    In Ukrainian? ;-P

    You know that you gave ref to English web-site. One which have NOTHING in common with that "Svoboda party".

    And one -- Wikipedia -- where ANYONE can log in to, and add ANY text too.

    Like calling "commonly known as Svoboda, is an ultranationalist political party in Ukraine."

    So... what's that proves????

    Only that that RFia's FSB bent of using ALL and ANY means possible, to spread their anti-Ukrainian propaganda.


    Well... even by that ref it says that it was Social party.

    Well... there is grain of truth on that page -- and that is link to that party web-site --

    And what it says there?

    За гідне майбутнє
    без олігархів!

    For a decent future without oligarchs!

    Oh... but isn't that what your DEMN party and you constantly preach????

    So what... maybe DEMNs are "far-right" too??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because they battling against oligarchs too. ;-P

  17. \\Calling facts "propaganda".


    Because FACTS -- it's what can be observed and confirmed existing INDEPENDENTLY from anybody's words.

    And propaganda -- that is JUST WORDS -- repeated many-many times. But having NO factual base behind itself.


    And you -- NEVER EVER able to provide "facts" that are REAL FACTS -- means, exist INDEPENDENTLY from your sheer hot desire for em to be (like dRump being in prison ;-P)

  18. \\Also lyingly blaming Democrats when it is republiturds spreading Putin's propaganda.

    Like republiturd's outlet CNN??? Like republiturds speakers of DEMN WH????


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Qtard: And one -- Wikipedia -- where ANYONE can log in to, and add ANY text too. Like calling "commonly known as Svoboda, is an ultranationalist political party in Ukraine." So... what's that proves???? Only that that RFia's FSB bent of using ALL and ANY means possible, to spread their anti-Ukrainian propaganda.

    European Parliament: The All-Ukrainian Union Party or Svoboda ... has not concealed its nationalist leanings and adopts the Nazi "wolfsangel" rune in its logo. This symbol, which resembles a swastika, was worn by members of the Waffen-SS in the Second World War and was condemned at the Nuremberg trials. Svoboda has been accused of promoting anti-Semitism and xenophobia.

    The University of Tel Aviv concluded in a 1999 report that the Svoboda party is "an extremist, right-wing, nationalist organisation which emphasizes its identification with the ideology of German National Socialism". link

    That is an open and obvious fact -- they have NOT CONCEALED their Nazi alignment. But you deny open and obvious facts. Like sun NOT rising in the morning, but the earth rotating to face the sun. Because you are a lying NewSpeaking cretin.

    fyi, the excerpt I posted above is not from "edited-by-RFia Wikipedia". That is from the website of the European Parliament. Are they "RFia propaganda" too? In your NewSpeak where open and obvious facts are "propaganda"? Either "DEMN" or "Putin" or (some imaginary) "RFia"? Or maybe (speaking of things that are imaginary) liliPut's "body doubler"?

    Qtard: Oh... but isn't that what your DEMN party and you constantly preach????

    No. Because "DEMN party" is imaginary. But the Democratic Party doesn't "constantly preach" getting rid of oligarchs. In regards to American oligarchs like the German New Zealander Peter Thiel or the South African Canadian Elon Musk, Democrats only say tax them more.

    Qtard: So what... maybe DEMNs are "far-right" too??? **cretinic laughter**

    No. The Democratic Party stands against the White Supremacy that Svoboda and the American republican party stand for. btw, republiturds now pretend to for the little guy too. It's a lie to get votes. Acta non Verba.

    Qtard: Because FACTS -- it's what can be observed and confirmed existing INDEPENDENTLY from anybody's words.

    Yeah, independent from your lying words. Like Nazi completely non-existing in Ukraine.

    Qtard: And propaganda -- that is JUST WORDS -- repeated many-many times. But having NO factual base behind itself.

    Yep. You are describing your lying words.

    Qtard: Like republiturd's outlet CNN??? Like republiturds speakers of DEMN WH????

