Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Let's the Trouncing of the Politicians Commence!


  1. Let the political clown show continue...

  2. ...cuz the world is turning "populist".

  3. Climate change is exacerbating rightturdism bigly.

    Your "populism" is rightturd bigotry. rightturd Whites are angry that brown migrants fleeing climate change disasters are seeking refuge in White countries. Yet it is these White 1st world countries that are largely RESPONSIBLE for climate change.

    But you don't believe climate change is real. Because... you ABSOLUTELY support the official corporate narrative. That gray-headed dude in the image you link to -- he's a rightturd.

  4. Mystere: Let the political clown show continue...

    That's your CHEER for donald tRump and other magaturd politians running for office.

  5. The oil and energy companies are all aboard the global warming agenda. What corporations aren't ESG and DEI certified? Can you name one? LOL!

  6. Minus: The oil and energy companies are all aboard the global warming agenda.

    They aren't. You think they hate profits, want less of them?

    Minus: What corporations aren't ESG and DEI certified? Can you name one? LOL!

    Corporations exist to make profits. They do what is good for their bottom line. If customers want those things corporations will pretend to give them. Which usually involves giving a little and making a big PR deal about it. Or doing a little to please some customers but being quiet about it due to fears of offending rightturd customers.

    You think it's some kind of anti rightturd conspiracy? In your delusions?

    Minus: Can you name one?

    Hobby lobby. MyPillow, Chick-fil-A.

    More: 15 most conservative companies.

  7. LOL! LOL2.

    Mypillow got its BBB rating revoked due to its' vindictive TDS infected customer base
