Monday, July 22, 2024

Joe Biden did the Dementia to Himself!

...Karma, Karma, Karma Chameleon!  Thanks again, Dr. Fauci!
h/t - Woodsterman


  1. This guy is a quack who should have his medical license suspended.

    d0nald tЯump also got the covid vaccine. Though he did it in secret so his moron followers would not find out.

    But d0nald tЯump has a family history of dementia. His Alzheimer's wasn't caused by the covid vaccine. Because there is no proven link between the covid vaccines and dementia.

    Minus FJ = tinfoil poisoning. It obviously leached into your skull.

  2. You are soooo anti-Science Derv... but all aboard with Scietisms like that the mRNA fiasco was EVER a "vaccine".

    "Beware those in whom the urge to punish is strong..." -N

  3. Suspending his medical license has nothing to do with punishment. I don't know who (or how many people) he harmed with his quackery. This is about protecting any future victims from his quackery. You're the one who wants these people to be punished.

  4. Say cretin... isn't Bi-den have received vaccine shots????

    So... HOW he caught COVID??? ;-P

    And... in so convenient time, to boot. ;-P

  5. Biden got six doses... and look what happened to him!

  6. YAP!

    "Our Vaccine Will Save YOU... from dementia".

    Then "Bi-den GOT COVID".


  7. For what purpose was Covid vaccine really developed? It obviously does no good fighting Covid....

  8. Research indicates that older adults who have had SARS-CoV-2 infections are at a higher risk of cognitive decline as compared to matched healthy adults or individuals with other respiratory diseases. Neurobiological studies have also found that SARS-CoV-2 can trigger immune dysregulation, inflammation in the central nervous system, and autoimmune responses that can exacerbate and accelerate neurodegenerative conditions. link

    Getting covid increases the possibility of developing dementia in adults 60+ -- NOT getting the covid vaccination. Getting vaccinated against covid decreases the risk, obviously, as it reduces the possibility of catching covid. And the vaccines reduce the severity of covid if you catch it. They don't give 100 percent immunity. That was never claimed.

    Bing: COVID-19 vaccines have demonstrated impressive efficacy. The two initial vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) are both about 95% effective in preventing COVID-19, with no serious or life-threatening side effects reported. However, it's essential to understand the difference between efficacy and effectiveness... Vaccine Efficacy: This measures how much a vaccine lowers the risk of getting sick. For COVID-19 vaccines, the U.S. FDA recommends an efficacy of at least 50%. [end Bing excerpt]

    "does no good" = complete bullshit.

  9. \\For what purpose was Covid vaccine really developed?

    From whose side?

    dRump? CDC/Fauci? UN Health? Med-companies? mRNA-scientists? ;-P

  10. with no serious or life-threatening side effects reported

    ...yeah, THOSE are just/ still coming in. :(

  11. That's what Joe gets for taking a fake vaccine jab. Whatever a man sows he shall also reap.

  12. "Whatever a man sows he shall also reap".

    You're in big trouble then, Mystere. Your comeuppance will arrive eventually.

    1. Did you just dare God Almighty to fulfill your wicked desire, Dervy boy? Not wise, Dervy boy! Very foolish!

    2. Nope. Unlike you, I don't have any wicked desires.

  13. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    Yap. You don't wanna Democracy AKA Rule of the We the People. ;-P

    I get it. I do. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  14. NewSpeakian lie. Rightturds hate democracy AKA Rule of the We the People. You've expressed your hatred for democracy here many times.

  15. Yeah... and you can provide QUOTES??? ;-P


    Well, as always.

    But... continue-continue lying, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))0