    Not like them at all. Because they are imaginary, existing only in your delusions.

  21. \\European Parliament: The All-Ukrainian Union Party or Svoboda ... has not concealed its nationalist leanings and adopts the Nazi "wolfsangel" rune in its logo. This symbol, which resembles a swastika, was worn by members of the Waffen-SS in the Second World War and was condemned at the Nuremberg trials. Svoboda has been accused of promoting anti-Semitism and xenophobia.

    \\The University of Tel Aviv concluded in a 1999 report that the Svoboda party is "an extremist, right-wing, nationalist organisation which emphasizes its identification with the ideology of German National Socialism". link

    \\That is an open and obvious fact -- they have NOT CONCEALED their Nazi alignment.

    WTF that "Nazi alignment" mean???

    Maybe that party was organized in 33-45 time and had some treaties with Nazi Party of Germany???

    Naaah. That was Soviet Party of USSR -- that have had Secret Treaty with Nazis.

    And parties of Europe have had OPEN treaties with Nazists AKA Munich Agreement

    September 29–30, 1938: Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement, by which Czechoslovakia must surrender its border regions and defenses (the so-called Sudeten region) to Nazi Germany.

    Munich Agreement | Holocaust Encyclopedia
    Holocaust Encyclopedia › content › timeline-event
    About featured snippets

    And where MANY european nations, governments and parties... that OPENLY and WILLFULLY colaborated with Nazis.

    Pot calling kattle black.


  22. Another word -- they doing that because they PRONE to that same DEMN/liliPut's propaganda (remember... it continues for OVER HUNDRED YEARS by now)


    Because Ukraine damn easy target. Especially today, when it drowning in war.


    PS Politics. Be it damned.

  23. \\But you deny open and obvious facts.

    What facts???

    That Russian/Soviet Anti-Ukrainian propagada have DEEP roots and was proliferated by commies and current RFia for OVER HUNDRED YEARS????

    How *I* deny it??? If that is what I OPENLY stated here?????????????

    \\ Like sun NOT rising in the morning, but the earth rotating to face the sun.

    And you can SEE that rotation... from point where you stand in ANY OTHER WAY... than looking at the skies, and spotting movement of thing there? ;-P

    \\Because you are a lying NewSpeaking cretin


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  24. \\fyi, the excerpt I posted above is not from "edited-by-RFia Wikipedia". That is from the website of the European Parliament.

    So what???

    You think there is NO agents??? Deeply implanted???

    There is story of Soviet Union LIES.

    Back from its beginning. In 1917.

    And BEFORE that -- whole history of RFia, Russian Empire, Moscovia... was built on LIE.

    Like claim that they are "Third Rome" (doesn't it look VERY SIMILAR to are "Third Reich"?)

    \\ Are they "RFia propaganda" too?

    Soviet Union Propaganda.

    Or what??? You deem Commies being truth-teller? ;-P

    Like when they LIED with straight face -- that there is NO nukes on Cuba?

    \\But the Democratic Party doesn't "constantly preach" getting rid of oligarchs.

    Well... that would be hard to explain -- how DEMNs propose to "getting rid of oligarchs",

    WHILE receiving RICH donation from em. ;-P

    \\No. The Democratic Party stands against the White Supremacy that Svoboda and the American republican party stand for.

    What a BS.


    That is MUST be Ukraine... that imported slaves from Africa... to work on plantations...

    so now population of Ukraine have... what exactly number of "non-white" AfroUkrainians???


    \\Qtard: Because FACTS -- it's what can be observed and confirmed existing INDEPENDENTLY from anybody's words.

    \\Yeah, independent from your lying words. Like Nazi completely non-existing in Ukraine.



    And never was giving -- a definition. Who is "Nazis"???

    Without it, it bona fide impossible to count how many "Nazi" could be in Ukraine.

    As for example -- if Nazis -- it's member of Nazi Party of Germany -- their number, in Ukraine or pretty much anywhere -- is most likely ZERO, by now.

