Monday, July 22, 2024

It's NOT Going to Be Kamala, Democrats... it Never Was Going to Be!

The USIC Gamed this All Out after 2016 with the Trump Threat
Kamala's just Catfishing Wealthy West-Coast Donors for the DNC and Setting Up a Classic Bait-and-Switch

Dana Bash, Clare Foran, and Morgan Rimmer, "As dozens of Hill Democrats back Harris, here’s why key Democratic leaders haven’t yet weighed in"
Democratic leadership on Capitol Hill is currently not weighing in on whether Vice President Kamala Harris should be the party’s presidential nominee to avoid the appearance that they are forcing her candidacy onto the voters too quickly, according to two sources familiar with their thinking.

In the hours since President Joe Biden announced he would not seek reelection and endorsed Harris to succeed him, dozens of Democratic lawmakers have publicly stated their support for Harris to become the nominee.

But key party leaders have not yet done the same, and some Democratic lawmakers have called for an open process to determine the next Democratic presidential nominee. Democratic Party leaders now face a delicate balancing act as they hope to see their party unify behind a new nominee without alienating any factions after Biden’s historic decision upended the presidential race.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries both praised Biden in statements following the president’s announcement but did not explicitly mention Harris.

“Joe Biden has not only been a great president and a great legislative leader, but he is a truly amazing human being,” Schumer said in a statement. “His decision of course was not easy, but he once again put his country, his party, and our future first.”

Jeffries, in a statement, called Biden “one of the most accomplished and consequential leaders in American history,” and said, “America is a better place today because President Joe Biden has led us with intellect, grace and dignity. We are forever grateful.”

Former President Barack Obama similarly lauded Biden but did not mention Harris.

“We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges,” Obama said in a statement.

Many prominent Democrats, however, have been quick to voice their support for Harris.

Washington state Democratic Sen. Patty Murray, who is president pro tempore of the Senate, said she respects Biden’s “willingness to pass the torch” and went on to endorse Harris for president.

“We must beat Donald Trump — and I know Kamala Harris can win. I am behind Vice President Harris one-hundred percent — she is exactly the woman we need to prosecute the case against Donald Trump, save American democracy, lead the fight to restore abortion rights, and build an economy that puts working people — not billionaires — first. I will do everything I can to help elect Kamala Harris as our next President,” she said in a statement.

Rep. Ted Lieu, vice chair of the House Democratic Caucus, also endorsed Harris on Sunday.

“Four years ago, I was the first Member of Congress to endorse Kamala Harris for President,” he wrote in a statement. “So honored to endorse @KamalaHarris again for President.”

Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina also endorsed Harris for president.

Referring to Biden, he said, “I echo the good judgement he demonstrated in selecting Vice President Harris to lead this nation alongside him, and I am proud to follow his lead in support of her candidacy to succeed him as the Democratic Party’s 2024 nominee for President.”

Congressional Progressive Caucus Chairwoman Pramila Jayapal endorsed Harris. And in a statement by Reps. Gregory Meeks of New York and Steven Horsford of Nevada, the Congressional Black Caucus PAC endorsed Harris as the next Democratic nominee for president.

“She has been instrumental in delivering the accomplishments of the last 3.5 years and has led on lowering maternal mortality rates, protecting reproductive freedoms, and ensuring economic opportunities for all,” they wrote in a statement. “She will do an excellent job as President of the United States.”

At the same time, some congressional Democrats are calling for an open process to select a new nominee.

Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas, who was the first Democrat in Congress to call on Biden to step aside, said in a statement, “I continue to urge a fair, open, and democratic process to select the nominee best able to convince battleground voters to reject Trump’s dark, retribution-fueled plans.”

“While, with President Biden’s endorsement, Vice President Harris is clearly the leading candidate, we should be open to all talented individuals who wish to be considered.”

