Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Illusion of Western Democracy

Vrag Liberalata = Nazi

People no longer strive to drive "life" and "order granting" inter-harnessed quadrigas.
Meden Agan!  Meden Agan Nazi-ism!
They Prefer to emulate and follow the cyclopean-four "independent" chaotic death granting horsemen of the Apocalypse
Conquest, War, Famine, & Death
"Once more around the Hippodrome, Judah!"
Difference & Repetition
A Tribute to Today's "American" Democracy.  
"Justice" has left the building. "Social Just-Is" has become her "imitative" replacement on the many deck's of the Ship of Theseus (Deep State).


  1. Hoh... so you KNOW what democracy is? ;-)

    No bullshit? ;-P

    And can share that arcane knowledge here, with us? ;-)

  2. I've read Plato's Republic where the "original" democracy was defined. Why haven't you/

  3. btw - It wasn't "best possible" ideology. THAT was Nazi-ism. ;)

  4. \\I've read Plato's Republic where the "original" democracy was defined. Why haven't you/

    "Wisdoms of ancient times tend to became imprecise and even outdated... with time".

    \\btw - It wasn't "best possible" ideology. THAT was Nazi-ism. ;)

    Ah, yes. national-SOCIALISM is the best... didn't knew that you venerated commies. ;-P

  5. Outdated only because the definitions of terms like "democracy" change and morph over time. But once you understand the 'original' definition of terms like "marriage", you can determine how far the Overton Window has altered "realities" into "hyper-realities".

  6. ps - Meden Agan Socialism. I'm all FOR it!

  7. Mden Agan avoids the "polemical" ends, and avoids the frozen ends of the poles, residing in the "habitable/ "temperate" zones and leaves them to the "courageous" explorers/adventurers.

    courage:temperance::wisdom:justice. Have you found your "temperate zone"?

  8. \\ps - Meden Agan Socialism. I'm all FOR it!

    Well... if only you'd know definition of it??? ;-P

    \\ Outdated only because the definitions of terms like "democracy" change and morph over time.

    Rules governing over hunters party? ;-)

    \\Mden Agan avoids the "polemical" ends, and avoids the frozen ends of the poles, residing in the "habitable/ "temperate" zones and leaves them to the "courageous" explorers/adventurers.


    As I thought.

    Middle Ground Fallacy. ;-P


    \\ Have you found your "temperate zone"?

    Dynamic equilibrium? ;-)

  9. Middle ground fallacy? As opposed to Polemarch's fallacy?

    There is no "one" answer. there is merely a 'mean' between two "true/correct" premises.

  10. There is tension between the polemarch and the archon eponymous and arch basileus (who share governance in peacetime).

  11. The polemarch is the Greek equivalent to a Roman dictator consul like Cincinnatus.

  12. ...but then agan/again, all this knowledge is useless and outdated...@@

  13. \\There is no "one" answer. there is merely a 'mean' between two "true/correct" premises.

    Argument to moderation (Latin: argumentum ad temperantiam)—also known as the false compromise, argument from middle ground, fallacy of gray, middle ground fallacy, or golden mean fallacy—is the fallacy that the truth is always in the middle of two opposites.

    Argument to moderation - Wikipedia
    Wikipedia › wiki › Argument_to_moderat...

    Do you understand difference between logical argument... and just some "listen to me, I'm expert"? ;-)

    \\We exist between Scylla and Charybdis...


    \\There is tension between the polemarch and the archon eponymous and arch basileus (who share governance in peacetime).


    That is just happenstance of individual characters desires.

    \\...but then agan/again, all this knowledge is useless and outdated...@@

    Outdated... doesn't mean "useless".

    It's just... you can take a knife... or you can take a laser cutter.

    Make it with file tool and your pair of hands... or just make a program for NC mill. ;-)

  14. A 'expert' has skin in the game. A 'faux expert' does not. Both use "logical arguments". Ever read Plato's biography? Xenophon's? Contrast/ Compare them?

  15. \\A 'expert' has skin in the game.

    Does it?

    And how you'll distinguish? Grain with expertise from chaff of just talking heads????

    \\Both use "logical arguments".

    You have my condolences. It seems you never saw true experts. Yawn.

    \\Ever read Plato's biography? Xenophon's? Contrast/ Compare them?

    Do we live in time of Plato/Xenophon????

    And NOT over 2000 years since their times... with all that hecathombes of experience, not even imaginable... in their times.

    In what class of school children today learn Pythagoras's Table???

    And in what age, after what amount of trials that same Pythagoras have come to that idea?

    Was that Pythagoras fool??? For barely knowing what schoolers do know?

    Do that schoolers -- geniuses, for know something so "profound" in such an young age? ;-)

  16. Perhaps you should ask Plato's "Meno".

  17. \\ Socrates tells Meno that they first need to determine what virtue is.


    Was some good answer found since??? ;-P

    Or... people just abandoned such futile efforts? ;-)

    "Not all questions deserve to be answered"(c)

  18. "Social Justice" has now replaced the pillar of "Justice". Such is the change to "Wisdom" since Plato. And are not 'wisdom" and "justice" pillars also skewing "temperance and courage" and dragging our quadriga to the Left? Are they not "harnessed together" into forming Phaedrus' (and more importantly "laches") chariot of virtue?

  19. The "good" for the goose is often gravy for the gander.

  20. Perhaps Philebus can explain to us the "nature" of the good, and whether "pleasure" is higher than mind.

    A hint from Jowett, Plato's translator: Many points require further explanation; e.g. the reference of pleasure to the indefinite class, compared with the assertion which almost immediately follows, that pleasure and pain naturally have their seat in the third or mixed class: these two statements are unreconciled. In like manner, the table of goods does not distinguish between the two heads of measure and symmetry; and though a hint is given that the divine mind has the first place, nothing is said of this in the final summing up.

  21. Is that a "good" answer? You tell me.

  22. My portraits of Daedelus are very inferior to those of Plato. I seldom use enough nails to keep them from running away.

  23. \\ "Social Justice" has now replaced the pillar of "Justice".

    As ever.

    For what they poisoned Socrates, ah?

    \\Is that a "good" answer? You tell me.

    And what was the question?

    Do you know that "What is 42 the answer for?" meme? ;-)

  24. "why is everything normal called fascist?" = It isn't.

  25. For you -- nazi totalitarian cretin? ;-P

  26. Qtard is asking a question of IT's alter ego "nazi totalitarian cretin"? What did that alter ego answer?

    By the way, I'm not referring to any "alter ego Qtard" of mine. I have no "alter ego Qtard". I'm referring to the self described foreigner from "far far away".

    Though I would not be surprised if this person doesn't remember describing himself that way. I think this person has brain damage that causes IT to forget things IT said previously.

    Why IT is always asking for quotes. Because IT completely forgets whatever prior discussion I'm referring to. Even when the words I refer to were repeated many many times by IT. Still it forgets and needs reminding with quotes.

  27. \\By the way, I'm not referring to any "alter ego Qtard" of mine. I have no "alter ego Qtard".


    That's what people with split-personality syndrome.

  28. \\Though I would not be surprised if this person doesn't remember describing himself that way. I think this person has brain damage that causes IT to forget things IT said previously.


    That's something what happened with one who written this words I cited. ;-P

    Many times. :-)))))))))))))))

  29. "Many times" = NewSpeak NEVER. ok, once. I forgot writing the word "in". But that is the ONLY true example you have ever given. While you can't remember writing "suprime" on purpose many times. Lied about it being a "mistyping". Even after I gave several links to examples. Your "hysterical blindness" prevented you from seeing them.

  30. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00
