Sunday, June 16, 2024

Blackwashing American InJustice: Hugo Black and the Birth of the Magical Negro

Ben Voth, "Hugo Black and Democrat Racism"
On October 20, 1921 a Methodist minister Rev. Edwin R. Stephenson was acquitted of killing Catholic priest Rev. James E. Coyle in Birmingham, Alabama. The rather sensational trial centered upon the idea that the priest committed a heinous social crime by marrying the white daughter of Stephenson to a negro man in the Catholic congregation of Coyle. The interracial marriage was argued by the defense legal team of Stephenson to be such a gross breech of racial propriety that Stephenson was justified in killing the priest. Shortly after crying on the stand, Stephenson exclaimed under Hugo Black’s cross-examination what he said to the priest prior to shooting him: “You have ruined my home! That man is a Negro.” As the lead attorney in the case, Hugo Black, specifically dimmed the lights in the courtroom and reduced the natural lighting in order to parade the Methodist minister’s son-in-law, Pedro Guzman (who was Hispanic) in front of the jury. When Guzman walked into the courtroom, he did not know that moments before his father-in-law had accused him of being a negro. A few days later, Guzman wrote a letter to a Birmingham newspaper defending himself against the accusation, saying he had received haircuts from a barber that does not cut negro hair in Birmingham. Stephenson was found not guilty of killing the priest by the jury in a case predicated upon anti-Catholic and anti-black sentiments. The KKK raised funds for the trial and paid for the legal defense of Stephenson led by Hugo Black.

The abhorrent breach of justice may be what precipitated Republican president Warren Harding’s rhetorical breach of epideictic protocol while in Birmingham a few days later to speak to the segregated audience of over 100,000 people at Woodrow Wilson Park. In a speech that was supposed to be about celebrating the 75th anniversary of Birmingham, the President set down his written remarks to exclaim: “When I suggest the possibility of economic equality between the races, I mean it precisely the same way and to the same extent that I would mean it if I spoke of equality of economic opportunity as between members of the same race... I can say to you people of the South, both white and black, that the time has passed when you are entitled to assume that the problem of races is peculiarly and particularly your problem. It is the problem of democracy everywhere, if we mean the things we say about democracy as the ideal political state. Whether you like it or not, our democracy is a lie unless you stand for that equality.” His extemporaneous remarks attacking the racist predicates of Birmingham life were immediately denounced by Democratic congressional members as a: “a blow to the white civilization of America.” Harding had himself been denounced in Ohio as being a “n-word” during numerous state and national elections. His Ohio father-in-law forbade his daughter from marrying a black man. She failed to follow his expectation. In 2015, the New York Times was pleased to report that based upon genetic testing, Harding was not in fact black.

Hugo Black formally joined the KKK in 1923. This came two years after the trial where he demonized a Puerto Rican man as being a negro, thereby justifying the murder of a priest for conducting the integrated marriage of Edwin Stephenson's daughter. This would all be a rather obscure historical matter bur for Franklin Roosevelt’s nomination of Black to the Supreme Court in 1937. FDR was also the vice-presidential candidate for the Democrats in the 1920 election where the Republican Harding was argued to be unqualified to be President since he was black. After a rather rushed confirmation by the Senate in 1937, it was discovered that Black was a member of the KKK and had in fact received a prestigious lifetime membership from the group. While vacationing in Europe after swearing in as a justice, he returned to an angry American public that asked whether he should resign his post as justice in light of his membership in such a prejudicial organization. Black refused to step down despite widespread congressional and public protest. His ascendancy and now hagiography in the Court is indicative of the absurd ideological distortions surrounding Democratic Party politics in the United States with regard to anti-black racism. Black was given a black Court messenger, a Jewish subordinate, and two Catholic subordinates to work for him at the Court. Though the Court never had a history of announcing the race and religion of employees, they produced much fanfare in revealing these diverse employees for Black. All of this seemed to be orchestrated to convince the public that Black was far beyond his KKK intellectual roots in Birmingham. Hugo Black explained to the New York Times how the public misunderstood the nature of the KKK in 1967 after being on the Supreme Court for 30 years:
The Klan in those days was not what it became later. There were a few extremists in it, but most of the people were the cream of Birmingham’s middle-class. It was a fraternal organization, really. It wasn’t anti-Catholic, anti-Jewish, or anti-Negro. In fact, it was a Jew, my closest friend, Herman Beck, who asked me to join, and said they needed good people in the Klan. He couldn’t be in it, of course, but he wanted to keep down the few extremists.”
Black’s outrageous lies and rationalizations in 1967 about the misunderstood good character of the KKK is typical of the romanticism and historiography surrounding the Democratic Party’s inceptional role in creating anti-blackness as a uniquely violent institution in the 20th century. Despite the hagiography that continues to venerate Justice Black as a great champion of civil rights, Black’s most important contributions to the Court were: 1) his authorship of the Korematsu majority opinion rationalizing the internment of Japanese Americans and 2) his championing of the anti-religious dogma of a “wall separating church and state.”