Catfishing Democratic voters with "Kamala" until the Convention, when the Bait and Switch for a "more electable" candidate will be implemented.... and donors fleeced AGAIN!  Good thinking, Barack!

" avoid the appearance that they are forcing her candidacy onto the voters too quickly, according to two sources familiar with their thinking.". 

Naaah!  To fleece gullible Democratic donors, and then hit them up for the REAL nominee AGAIN during/post Convention!   It's been Barack's Plan A since he pick Joe and won in 2020.  Why else "hide" Biden's deterioration THROUGHOUT the Primaries and rig them for a Stalking Horse??? 

You're Being HUNTED, DemocratsYou're Prey!

If Joe REALLY wanted Kamala to be the Next President, all he would have to do is resign NOW.  But he won't because then Jill wouldn't get her promised Senate seat, and the Biden crime family would be out of the influence peddling business.  What would brother James and Hunter DO for a living then?


  1. So???? How do you like it -- living in this Brave NEW World... of Post-dRump-Assassination(Failed)? ;-P

    Or... you must be STILL feel that World still the same... and no NEW tech needed, in it? ;-P

  2. I've got no tech, yet I figured this out years ago...

  3. That world "still the same"? Yawn.

    Well... whatever.

  4. I'd be getting my US Visa ready if I were you, Q.

  5. On election day when Kamala Harris is on the ballot -- and Michelle Obama's name is NOT on the ballot -- you'll still be saying that the "real" candidate is Michelle Obama? How much longer is it going to be before the switcheroo, Minus?

    Andrew Bustamante doesn't know what he's talking about. Michelle Obama will NOT be the nominee. Kamala Harris can win. I'm not predicting she will win, only that she can. Joe Biden would have won if the Democrat elites and donors had not forced him out. Political campaigns have to have money. Joe Biden didn't have a choice but to bow out because the donors were withholding funding.

    fyi, Michelle Obama has no money to run for president. Biden/Harris funds can't be legally transferred to a Michelle Obama campaign. That's another reason why the nominee has to be Harris.

    On the other side, the fascist "self funding" candidate is getting 45 million a month from the South African Turd. Didn't you say tЯump was the anti-elite? Yet he allowed Peter Thiel to select his VP. A person who previously called him "America's Hitler". But tЯump has the superpower of convincing himself that his lies are true. To get that 45 million a month he has probably convinced himself that JD Vance really did change his mind about tЯump. Or that (I've heard) being called "America's Hitler" was a compliment.

    Яepubliturds aren't interested in making the American working class "rich again". As always they are about making the already wealthy even wealthier. The tЯump/Vance ticket is bought and paid for by Thiel/Musk and will (if "elected") carry out their orders. Make Thiel/Musk richer and oppress/take away rights from the plebs via project 2025.

    Prepare to be crushed under the heel of our fascist oligarchic overlords if the Thiel/Musk ticket's bid to buy the White House is successful. Though I suspect Яepubliturd voters will be crushed and most of them will love it. racist Яepubliturd voters are very willing to be crushed themselves if those they hate are crushed more. They have always been incredibly stupid in this regard -- because racism is incredibly stupid.

    You personally have convinced yourself that you're not really racist -- it's "really" Democrats who are racist. Well, Яepubliturds have convinced themselves that the good economy is bad and low unemployment is high. Also that inflation caused by COVID (which is declining) is due to Biden administration spending. When the tЯump administration passed the largest aid package in history that tЯump himself bragged about. You even criticized that spending bill at the time. Have you forgotten now? Or are you going to pretend to have forgotten (as Qtard does. Ask for a "quote")?

  6. Minus: I'd be getting my US Visa ready if I were you, Q.

    Qtard wants to come to the United States? Why? It loves facism? Maybe It already as fascism -- in whatever country It lives in.

