Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trudeau's Canadian Poofter-Pals Arrest Tommy Robinson on Trumped-up "Immigration" Violations????

The Canadian version of Beria's "Show me the Man and I'll tell you his crimes!"

Julian Assange Forced to Attest to US Just-Is Department Mischaracterizations and Lies in Exchange for his Freedom
Lawfare Uber Alles!!!!

The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” -Tacitus

Lawfare Uber Alles!


  1. Juicy Turd-0 is poking God in His Eyes by instigating this. The Turd-0 Den Of Thieves is about to get tossed into Fire Lake.

  2. Deep State corruption at its' finest.

  3. Mystere: Juicy Turd-0 is poking God in His Eyes by instigating this. The Turd-0 Den Of Thieves is about to get tossed into Fire Lake.


  4. Yes, Turd-Oh! got his ass kicked in the Toronto Mayoral election... his party's "fortress Toronto" has collapsed. :)

  5. I looked at what you linked to. It says "nail biter", which means it's close, not that rightturds are going to win for sure.

    Anyway, losing an election means Tredeau is going to Hell? You're saying he will lose the election and die? That doesn't mean he's going to Hell. Even if he does die. Why is he going to die? Assassination?

    I don't know anything about WHY Tommy Robinson is in Canada. Why don't they just deport him? Why did they let him in? He should have asked to enter Canada and have been told "no, we don't want you here".

  6. If Turd-oh can't win in his urban fortress, he can't win anywhere. Canadians aren't stupid. They're done with that.

  7. If Canadians vote rightturd they are bigly stupid.

  8. As Bigly stupid as they were when they voted for TrueDope?
