Monday, June 17, 2024

Parody of Dervish Sanders' "I Have a Dream Speech"

...and THAT dark and sinister place is Dervy's warped mind.


  1. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  2. I'll be sure to tell Mystere about this one, Joe.

  3. Replies
    1. The Ichabod Fake Prophet Derpwood Buttstink Sanders: "PLEASE LIKE ME! PLEASE LIKE ME!! OH HO-HOH! OH HO-HOH! OH HO-HOH! OH HO-HOH!"

  4. Mystere says he is going to tell himself about this post.

    1. ↑Ichabod Buttstink Derpwood bin §atan~§ander$666 is throwing an infantile temper tantrum.↑


      Buttstink Derpwood Sanders is badly constipated.

  5. No. I think it is moronic that the idiot Mystere continues with his charade that all his IDs are different people.

    1. Dervish's JoeBiden vibrator went full speed when Dervish bent over, stuck it up his Joebidenhole and got jammed right when he started watching the video.

  6. According to "Stu" this comedy routine "feels like it comes from a sinister place".

    Because?? Pushing back on White Supremacy is "sinister"?

    And I take it that you agree?

    "I'm all for provocative comedy that forces you to think" = "I'm not a racist, but..."

    "I'm not a racist, but..." is what a White person says RIGHT before saying something racist.

  7. It's called fetishistic disavowal. "I know perfectly well that a horseshoe over the door doesn't bring you luck, but I'm told that it works even if your don't believe in it" -Neills Bohr.

    It's what Democrats hold onto (fetish object/ blacks) so that they can pretend they're not racists.

  8. Naaah.... that is their DNA of "south gentlmen" talking in em. ;-P

    Desire to be "generous masters" to that "miserly ni... ehm, blakks". ;-p

  9. Professor Moeller has a "concept" for it. Guilt Pride.

    In this video, Professor Moellor gives a basic formula for wokeism as "American civil religion + German guilt pride = Wokeism"... The concept as referenced in the video is the idea of a paradox that occurs when German people accept responsibility for a greater guilt than has ever had to be accepted before, and by doing so become morally superior.

  10. Since I am an Independent and my GGGrandfather fought for the UNION, I have no "guilt-pride" and so can think of blacks as they are, not through a moral fog of "guilt-pride".

  11. Moeller: Given the difficulty to adequately categorize wokeism in terms of the traditional political distinction between left and right, it is increasingly recognized that it functions less as a coherent ideology and more like a new “religion” (McWhorter 2021) in secular Western societies. An important element within wokeism is “guilt pride”—a form of moral superiority generated through the public acknowledgment of inherited guilt. Following post-war Germany’s successful strategy of establishing a new national identity on the acceptance of everlasting responsibility for the crimes of Nazi-Germany, young Americans, for instance, can build a sense of moral righteousness on the acknowledgment of the enormous sin of “white supremacy.” The very acceptance of such unacceptable guilt paradoxically results in a certain moral glory of the repentant sinner. In this way, wokeism is, essentially, a post-Christian secular civil religion.

    Wokeism shares numerous similarities with religions, and, particularly, with Christianity. It is highly dogmatic by focusing on a few “absolute” moral values related to social justice which can only be affirmed but not denied. In this way, it does not invite argumentation or debate, but, instead, fosters moral sentiment and feelings of righteousness. It promises a secular absolution from inherited wickedness and “cancels” heretics. What is more, it operates performatively with a strong emphasis on public display including demonstrations, public gestures (kneeling, etc.), memes, or signs (such as the “one love” armband which caused controversy at the 2022 soccer world cup) and, importantly, speech acts (e.g.; “diversity statements,” pledges, corporate values), typically proliferated on (social) media.

    The prime importance of public display in wokeism, and its heavy use of (social) media, signal a connection with “profilicity”—the curation of identity in the form of a public profile or “brand.” This distinguishes wokeism from traditional Christianity. Traditional Christianity differs from wokeism not only by being theistic, but also by its connection with “sincerity,”—an identity technology based on sincere commitment to social roles, especially in the family. Unlike Christianity, wokeism does not encourage individuals to add a religious dimension to their identification with traditional “family values.” Instead, it provides individuals and organizations (corporations, political parties) with an opportunity to enhance their public profiles by infusing them with a civil religious aura. Accordingly, wokeism can not only be understood as a result of the secularization of Christianity, but also as result of the transition from an age of sincerity to an age of profilicity. It is post-Christian not just because it no longer centers on faith in God, but also because it has shifted from a commitment to social roles to the curation of profiles.

  12. It's like in the opera "La clemenza di Tito", Whenever the duke "mercifully" forgives one of his friends, their loyalty to him becomes "absolute".... and so he begins forgiving EVERYONE for EVERYTHING...

    ...and yes, comedy ensues.

  13. ...and in the case of wokism...tragedy.

  14. ...immediatelt preceded by "farce" in the narrative cycle.

  15. Well... your inner joke...

  16. It's called fetishistic disavowal. It's what republiturds hold onto (fetish object/Confederate symbols and statues). But pretend they're not racists because it's about their "heritage". As opposed to intimidating Black people (a warning for them to stay in their place).

    Germans:Jews SAME AS republicans:immigrants... They are "poisoning the blood" as per Herr FΓΌhrer donald tRump.

    African American Democrats don't have any guilt about being enslaved by Southern Whites. That is a moronic assertion. Hispanic, Asian or Jewish Democrats have ZERO reason to have any guilt about it either. As a White Democrat, I know I don't feel the least bit guilty. I'm second generation born in the US. My ancestors weren't here when slavery existed in the United States. I don't have any slave owning ancestors.

    You're claiming that people who were not responsible (and had no responsible ancestors) for slavery still feel guilt. For some reason. When the truth behind what is going on is that people with differing ethnic backgrounds are joining forces to help each other and oppose republiturd racism.