  7. Have you seen the 3-way Trump-Harris-Kennedy polls Derv? Trump cleaned their clocks even before being shot at.

  8. The Mooch is your only chance, that is unless Kennedy steal away all your white voters before the Convention! :)

  9. We'll soon see just how many "Southern Strategy" racists left the Democratic party.

  10. Joe, you forgot 2 of Poopy Pants Bidet's crime family members: Frankie Bidet and little sissy Valerie Bidet Owens. Those 2 Little Farts are even dirtier than Jimmy and Joey. They're the dark trojan horses behind the scenes, robbing us blind. Their names just recently popped up on some sites that the far lefties absolutely hate.

  11. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ I'd be getting my US Visa ready if I were you, Q.

    What for???

    \\On election day when Kamala Harris is on the ballot -- and Michelle Obama's name is NOT on the ballot -- you'll still be saying that the "real" candidate is Michelle Obama?

    Presidents (and prezidendettes) can have chancellors. And can assign to Secretary whoever they like. ;-P

    \\Kamala Harris can win.

    Same as "Bi-den can win"? ;-P

    Oh... but that one -- imaginary. Became. Just yesterday. ;-P


    \\Joe Biden would have won if the Democrat elites and donors had not forced him out.


    So??? Why you NOT protected him? ;-P

    Not went on the streets? Chanting "Vote Bi-den" or somerthing?

    Because that's "not your business"? ;-P

    \\Яepubliturds aren't interested in making the American working class "rich again". As always they are about making the already wealthy even wealthier.

    Like did Zero-bama with unwinding Inflation with his QEs???

    Inflation -- which second name is "Taxes on being Poor".

    \\Well, Яepubliturds have convinced themselves that the good economy is bad and low unemployment is high.

    You cretin dunno that High Inflation PLUS Low Unemployment -- that is WORST POSSIBLE economy state -- Stagflation.

    And what you call "good economy" -- that is what Soviet Union have had... before Breaking Up.

  12. Qtard: Same as "Bi-den can win"?

    Bi-den cannot win. Bi-den is imaginary.

    Qtard: Oh... but that one -- imaginary. Became. Just yesterday. ;-P

    Always has been.

    Qtard: \\Joe Biden would have won if the Democrat elites and donors had not forced him out.

    I should have thought of that and pledged 45 million a month to get the Biden) Harris campaign. No way he would have withdrawn then. If only I had thought of that.

    Qtard: So??? Why you NOT protected him? ;-P Not went on the streets? Chanting "Vote Bi-den" or somerthing? Because that's "not your business"? ;-P

    Because it would have done no good whatsoever.

    Qtard' Like did Zero-bama with unwinding Inflation with his QEs???

    George W. Bush (2001–2009) Average YOY Inflation Rate: 2.8%

    Barack Obama (2009–2017) Average YOY Inflation Rate: 1.4%

    Donald Trump (2017–2021) Average YOY Inflation Rate: 1.9%

    Inflation went down under Obama, then began to rise under tЯump, then soared under Biden -- due to tЯump's inept response to the pandemic.

    Qtard: ...Stagflation.

    Google: People also ask, are we in stagflation right now?

    Answer: Stagflation Is Not a Looming Threat.

    Well, except in Qtard's delusions. This cretin thinks the US is suffering under serious stagflation right now and the US is about to break up.

    Google: People also ask.
    Are we in stagflation right now?
    Stagflation Is Not a Looming Threat.

    Inflation may persist longer than we hoped, but the economy and jobs market are withstanding it well. Inflation is persisting and economic growth feels slow, leading to worries about stagflation. But those concerns are misplaced. Here's why. May 28, 2024 › stagfl...
    Inflation then stagflation? Not in this economy.

  13. ...technofeudalism, much like it's named and maligned predecessor, isn't much of an economy.... cuz it destroys and doesn't recreate a properly functioning free-market. And THAT hyper-destruction began with Obama and his disastrous QE monetary policies" ;P

  14. \\Qtard: Same as "Bi-den can win"?

    \\Bi-den cannot win. Bi-den is imaginary.

