Monday, July 29, 2024

Reagan's Last Joke...

h/t - Woodsterman


  1. Reagan and tяump = both had dementia while in office.

  2. Here it is... updated comment thread style.

    Joe... does Google give you any hints about such updates?

    Well... this one I like more. ;-P

    It goes under link --

    1. Threaded comments? Nope, Google does what it wants.

    2. Yap. That's how Reality works -- no matter what: do you want it or not, do you like it or not, do you prepared or not... it comes and changes. Everything.

  3. “Democrats can try to rebrand Kamala, but voters are already realizing Kamala’s more radical than Biden ever was.

    *Defund the police
    *abolish ICE
    *decriminalize border crossings
    *ban natural gas exploration
    *get rid of private health insurance
    *government-run daycare. We can’t afford Kamala Harris- a dangerous Marxist who wants to turn America into San Francisco.”

  4. Qtard dunno anything about reality. IT has proven that many times. Like, for example, IT's continuing babbling about some imaginary "Bi-den" and "Zero-bama". Now it has added to IT's babblings an imaginary "Captain Haggis". Qtard is seriously disconnected from reality. In reply IT will likely babble that IT is convinced that I'm talking about "your alter ego Qtard". When I have told IT many times that "Qtard" is IT's nickname.

    "Suzzane" obviously doesn't know much about reality either. It's only trumpturds who are "realizing" the misrepresentations of -- and lies about -- the Kamala Harris positions that she listed.

  5. \\Qtard dunno anything about reality. IT has proven that many times.

    I know it about your alter-ego "Qtard" ALREADY. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Like through it latest crazy talks that Sun rising in the morning is "delusion". ;-P

    But, well... you continue-continue, cretin IT. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Entertaining with your funny though totally bonkers cretinity. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard is seriously disconnected from reality. In reply IT will likely babble that IT is convinced that I'm talking about "your alter ego Qtard". When I have told IT many times that "Qtard" is IT's nickname.

    You sign OWN WORDS with... Oups!

    So self-revealing. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But you... current alter-ego that have control over SAMEBODY surely will reply that it "NEVER said it", and even if I'd give QUOTE... it will start screaming "I don't remember!!!... therefore it NEVER happened".

    Yes, cretin? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\When I have told IT many times that "Qtard" is IT's nickname.

    Talking in-between your alter-egos? ;-P

  6. Hey, lighten up on Dervy, he wasn't allowed to participate in the "Cucks for Kamaka" Zoom call the other day, not having enough money to properly Simp during the call.

  7. Is it true that Kamala has started an Only Fans site to cash in? Try sending her a thong, and have her model it for you... maybe you can get around the monetary minimum that way.

    1. Mamala's beard hubby will model the thong for Dervish to joebiden himself with.

  8. Qtard: You sign OWN WORDS with... Oups!

    No. I never have. I don't "sign" my words at all. Well, sometimes. When I'm not signed in and Blogger won't let me sign in. Then I enter "Dervish Sanders". I have never entered "Qtard". Not even once.

    Qtard: Talking in-between your alter-egos?

    I don't have alter egos.

  9. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: You sign OWN WORDS with... Oups!

    \\ No. I never have.


    Because you deleted em? ;-P

    So now you think you can proceed, with such a lies. :-))))))))))))))))))00

    But... continue-continue, cretinic liar and lying cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Well, sometimes.

    Yeah... "sometimes"... when someone of SAMEBODY making possible to type in some truth with SAMEBODY hands. ;-P

    \\I have never entered "Qtard". Not even once.


    Yeah... you a very secretive... about nicknames of your alter-egos.

    Must be... family business. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Talking in-between your alter-egos?

    \\I don't have alter egos.

    And you are liar.

    Heinous NewSpeaking liar. ;-P

    So... go figure. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  10. tяump needs an Only Fans. tяumpturds would shell out big bucks to see tяump's alleged strong powerful body. He claims "Ronny Johnson" loved looking at it. I bet Mystere would run up his husband's credit card bigly to see tяump in a thong.

    1. Dervish's queer fixation on a fictional "Mystere's husband" is his queer projection and admission of beating off with himself.

  11. Qtard: Because you deleted em?

    Impossible. Comments never written and submitted can't be deleted.

    Qtard: So now you think you can proceed, with such a lies. **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    Asking yourself?

    But... continue-continue, cretinic liar and lying cretin. **cretinic laughter**

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: Yeah... "sometimes"... when someone of SAMEBODY making possible to type in some truth with SAMEBODY hands. ;-P

    "Samebody" isn't a word. Though, yes, I know you use it when babbling about your "alter ego" delusions. I don't have any "samebody" alter egos. Ergo, you must be talking about your own experiences.

    Qtard: \\I have never entered "Qtard". Not even once\\ **cretinic laughter** Yeah... you a very secretive... about nicknames of your alter-egos.

    You are definitely talking about yourself, "anonymous".

    Qtard: Must be... family business. ;-P

    I dunno? You come from a family of mentally ill people? There is a history of mental illness in your family? Seems likely.

    Qtard: Talking in-between your alter-egos?\\I don't have alter egos\\ and you are liar.

    Well, we have established that you're the one with the alter egos -- so you're the one lying. Or in denial. Explaining why you keep insisting I have the mental illnesses that you clearly have.

  12. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Because you deleted em?

    \\ Impossible. Comments never written and submitted can't be deleted.

    Because? You... current alter-ego reigning over SAMEBODY -- do not remember that case? ;-P

    \\Qtard: So now you think you can proceed, with such a lies. **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    \\Asking yourself?

    Became confused after seeing OWN moniker "Qtard"? ;-P

    \\"Samebody" isn't a word. Though, yes, I know you use it when babbling about your "alter ego" delusions. I don't have any "samebody" alter egos. Ergo, you must be talking about your own experiences.

    People... who have split-personality disorder -- DO NOT perceive having alter-egos.

    That's why. Logicaly. I CANNOT "talking about your own experiences."


    But... that is YOU are one who CONFIRMING having split-personalty disorder -- when you claim not remembering, not recognizing OWN WORDS.

    But... continue-continue, crazy cretin. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Showing your cretinity.

    \\You are definitely talking about yourself, "anonymous".


    \\I dunno? You come from a family of mentally ill people? There is a history of mental illness in your family? Seems likely.

    Though you admitted it ITself... having whole family of DEMN-cretin. ;-P

    \\Well, we have established that you're the one with the alter egos -- so you're the one lying.

    "Established"??? With what??? ;-P

    Your OWN cretinic lies. About your OWN circumstances. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Which you are totally cretinic, no... bona fide crazy way... trying to thrug off and unto MUCH SMARTER opponent. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    With such a cretinic -- means, not based on ANY facts, lies. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