In the 1944 Korematsu case, writing for the Supreme Court majority, Justice Black explained that: “all legal restrictions which curtail the civil rights of a single racial group are immediately suspect” and subject to tests of "the most rigid scrutiny,” not all such restrictions are inherently unconstitutional. “Pressing public necessity,” he wrote, "may sometimes justify the existence of such restrictions; racial antagonism never can.” Black was able to rationalize one of the most profoundly unjust decisions of the 20th-century Court. It fit perfectly well with the political world as envisioned by the KKK.

His second major contribution was the distortive notion of Jefferson’s wall separating church and state. His 1947 opinion in Everson explained: “The First Amendment has erected a wall between church and state. That wall must be kept high and impregnable. We could not approve the slightest breach. New Jersey has not breached it here.” This doctrine was promoted by Black in more than a dozen Supreme Court decisions and remains one of the most popular misconceptions today held fiercely by secular intellectuals as a reactionary tool for screening religious life out of our public sphere. Black posited that the State was continually threatened by an overwhelming violent force of Christian sectarianism and only his interpretation of the separation doctrine could save the ever-vulnerable federal government. This fierce attachment and development over roughly a dozen cases would lead the Supreme Court to try to curtail the metaphor after his death in 1971 by acknowledging that it was inherently hostile to religion. Many intellectual leaders have ignored that conclusion offered by the Court since the 1980s.

The absurd pretense surrounding the jurisprudence of Hugo Black is one of thousands of symptomatic examples wherein the political ideology of the Democratic Party is rewritten to reflect the idea that FDR, Wilson, Black and others were bending the arc of American history toward justice. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is this symptom of epistemic betrayal that lies at the heart of current national frustrations in politics. It is critical to reassess the absurdities of American history in order to understand the truly patriotic goodness that is America.
Rehab: It's a Process...


  1. This is so true, Joe. Great post!

  2. This is proof progressive have no sense of humour. They're just pious self-righteous fuddy-duddy's.

  3. \\This is proof progressive have no sense of humour.

    Because cretins? ;-P

    1. Looks like you triggered Ichabod Derpwood bin §atan~§ander$666, Q-anon. He dropped a "BIGLY" JoeBiden Burrito in his jock strap and gay guy thong panties.

  4. The point of this post is to say "Democrats, they're the REAL racists", right?

    But most Black people (80+ percent) vote for Democrats. Because they know that it is the Democratic party that best represents their interests.

    fyi, Key & Peele are Democrats.

    And Jack Black (who you also have linked to videos of) took to the stage at the Joe Biden fundraiser :P

    Jack Black was there because (he said) "My president needs me". also "When democracy is at stake, Jack Black answers the call".

    Jack Black knows democracy is on the line and that the only way to save it is to reelect Joe Biden.

    Minus: "Don't LAUGH at my SoJus G_d!!!!"

    Laugh all you want. Why would I care about you laughing at an imaginary "SoJus God" that YOU MADE UP? We will be laughing to... But not WITH YOU. We laugh AT YOU.

    Prude? Is that when you think it's weird for fathers and sons to be monitoring each other's porn viewing?

    1. "Most Black people (80+ percent) vote for Democrats. Because they know that it is the Democratic party that best represents their interests."

      Yes Ichabod. Welfare is their best interest, eh Dervish? As long as the Democrat house negro gets a welfare check, it's the best interest for their population, eh?

      Lyndon Baines Johnson is gloating with glee from beyond the grave, Dervish.


