Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Da Mamala Be Shamala!

 What did Kamala know about Biden's dementia, and when did she know it?

Madeline Coggins, "Major Biden donor shares concerns over Kamala Harris run, slams Democrats for 'squandering' big opportunity"
John Morgan will not endorse the Kamala Harris campaign

Many lawmakers and donors have come out in support of Vice President Kamala Harris following President Biden's exit from the 2024 race.

However, one Biden megadonor is not "enthusiastic" about the president's endorsement and is cutting his fundraising efforts.

"You have to be enthusiastic or hoping for a political appointment to be asking friends for money. I am neither," attorney John Morgan wrote on X Sunday. "It's others turn now. The donors holding the 90 million can release those funds in the morning. It's all yours. You can keep my million. And good luck."

Morgan further explained why he won't support the Harris campaign on "Cavuto: Coast to Coast" Tuesday.

"To go out and have a fundraiser raise 3, 4 or $5 million. It sounds easy, but it's not easy," he stressed. "It's very difficult to do that. You have to have motivation. You have to really believe, or you have to really want something. There has to be a driving force inside of you."
On Sunday, Biden announced he was dropping out of the 2024 presidential election despite affirming his intentions to stay in the race following his concerning debate performance.

The 46th president endorsed Harris, who quickly garnered support from top Democratic voices, including the Clintons and actor George Clooney.

The "Morgan and Morgan" attorney argued, however, that Democrats are "squandering" an "unbelievable" opportunity.

"Every year people gather to play fantasy basketball or fantasy football or whatever, and you get to pick the best players on the team," he told host Neil Cavuto. "The Democratic Party has that type of opportunity, but they seem to be squandering it by taking a lesser pick."

According to the results of a new Quinnipiac University poll released Monday, former President Trump has the support of 49% of voters compared to 47% who prefer Harris.

In five post-debate national polls, the vice president ties Trump with support from 47% of registered voters.
"The Democratic Party has that type of opportunity, but they seem to be squandering it by taking a lesser pick."
- John Morgan
Another March poll from USA TODAY and Suffolk University found that approximately 52% of registered voters disapprove of Harris' performance as vice president. This compares to only 36% of respondents that believe she is handling the office well. Significantly, 10% of respondents remain undecided about their feelings towards her performance.

Morgan explained his primary reason for pulling back fundraising for Harris is that she is not the best the party has to offer Americans.

"Harris brings a lot of great things to the table. Women, she'd be the best speaker on abortion, her heritage... Very good things. But is she the best messenger or is she the best person? [Are] her ways the best ways to go forward? And for me, I don't think so."

"The president has backed out, and we have the opportunity to get the best candidate who has the best chance of winning. It's an unbelievable opportunity… I think the deal is done. I don't think there's anything more that can be done," he concluded.

Democrats will formally select their 2024 pick at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next month.


  1. Why are you attacking the decoy Kamala Harris? Done attacking the "real" candidate that will still be slipped in at the last possible second, Michelle Obama?

    I'm not sure I understand this cartoon. Is it from 2020 and about the Democrats' concerns re the coup attempted by ex-predisent d0nald tЯump? Is the underlying message that d0nald tЯump should not be running for predisent because he should be in prison?

  2. Has the entry of Kamala Harris into the race spooked elon musk? Now he isn't giving 45 million a month to d0tard d0nald and "America's Göring" JD Vance? lol.

  3. Why? False advertising. Kamala won't be on the ballot. Raising money on the expectation that she will, is fraud. Speaking of challenging fraud...

  4. But of course, fraud is the Democratic Party's "brand".

  5. All is much closer.

    Was there a video, with Joe admitting "I'm quit"???

    Only resignation letter?

    But have anybody who CONFIRMED that signature???

    Or that is... facsimile? ;-P

  6. Because... it DO NOT look like a signature of a person who lost, and with mental problems. ;-P

    That is basics of graphology. ;-P

  7. See, It's really Jill's signature. When the autopen guys came around for Joe's "presidential signature", she signed for Joe. I wrote posts about it here at the time...

  8. ...Derv probably remembers them, since he was the official "Dem talking points memo" guy.

  9. btw - Kamala's toast. Kennedy's already uo 5%. That's over a 30% increase in two weeks.

  10. \\See, It's really Jill's signature. When the autopen guys came around for Joe's "presidential signature", she signed for Joe. I wrote posts about it here at the time...

