Saturday, June 8, 2024

Government: W(Holy) Secular, Rationale & A-Theistic Guarantor of Civic Morality? Or Civic Neo-Religion following the Nietzschean Death of G_d?

Contra Moeller:


  1. "is wokeism civil religion?" = No.

  2. "is wokeism civil religion?" = No.

  3. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    NewSpeak. Yawn.

  4. When the CIA goes woke... that should tell you all you need to know.

  5. Qtard: NewSpeak. Yawn.

    Absolutely. Your "NewSpeak" is NewSpeak for "I don't like your truth-telling".

    I thought the video that started playing when I clicked your "CIA goes woke" link was an add. I was waiting for "skip" to come up so I could click it.

    The CIA is trying to recruit minorities? OH NO!!! That MUST stop, right? ONLY Whites should be in the CIA, right? donald tRump will have to purge minorities from such government jobs when he gets back in office, yes?

    Because minorities can't enforce laws -- minorities break laws. Right?

    "When the CIA goes woke... that should tell you all you need to know"...

    Yeah, it tells me the person making this absurd claim is definitely a White Supremacist.

  6. So how many Chinese agents work for CIA now, Mr Diversity hire? How many Cuban Agents? How many former jihadi Muslims?

  7. \\Absolutely. Your "NewSpeak" is NewSpeak for "I don't like your truth-telling".


    I don't like lying scum that lie against obvious facts. ;-P


  8. Qtard: I don't like lying scum that lie against obvious facts. ;-P

    You don't like yourself and neither do I. Maybe you could try to reform? Stop being a lying scum that lies against obvious facts?? Naah. For you that would be impossible.

  9. \\You don't like yourself and neither do I.


    NewSpeakean cretin don't like own NewSpeakean cretinity... but, cannot help it -- because cretin. %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    While I... I find your cretinity -- entertaining, if not likable. ;-P

    So... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Stop being a lying scum that lies against obvious facts?? Naah. For you that would be impossible.

    I'm glad that you agree with me.

    Even if in your lying NewSpeakean manner. ;-p

  10. Marriage, a religious ceremony, becomes a civil ceremony, and then gays all want to get married.

    Marriage become a "rite" (right) within a new Secular religion. Rite->Right We've gone from a list of religious liturgical rites to a secular bill of constitutional rights. The result? A secular-civil religion.

  11. Minus: The result? A secular-civil religion.

    No. That's stupid.

    Minus: Government replaces G_d.

    No. That's stupid.

    Minus: ...with new dogma's. Woke dogma's.

    No. That's stupid.

  12. Qtard: I'm glad that you agree with me. Even if in your lying NewSpeakean manner. ;-p

    "I don't like lying scum that lie against obvious facts" is your NewSpeak. You don't like people who disagree with your lies (which you call "facts"). You think they are "scum" for telling the truth and citing facts (REAL facts).

    Also, I have NEVER replied in a "lying NewSpeakean manner". I don't use NewSpeak. I never have and never will. I only say what I mean.

  13. \\No. That's stupid.

    Yeah... your EXPERT (as bona fide cretin) opinion -- is very important to us here.

    Well, no.

    But... you continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\"I don't like lying scum that lie against obvious facts" is your NewSpeak.

    Said lying cretin that that showed many-many times how it allergic to any factual truth (like perfectly correct quotes of its words, it "NEVER said"). :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    We believe you, we believe you very much... that you just lied about it, in NewSpeak way again -- with claiming that what YOU do, is what your opponent do. WITHOUT and AGAINST the facts.

    Well... SAME tactics as your puppet-master liliPut do.


    \\You don't like people who disagree with your lies (which you call "facts"). You think they are "scum" for telling the truth and citing facts (REAL facts).

    \\Also, I have NEVER replied in a "lying NewSpeakean manner". I don't use NewSpeak. I never have and never will. I only say what I mean.


    Liar cawed: "(I) NEVER lie"... and we'd, believe it???? %-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
