Tuesday, July 30, 2024

America is Choking on Gas... Emitted by the MSM

Wayne Root, "The Biggest Gaslighting Scam Yet: Kamala Isn’t Winning. She’s Doing Worse Than Biden. Trump is Winning a Landslide. Here is the Proof."
We have been gaslighted so badly, so many times in past few years, it’s almost impossible to believe. But none has been as absurd as what’s happening right now with the fake news stories and fake polls about Kamala Harris.

Only a couple weeks ago, Democrat leaders were discussing how to dump Kamala from the ticket.

She was that big of an albatross. The most unpopular, unlikeable Vice President in modern history was an anchor on the Democrat Party and yes, even “the Biden brand.”

Only a couple of weeks ago, a crowd of Democrat consultants and donors was debating who the candidate should be. A top Democrat fundraiser actually said to the crowd, Kamala as the presidential candidate would be “more threatening” to swing voters than a dead or comatose Joe Biden. See: 
Top Democratic consultants debated Wednesday, before an audience of large Democratic donors, whether they could push Joe Biden from the race for president — and whether Vice President Kamala Harris would be worse than a “comatose” or “dead” Biden.

“Seventy-two percent of people want something different. Why not give it to them?” asked the former Bill Clinton aide James Carville on a conference call for dozens of donors to the Democratic SuperPAC American Bridge, a major source of opposition research and paid campaigns against Donald Trump. “They’re just asking for a different choice.”

Carville advised donors who want Biden out of the race to cut off money to politicians who won’t take their side.

“What I would say is, if we don’t do something about this, I’m going to put you on call block on my cell phone,” he said on the call, a recording of which was shared with Semafor by a donor.

The hour-long call Tuesday offered a glimpse at the panic inside the ranks of Democratic donors, as a parade of wealthy Democrats — some dialing in from vacation, and one taking jokes about skiing in the southern hemispheres — took turns asking Carville, Paul Begala, and Reid Hoffman adviser Dmitri Mehlhorn how they could push Biden out.

“What can we as donors do to encourage the change in the ticket?” one donor asked, capturing the sentiment on the call. “Continuing to have President Biden at the top of this ticket is giving people an excuse to vote for Donald Trump,” said another. “If you wake Joe Biden at three-o-clock in the morning and ask him who’s president, does he get it right?” fretted a third.

While Carville offered them advice on pushing Biden out and Begala stayed neutral on the question, Biden had one advocate. Mehlhorn, whose key patron LinkedIn founder Hoffman has been a staunch advocate for sticking with the president, argued that Biden should stay in the race — if in the darkest possible terms.

Swing voters, he said, already believed Biden is feeble — but they like Vice President Kamala Harris even less.

“Kamala Harris is more threatening to those swing voters than a dead Joe Biden or a comatose Joe Biden,” he said. “So if Joe has to go, it’s gonna be Kamala and if it’s Kamala, it’s gonna be harder.”


Mehlhorn tried to clean up the comments in an email to allies on Wednesday, arguing they had been taken out of context. Mehlhorn said he was trying to “reach the doubters by assuming for argument’s sake the extreme case of Biden being actually comatose” and that he was not trying to suggest Biden was actually comatose or that Harris would not be a viable alternative.

“Vice President Harris is a badass. A ticket with her at the top, combined with someone who balances her brand weaknesses (examples range from Mark Kelly to Andy Beshear to Roy Cooper to Josh Shapiro and many others), would absolutely be competitive with the criminally insane convicted felon the other side is committed to nominating,” Mehlhorn wrote in the note viewed by Semafor. “We would lose Joe’s superpower brand, but we would gain other benefits and would still be competitive.”
Only a week ago, the New York Times looked at the pros and cons of every possible Biden replacement and called Kamala Harris “the most unelectable” of any possible Democrat candidate.

And a quick reminder- for the past four years, virtually every poll showed Kamala was the only politician on earth more unpopular than her boss, Joe Biden (the lowest rated president in a century).

Everyone at the top levels of Washington DC agreed Kamala was thoroughly unlikeable, completely incompetent, and dim-witted. That’s a very bad combination.

Keep in mind Kamala was universally hated by even her own staff- 92% of the people working for her as Vice President quit over the past 3 ½ years. Staffers publicly called her “a toxic, soul-destroying bully.” See:
If Kamala had a TV show it would be called, “Everyone Hates Kamala.”