    \\Qtard: Oh... but that one -- imaginary. Became. Just yesterday. ;-P

    \\Always has been.


    As well as "Besty Prezzy Ever"? ;-P

    Qtard: \\Joe Biden would have won if the Democrat elites and donors had not forced him out.


    Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    On election day when Kamala Harris is on the ballot -- and Michelle Obama's name is NOT on the ballot -- you'll still be saying that the "real" candidate is Michelle Obama? How much longer is it going to be before the switcheroo, Minus?

    Andrew Bustamante doesn't know what he's talking about. Michelle Obama will NOT be the nominee. Kamala Harris can win. I'm not predicting she will win, only that she can. Joe Biden would have won if the Democrat elites and donors had not forced him out.

    Yet One Time when CRETIN signs OWN words with "Qtard:"


    \\Qtard: So??? Why you NOT protected him? ;-P Not went on the streets? Chanting "Vote Bi-den" or somerthing? Because that's "not your business"? ;-P

    \\Because it would have done no good whatsoever.


    Because that would give to We the People YET ONE reminder that Direct Democracy is possible.

    And for you -- totalitarian cretin, that is "would have done no good whatsoever".


    \\Inflation went down under Obama, then began to rise under tЯump, then soared under Biden -- due to tЯump's inept response to the pandemic.


    Here they give DIFFER numbers. ;-P

    And... you thought I will not notice that you DID NOT gave Bi-den's numbers. ;-P

    But... oh, yeah, he is imaginary... so USA was living in IMAGINARY world of Bi-den-omics... from 2020... so, it doesn't count, yes, cretin? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    In economics, stagflation (or recession-inflation) is a situation in which the inflation rate is high or increasing, the economic growth rate slows, and unemployment remains steadily high.

    Stagflation - Wikipedia
    Wikipedia › wiki › Stagflation
    What Is Stagflation, What Causes It, and Why Is It Bad?
    What Is Stagflation – Inflation Overview | wealthMD

    \\Qtard: ...Stagflation.

    \\Google: People also ask, are we in stagflation right now?

    \\Answer: Stagflation Is Not a Looming Threat.

    And that Google -- that might be Noble Prize Winner in economy? ;-P

    Or... that is just DEMN censurist that provided what it need to "answer"... to cretins. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  15. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

    \\ ...technofeudalism, much like it's named and maligned predecessor, isn't much of an economy....

    With this... you can go to DiBi's blog.

    He'd be happy to see that someone supports his moronic quips. ;-P (about "6000 years of feudalism"... yawn)

  16. He must not be a complete idiot then...

  17. Naaaah... only self-centered moron, who cannot change his views under pressure of bare foot facts.


  18. Contrarian... my ass.


  19. Another word -- one who proclaiming High and Wise Virtues... is not always are one who virtuous... itself.

    Well, most obviously -- not.

    As that is "vice paying tribute to a virtue". And trying to mimicry to be one.


  20. The virtues and vices of vanity and hypocrisy...

    ...Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?

  21. Yawn... outdated.

    In an age where Anthropology is science. And psychology -- experimental science. And androids....

  22. Antroplogy DID to all that idea of "virtues".

    What Copernicus did to idea of Music of Spheres (hint: that they are Ovals/Ellipses, actually). ;-P

    Music of the spheres Definition & Meaning
    Merriam-Webster › dictionary › music ...
    Jul 8, 2024 — noun phrase. : an ethereal harmony thought by the Pythagoreans to be produced by the vibration of the celestial spheres.

    Musica universalis
    Wikipedia › wiki › Musica_universalis
    The musica universalis (literally universal music), also called music of the spheres or harmony of the spheres, is a philosophical concept that regards ...

    MUSIC OF THE SPHERES Definition & Meaning › browse › music-of-the-sp...
    noun. a music, imperceptible to human ears, formerly supposed to be produced by the movements of the spheres or heavenly bodies.

  23. If not Biden then it was ALWAYS going to be Kamala.
