Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A New Declaration of Independence - Kennedy '24!


  1. rfkj is running as a spoiler in an effort to HELP d0nald tЯump. That's all you need to know about him. Why would anyone vote for a candidate running a fake campaign?

    d0nald tЯump ran in 2016 not thinking he would win. He ran to raise his national profile so he could demand (and receive) more money on The Apprentice. But he had a chance (because he was the republican nominee), while rfkjr has NO chance. NONE. Despite prior claims, you know this.

    rfkjr = turd.

    1. Carry on cretin!


  2. RFK, jr. Trump's future HHS Secretary. :)

  3. rfkjr must be jealous of how hated d0nald tЯump is.

  4. RFK, jr. must be really p*ssed how Democrats have f*cked this country up with their 1st world wealthy elite priorities like "trans" rights and "green" energy.

  5. Because he isn't a Democrat any longer. Now he believes republiturd lies. I believe you. Well, in general. You gave zero evidence he supports those two specific lies.

  6. If he hadn't gone Independent he would have been you nominee... LOL!

    ...and you provide evidence for f*ckall, Derv, so esad.

  7. Minus: If he hadn't gone Independent he would have been you nominee.

    So why did he go independent? Because he doesn't actually want to be president? He wants to try to help d0nald tRump become president?

    Democrats don't want a conspiracy theory nutter to be our president. Why does he hate the environment now -- when he was an environmental lawyer? Did the worms eat that part of his brain?