    Don't look that way too...

    when you was holding pen, last time? ;-P

    \\btw - Kamala's toast. Kennedy's already uo 5%. That's over a 30% increase in two weeks.


    They choose Bi-den, because We the People showed that they NOT ready to vote for "mother of nation"... yawn.

    But now they trying to feed that same rotten already pumpkin to a toddler... in a heat of a moment.

    What a losers. Bleh.

    Go proclaim T,Swift as DEMN candidate -- go full throttle clowns!!! (playing in pianos) ;-P

  11. Minus: What did Kamala know about Biden's dementia, and when did she know it?

    She has always known that Joe Biden doesn't have dementia. Since she was chosen as the VP and throughout the entire Biden presidency, for sure.

    Minus: Kamala won't be on the ballot. Raising money on the expectation that she will, is fraud. Speaking of challenging fraud...

    Kamala Harris WILL be on the Ballot. There is no "fraud". d0nald tЯump's frivolous lawsuit will go nowhere.

    The tЯump campaign is violating campaign finance laws, not the Harris campaign.

    Minus: Kamala's toast. Kennedy's already uo 5%. That's over a 30% increase in two weeks.

    tЯump supporters switching to rfkrj is GOOD for Kamala Harris, not bad.

    Reuters: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds. 7/23/2024.

    "Some 80% of Democratic voters said they viewed Biden favorably, compared to 91% who said the same of Harris".

    That's the opposite of your delusional narrative that racist Democrats are switching to Kennedy. Remember that the Democratic Party elected Barack Obama TWICE.

  12. You're in the honeymoon of Harris. The bloom will fade and flake quickly off this gilded rose...

  13. Derpy's throwing another infantile temper tantrum

  14. You changed comments style? Or that is Google -- decided to make upgrade? ;-P

  15. I changed nothing. I also see no differences. Sure you didn't get a browser upgrade? Maybe with a few more NSA tracking enhancements?

  16. Dunno what it was.

    Now it back to ordinary.

  17. Qtard: Dunno what it was. Now it back to ordinary.

    A psychotic episode is a period of time when a person experiences psychotic symptoms. These episodes can vary in length and frequency, from brief episodes that last a few days or weeks to more frequent episodes associated with longer-term illnesses like schizophrenia.

  18. Minus: But of course, fraud is the Democratic Party's "brand".

    d0nald tЯump = $454 million judgement for fraud.

    Fraud is d0nald tЯump's brand.

  19. ...only in a world without Lawfare, Derv. Only in a world without Lawfare.

  20. Yep. THAT World... totalitarian DEMN-cretin WANT!


    World where totalitarian Big Brother would decide everybody's destiny.

  21. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Dunno what it was. Now it back to ordinary.

    \\ A psychotic episode is a period of time when a person experiences psychotic symptoms. These episodes can vary in length and frequency, from brief episodes that last a few days or weeks to more frequent episodes associated with longer-term illnesses like schizophrenia.

    From OWN experience? ;-P

  22. Qtard: Yep. THAT World... totalitarian DEMN-cretin WANT **cretinic laughter** World where totalitarian Big Brother would decide everybody's destiny.

    Stating the desire of your alter ego, "totalitarian DEMN-cretin"?

    Qtard: From OWN experience?

    No. I haven't had the same experiences as you.

  23. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    \\No. I haven't had the same experiences as you.

    So??? Now that is *I* who have written it:

    Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    Qtard: Dunno what it was. Now it back to ordinary.

    A psychotic episode is a period of time when a person experiences psychotic symptoms. These episodes can vary in length and frequency, from brief episodes that last a few days or weeks to more frequent episodes associated with longer-term illnesses like schizophrenia.

    July 25, 2024 at 10:23 AM

    Under that same account -- "The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders".

    HOW COME??? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Your craziness and cretinism grow even bigger, Pinocchio.

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))

  24. The (D)s sure LOVE their POST-MODERN FATHER....

  25. And not primordial tribal farther... crowned by shaman(s)? ;-P

  26. Naaaah. He'd kick the sh*t out them. The Ur-Father was killed by the band of brothers... and the shamans rites Like "consumation of the Host" are symbolic reminders of the powerful Ur-father and the brothers need to "suspend violence" and rather "observe the Law"... of the tribe marked on the totem pole.

  27. Yawn. That is... perpetual process.

    Then... only one of brothers remain. Then... shaman crowning him. Then...