But Democrats had no other choice, but to replace Biden with Kamala…and then like magic, poof, the Deep State hit the switch…and their barking seals in the media obeyed instantly…and they all read from the same script…

Suddenly, overnight, out of the blue, they’re all telling us Kamala is popular, well-regarded, and get this- skyrocketing in approval rating, skyrocketing in polls, and in some polls actually leading or tied with Trump? How is this possible?

The answer is, it’s not.

Once again, we’re being gaslighted. Except this time it’s so fantastical, only a complete moron, fool, or delusional patsy would accept what we’re hearing.

If you believe this bullsh—t, I have a bridge to sell you in Las Vegas. Please make your $100,000,000 check out to “Wayne Allyn Root.”

Here’s the proof the polls you’re currently seeing in the mainstream media are total fraud. For years, the most accurate poll in the country has been The Democracy Institute, run by Patrick Basham.

Democracy only polls “likely voters,” as opposed to other biased pollsters (friendly to Democrats) who choose to poll any registered voter who picks up the phone. Up to one third of registered voters are not going to vote. And they skew dramatically Democrat.

These other polls also oversample Democrats. That’s how they have come up with such absurd numbers for Kamala Harris. Of course, if you poll mostly Democrats, you’ll come up with ridiculous fake numbers in favor of the Democrat candidate.

Here are the exact numbers used by Democracy versus other pollsters. Democracy used Democrats +2 for this latest poll. Meaning pollster Basham gives Democrat voters a +2 point edge- the exact number for the 2020 presidential election. Patrick believes the true number today is Democrats +1. But he is always cautious, so he stuck with +2.

But the polls you’re seeing now in the media claiming Kamala is suddenly popular and gaining on Trump, or beating Trump, are using Democrats +6, Democrats +8, and in some cases a ridiculous Democrats +10. This absurd, ridiculous, biased fantasy produces a “Kamala Miracle.” Voila- suddenly, she is popular.

So, what is the truth? What is the real snapshot of this election?

In the latest 100% honest, ethical, accurate Democracy Institute poll, with the electorate at +2 edge for Democrats, Trump is winning by a landslide of 8 points.

I use the word “landslide” because no Republican has won any presidential election by this big a margin since Ronald Reagan- almost half a century ago.

And of course, only the Electoral results matter. If Trump even loses the popular vote by 1 point, he’d almost certainly win the election with a large electoral victory.

In Basham’s Democracy Institute poll, Trump wins by 8 points because he is winning by a gigantic landslide with white voters, male voters, independents, and seniors.

Kamala is barely leading among young voters. Trump wins with Hispanics 51% to 48%, suburban voters 49% to 47%, and takes 22% of black votes.

The largest voting group in the entire electorate is working class whites. Trump wins 75% of their vote.

Trump wins by a whopping 35 points among men, while Kamala wins with women by only a razor-thin 3 points.

It’s also important to note, 62% of all voters believe Kamala Harris lied about Biden’s health.

Basham tells me the most important takeaway is that Trump historically ALWAYS outperforms polls- as many of his voters understandably don’t like to tell a stranger on the phone who they support. So, in reality, Trump almost certainly leads by 10 points or more. Which would be the biggest landslide since Reagan.

Want a little more “backup.” I’ve always found Rasmussen the other most accurate pollster. In their latest poll, Trump is up by 7.

So, there’s the truth. Reality. Trump is winning. BIG.

No amount of gaslighting can change that.


  1. Four weeks ago the NY Times was saying Kamala was death (Biden) warmed over... not they love her? How come?

  2. And WHEN only you'll GOT... that Commies will do ANYTHING, when POWER is in their GRASP.

    There is NO lie Commies will stop to think about before spouting.

    There is NO lies and schemes they may fear to overstep.

    Well... they ALREADY tried to KILL their political opponent.

    WAT???? You STILL think that after SUCH HEINOUS ACT there is SOMETHING... that they CANNOT overstep??????????!!!!!

  3. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ Keep up the gas???

    Into gas chambers of USA Demn-OK-ratsy?

  4. No, into fascist "president for life" tяump's prison camps under rightturd christianist theocracy.

    Gas provided by the bigly gaslighting Wayne Root.