    3. "Prude? Is that when you think it's weird for fathers and sons to be monitoring each other's porn viewing?"

      ^Dervish doesn't want anyone monitoring his porn viewing habit.^

      Why is that? Whoever monitors Dervish's porn watching habit will probably find him watching queer guy videos violating young boys. Dervish condones Joe Biden sniffing young girls and boys, getting a thrill when he sees Biden molesting kids.

      Mike Johnson and his son were keeping each other accountable to make sure neither of them went to a porn site. Dervish conveniently leaves that fact out with his Satanic accusations.

  5. Because they know that it is the Democratic party that best represents their interests.

    Nah, it's that they know that the DNC will pour patronage jobs (affirmative action) and money 9reparations) all over them. if they had their bests interests at heart, they'd treat them like everybody else, regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation (aka - not like they do treat them, as racists would). Being 'racist" doesn't just mean "discriminating AGAINST a racial group." It also means FAVOURING a race.

  6. SoJus is ALL about race, religion, and sexual orientation.

  7. \\ Because cretins? ;-P

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ Nah, Sanctimonious "prudes".

    Like it not one and the same? ;-p

  8. \\Being 'racist" doesn't just mean "discriminating AGAINST a racial group." It also means FAVOURING a race.


    Being racists... it's TALKING about "race" and etc around it.

    Even though it "scientifically proven that there is NO such thing as races".

  9. It IS an obsession with them... making themselves feel good, thinking themselves "reformed racists".... having the "appearance" of reform without the reality of it.

  10. Post: Rehab: It's a Process.

    ok. But White Democrats are putting in an effort to "rehab", while White republiturds are PROUD racists. While (at the same time) thinking they can deny it and blame Democrats. Well, JUST LIKE their racist cult leader, donald tRump. He will say something (like Milwaukee is horrible) then do a complete 180 and say he loves Milwaukee and that what he said before is a lie and that he never said it.

    Minus: Nah, it's that they know that the DNC will pour patronage jobs (affirmative action) and money & reparations) all over them.

    As per Google, "Black workers are overrepresented in the federal government, which has long hired us at rates that eclipse private sector rates. Black Americans make up 13.2% of the total U.S. population but hold 18.2% of federal government jobs".

    That's what makes your blood boil. That the Federal Government discriminates less than the public sector so it's easier for African Americans to get good government jobs.

    Having a good job isn't in their interest?

    Minus: if they had their bests interests at heart, they'd treat them like everybody else...

    That is exactly what is happening. Why you are so angry about it. That the Federal Government ISN'T racially discriminating against Black people in hiring.

    Minus: ...regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation (aka - not like they do treat them, as racists would). Being 'racist" doesn't just mean "discriminating AGAINST a racial group." It also means FAVOURING a race.

    Yeah, favoring your OWN race. Which is what YOU do. Racists don't favor other races.

    Minus: It IS an obsession with them... making themselves feel good, thinking themselves "reformed racists".... having the "appearance" of reform without the reality of it.

    No. It's just treating everyone equally. People who were not racists to being with can't be "reformed racists". Strom Thurman is dead. We wish that YOU would reform. Instead you picked an racist orange Turd as your champion. PROOF of who the REAL racists are.

    The Democrats Key & Peele offer constructive criticism. The "magical negro" is a movie trope that should go away. As is the "white savior" trope. They make fun of it and you think that means Key & Peele are republicans? Maybe they will (secretly) vote for tRump?

    But (no doubt) racist rightturds see Key & Peele as validation for their belief that "Democrats are the real racists". I don't care. racist republicans would find such validations elsewhere (and do). So if Key & Peele can make money from fooled racist rightturds -- I don't begrudge them for that reason. Constructive criticism is good and needed. It's aimed at White Democrats because White Democrats LISTEN. Whereas White racist rightturds do not listen. Well, except to the TINY minority of Blacks who hold rightturd views.

  11. Minus: This is proof progressive have no sense of humour. They're just pious self-righteous fuddy-duddy's.

    That's BS, btw. Both Black and White progressives are fans of Key & Peele. Their target audience (while they were a duo) was not rightturds. They themselves (as I already pointed out) ARE progressives.