    You can NOT understand this because the republican party (ESPECIALLY under tRump) is a White supremacist party. Whites and minorities working together for the benefit of ALL boggles your minds.

  17. Mystere: ↑Ichabod Buttstink Derpwood bin §atan~§ander$666 is throwing an infantile temper tantrum.↑

    I don't care about this imaginary "Ichabod Buttstink Derpwood" or his/it's "infantile temper tantrum". That is imaginary too. An imaginary person throwing an imaginary "infantile temper tantrum" in Mystere's delusions doesn't concern me AT ALL. I just do NOT care.

    Mystere: Buttstink Derpwood Sanders is badly constipated.

    Mystere is talking about himself and HIS bad constipation. Blaming this imaginary "Buttstink Derpwood Sanders". Mystere is constipated a lot.

    As per Google, "anal sex can cause constipation in some cases ... Anal fissures ... pain from anal fissures can make it difficult to have a bowel movement, which can lead to constipation. Anal fissures can also cause bleeding from the anus".

    Does that describe your problem, Mystere?

    1. Ichabod you just described your problem. Perhaps that's part of the causes for your chronic pain.

  18. African American Democrats don't have any guilt about being enslaved by Southern Whites.

    Nope. But they do recognize a "free lunch" when offered.

  19. ...and wouldn't you rather eat for free than buy it yourself?

  20. They don't feel "guilt". They feel "ressentiment". And will therefore GLADLY eat at Democrat's (massah's) expense.

  21. It's "hard" to be "free'. It's why so many slaves hug their chains.

  22. ps - It's not the job of Republicans to pay off the Democrats "Guilt-Pride" debts incurred for slavery. Let the DNC pay them off.

  23. Better yet, I hope that blacks bring a Class-Action against the DNC and recover PUNITIVE damages.

  24. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
    \\An imaginary person throwing an imaginary "infantile temper tantrum" in Mystere's delusions doesn't concern me AT ALL. I just do NOT care.

    And because of that you writing about that... in CAPITAL letters.



    Or... that is just some other from SAMEBODY bunch of cretins... showed its pains. ;-P

  25. Minus: ps - It's not the job of Republicans to pay off the Democrats "Guilt-Pride" debts incurred for slavery. Let the DNC pay them off.

    They don't have any. Like I said, a LARGE number of Democrats ARE minorities. Yet Minus (due to being a racist) thinks the DNC -- those are all Whites with "guilt pride". As opposed to African Americans and other minorities being in LEADERSHIP positions. Meanwhile, your former RNC chairman (Michael Steele) is now an anti-tRump commentator on MSNBC.

    But your screed is definitely the way to get the votes of African Americans. Say they are motivated by a "free lunch" and are "hugging their chains". They will really like that. Start voting repubiturd in droves. **sarcasm**

    Mystere: I second that, Joe!

    Of course you do. Given that you are a bigly racist as well. btw, yet another "please like me" comment from Mystere. Ass kissing comments are mostly what Mystere posts here. And comments attacking me. Hardly ever a comment about the actual topic of discussion.

  26. btw, Michael Steele is still a conservative. Though he (due to him not being a dotard ass kisser with zero integrity) is surely a "RINO" in your eyes.

    1. Michael Steele proved himself to be a RINO, Ichabod.

  27. Being a warmonger makes Steele a conservative? There's nothing conservative about Neocons. Oh, wait, Steel's son is a Annapolis, so maybe we should be cautious? Really?

  28. ps - There were black slaveholders (like kamala Harris)... but they shouldn't pay reparations? LOL!

  29. This is why Social Justice doesn't work and isn't "justice"...

    In the 1860 Census, which is on the eve of the Civil War, there were 393,975 slave owners in the United States out of a total population of 31,183,582, or 1.26 percent of the population.

    Looking just at the slave states then, there were 393,975 slave owners in the slave states out of a population of 12,240,293. So this means that 3.22 percent of the population of the 15 slave states were slave owners

  30. Get your Democrat friends to pay-up, Derv. Only 2 Dixiecrat politicians ever switched parties to become Republicans in the Nixon era.

  31. Go give em land.

    That would be swift and straightforward ONE TIME solution.

    With giving em all big swatch of land. Up to allowing to make it OWN blakk state (Vakanda? ;-P)

    And let's see how'd they do.

  32. It'd be worse than the current Indian Reservations, without honestly run casinos.

  33. Minus: Get your Democrat friends to pay-up, Derv. Only 2 Dixiecrat politicians ever switched parties to become Republicans in the Nixon era.

    The voters switched what party they cast their ballots for @@

    If descendants of slave owners were to pay, it would be current republican voters who'd be on the hook for most of the cost.

    Mystere: Ichabod you just described your problem. Perhaps that's part of the causes for your chronic pain.

    You don't know sh!t about it. Also... some FAKE prophet you listen to said something about Ichabod, Mystere? Is that why you're calling me that? Or do you mean Ichabod Crane, the smart hero of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow?

  34. Mystere: Michael Steele proved himself to be a RINO...

    Only as per your NewSpeak redefinition of "RINO". Redefined to mean a republican who does not kiss dotard donald's ass. Because that republican has integrity and knows dotard donald is a moron. Also the absolute worst president in all American history.

  35. Fake prophets don't talk about biblical things, Dervish bin §atan~§ander$666. And that fictional character Ichabod Crane is way smarter than you can ever be.

  36. Mystere: Fake prophets don't talk about biblical things...

    BS. That is how they sell themselves as "prophets". Fake prophets know the Bible very well. Knowing the Bible makes them bigly profits. It is why they are all multi-millionaires. Got rich fooling fake Christians like you.