    1. Dervish has gone for the sloppy seconds of Democrat Crack Boofing. By the way, Biden's been stowed away in 0bama's basement.

  5. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    Continue-continue, telling your DEMN propaganda Big Lies. ;-P

    1. Dervish misses snorting Bidet's Bigly Butt Blasts. He hasn't eaten for days. He misses his JoeBiden Butt Burritos and JoeBiden Butt Enchiladas.

  6. Qtard: Continue-continue, telling your DEMN propaganda Big Lies. ;-P

    YOUR rightturd propaganda big lies, re "Into gas chambers of USA Demn-OK-ratsy".

    1. 🔺OH LOOK!🔺

      Dervish came looking for his Scooby Snacks! Did you run out of those crunchy Tick, Fleas, Flies and Tapeworm Scooby Snacks, Ichabod?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Keep crying Assface. Your sick satanic fantasy of the assassination of Donald John Trump blew up in your face because God Almighty continues to protect President Donald John Trump.

  8. Qtard: Well... they ALREADY tried to KILL their political opponent.

    WTF? You're talking about d0nald tRump? Commies tried to kill him... in your delusions?

    Because a registered republican shot at him? You are truly mentally disturbed.

    1. Double posting your temper tantrum, Ichabod?

  9. Wasn't Satan too busy choreographing the Opening Ceremonies in Paris?

  10. I don't know anything about it because I have zero interest.

    Google says "Paris Olympic officials apologize for 'Last Supper' opening ceremony controversy. Paris Olympic officials apologized for an opening ceremony depiction of the Greek god Dionysus, which some believed mocked 'The Last Supper'".

    I don't know what that means. Mocks it how? I don't know and I don't care. But I doubt Satan was involved.

    Though those two things didn't happen at the same time.

    You don't like Greek gods? I thought you were super into ancient Greece.

  11. They apologized? Did Andres Serrano ever apologize for Piss Christ? Neither did the choreographer of that sh*t show on the Seine.

  12. \\Because a registered republican shot at him? You are truly mentally disturbed.

    Because TRUE DEMN-cretin who'd decide to kill dRump would come in DEMN-party colors and screaming to everyone that he's gonna kill dRump? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  13. DO... NOT registered as Reps people ALLOWED to come to Reps rallies???

    That is question EVEN CRETINS should be not having problems to understand.

    But you... in your DEMN-cretinity... will be claiming such a cretinic BS.

    Till the very end. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  14. Qtard: DO... NOT registered as Reps people ALLOWED to come to Reps rallies???

    He was on a roof across from the rally. You think they checked his party registration, saw he was a Republican, then let him go on the roof?

    Though, no, I do not think party registration is checked to attend a rally. I think that idea of yours is cretinic. And you asking that question proves you're a moron.

  15. Qtard: That is question EVEN CRETINS should be not having problems to understand.

    Yeah, I understand. You're asking that question because you're a cretin. They don't check party registration to enter a rally.

    Not all states even have such a thing as party registration. Where I live I'm registered to vote. I'm not registered as a Democrat or republican. I can select either a republican or Democratic ballot when voting in a primary.

  16. \\He was on a roof across from the rally. You think they checked his party registration, saw he was a Republican, then let him go on the roof?

    Oh... so you admit that that was DEMN plan in and out -- to give to dRump such non-competent US SS personnel and set it all all... for it to happen as it happened? ;-P

    \\Though, no, I do not think party registration is checked to attend a rally. I think that idea of yours is cretinic. And you asking that question proves you're a moron.

    And there is NO metal detectors on the enter?

    Or... "that idea of yours is cretinic. And you asking that question proves you're a moron.", too??? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: That is question EVEN CRETINS should be not having problems to understand.

    \\ Yeah, I understand. You're asking that question because you're a cretin. They don't check party registration to enter a rally.

    Whatever, cretin.

    Your such vigorous screams just CONFIRM that -- that to "blend with a crowd" is very important thing for one who decided to come to that rally... for "doing business". ;-P

    But... you continue-continue your monkey screams, DEMN-cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Be my guest. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I can select either a republican or Democratic ballot when voting in a primary.

    Or both of em?

    Or whole pack of rep or dem ones -- to give as much votes as possible... i.e. for Bi-den or against dRump? ;-P