    Righturds are the ones who have no sense of humor. They only laugh at Key & Peele because they THINK Key & Peele are "telling it like it is" about "racist White Democrats". The concept of laughing at yourself is completely foreign to them.

    They don't understand the concept of social change using humor AT ALL. Instead of criticizing White Democrats to shame them into being better allies, rightturds think Key & Peele must be republican allies who are mocking "racist White Democrats".

  12. Republicans see blacks as their equals. If blacks fail, its' on them. They're "free" now.

  13. Republicans offer Negative liberty (what the Government CAN'T Do for you). Not the "positive liberty" offered by Democrats (there's nothing that the Government CAN'T DO).

  14. There's no "space" left for freedom under the latter totalitarianism.

  15. Minus: Republicans see blacks as their equals. If blacks fail, its' on them. They're "free" now.

    Right. "Equal" in your White Supremacist NewSpeak. You even defined what (in your NewSpeak) "equal" means. Which is that systemic racism isn't real and minorities aren't discriminated against (both in your delusions). Given that all these problems have been "fixed", if minorities fail that is their fault. It is definitely not the fault of the Whites who are doing the discriminating and supporting and wanting systemic racism to continue.

    Minus: There's no "space" left for freedom under the latter totalitarianism.

    Yeah, the "freedom" for racist Whites to maintain their supremacy. Also the freedom of racist Whites to continue oppressing and discriminating against Black people. You definitely don't want government to try to address those problems. I understand.

  16. Yes, Oprah is just sooooo discriminated against. Between her and Moochelle Obama, we should pay them $billions in reparations. @@

  17. Maybe should replace Whoopie Goldberg on "The View" with Caitlin Clark...

  18. The Harvard Gazette: Racial wealth gap may be a key to other inequities. The wealth gap between Black and white Americans has been persistent and extreme. It represents, scholars say, the accumulated effects of four centuries of institutional and systemic racism and bears major responsibility for disparities in income, health, education, and opportunity that continue to this day.

    Consider that right now the net wealth of a typical Black family in America is around one-tenth that of a white family. A 2018 analysis of U.S. incomes and wealth written by economists Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, and Ulrike I. Steins and published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis concluded, “The historical data also reveal that no progress has been made in reducing income and wealth inequalities between black and white households over the past 70 years". 6/3/2021

    Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama and Whoopie Goldberg are exceptions. Most rich people are white. btw, why didn't you bring up Tyler Perry? He is a Black billionaire like Oprah. While Michelle Obama and Whoopie Goldberg are only millionaires. Neither even has 100 million.

    FYI (as per Bing) "There are 724 billionaires in America. Among them, only seven are Black, which is less than 1% of the nation's billionaire population. The majority of American billionaires are White".


    1. Galatians 6:7-9

      7 Be not deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

      8 For he that soweth to his flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption: but he that soweth to the spirit, shall of the spirit reap life everlasting.

      9 Let us not therefore be weary of well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

  20. the net wealth of a typical Black family in America is around one-tenth that of a white family

    What is a family? Most Black "families" are also single earner. And how's it measure up when you take IQ into account? You'll find they're (blacks) grossly OVERPAID in comparison.

  21. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ The Harvard Gazette: Racial wealth gap may be a key to other inequities. The wealth gap between Black and white Americans has been persistent and extreme. It represents, scholars say, the accumulated effects of four centuries of institutional and systemic racism and bears major responsibility for disparities in income, health, education, and opportunity that continue to this day.

    In Africa too? ;-P

    \\The majority of American billionaires are White".

    And Supreme? ;-P

  22. Qtard: In Africa too?

    They were comparing AMERICANS. Black Americans with White Americans. They didn't look at a racial wealth gap in Africa. Though, if you want to find one, you probably could in South Africa.

    Mystere mocks God constantly. One bigly thing he does to mock God is to call an evil Orange Turd "God's chosen leader".

  23. Of course, you cretin did not get it what I was asking about.

    Your hypothesis was -- Blakk in USA became poor, because White OPPRESS em.

    And I provided counter-argument -- Blakk in Africa, where they by definition NOT "oppressed by White"... still poor, or even poorer.

    How come? ;-P

    Must be... because nasty-nasty-wrong Whites... OPPRESS noble and industrious Blakk, by mere their existance??? ;-P