    Maybe some very old hitlerunger, who happand to have long-long life...

  25. It was just announced on the news that the chances of democracy ending in the United States next year has gone up dramatically. Fascists around the country (and who post on this blog) will be gloating and celebrating shortly. F*cking pro-surrender Democrats 👎👎👎👎

  26. \\Qtard: And propaganda -- that is JUST WORDS -- repeated many-many times. But having NO factual base behind itself.

    \\Yep. You are describing your lying words.


    NewSpeakean lies. AGAIN.

    I. Always tried to provide FACTS.

    With FACTUAL quotes. And with providing links. Definitions of words.

    And... YOU... ITself was whining about it, till no end. How providing quotes and definitions -- somehow "flawed".

    So... now I have all logical reasons to claim that your this words -- "You are describing your lying words" -- is DIRECT and CONSCIOUS, NewSpeakean LIE.

    Another word -- you just trying to accuse me in doing something -- you ITself doing.

    Bur well, you are cretin, that's why there is NO surprise -- that you do use SUCH A STUPID lies.

    And still thinking that it'll give you some results.

    'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'.


    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  27. \\Qtard: Like republiturd's outlet CNN??? Like republiturds speakers of DEMN WH????

    \\Not like them at all. Because they are imaginary, existing only in your delusions.


    so now CNN and WH do not exist.

    Well... and what I have said -- you are never ending source of cretinic "revelations". %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  28. btw, in answer to the question, Flattery will get You Everywhere!???

    Yes, it will -- in regards to people like tЯump who have narcissistic personality disorder.

    "Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism". link

  29. It took a bullet to "upset" Trump, Derv.

  30. Qtard: so now CNN and WH do not exist.

    You say. Those are YOUR words. I said "republiturd's outlet CNN" and "republiturds speakers of DEMN WH" are imaginary. CNN and Democratic White House absolutely are real and existing.

    Minus: It took a bullet to "upset" Trump, Derv.

    It was a mosquito bite. Confirmed by donald tRump himself.

  31. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: so now CNN and WH do not exist.

    \\ You say. Those are YOUR words. I said "republiturd's outlet CNN" and "republiturds speakers of DEMN WH" are imaginary. CNN and Democratic White House absolutely are real and existing.


    And that OTHER words... written from your account, that: "Also lyingly blaming Democrats when it is republiturds spreading Putin's propaganda." THAT, was written by SAMEBODY else??? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Or... you ALREADY lost memory that that is YOUR words???? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Or... you just lost track of your lies? ;-P

    But... continue-continue, cretin.

  32. Dervy now LOVES conspiracy theories... "it was a mosquito bite"... LOLs!


    2. 🔺I take full credit and responsibility for the reply above!🔺


    3. The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders July 21, 2024 at 10:05 PM: "IT WAS A MOSQUITO BITE! CONFIRMED BY DONALD TRUMP HIMSELF! OH-HOH-HOH, OH-HOH-HOH! OH-HOH-HOH, OH-HOH-HOH!"😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

      Now that his prophecy "Joe Biden will be reelected for a second term" fell through, "The Bigly False Prophet Of Satan Dervish Z Sanders" has fallen into the pit of fake Conspiracy Theories. "The Bigly False Prophet Of Satan Dervish Z Sanders" eats fruit from the pit and yanks out each fake conspiracy theory that he births out of his joebidenholes.

  33. Mystere yanks out fake conspiracy theories he births out of his endo.

    Like the doozy he shared recently (and repeated several times) concerning Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Mike Johnson being poisoned and dying. Except for Mike Johnson. Apparently he will live.

    Well, all 3 will live. Since this absolutely won't happen. Also remember he predicted that the 2024 Democratic ticket would be Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

    I don't know how someone could make such obviously wrong predictions without trying hard to be so wrong. Is that what you're doing, Mystere?

  34. Not according to your standards...


    ...if its' in the shammy sham dictionary, it's real!
