Wednesday, June 26, 2024

On the Neo-Populist Forces of Centralized Power De-Construction and Power Re-Distribution

On the Tragedy of Julian Assange

The complete Assange Plea Deal
h/t - Woodsterman


  1. Julian Assange is a Turd who deserves to spend the rest of his life behind bars. I want to know why was he given this deal?

  2. To avoid the embarrassment of the USIC at an actual American trial, of course.

  3. Your delusion. Which you can continue to hold onto, given that he has been released and is going back to Australia. Well, it isn't as if ANYTHING will EVER get you to give up any of your tinfoil hat conspiracy theories.

    If what you say is true, then Julian should have demanded to be extradited so he could have his day in a US court and prove his innocence/clear his name.

  4. The USIC would just plead "National Security" and hide the truth from the public. It's what they do. It's their "superpower".

  5. Assange has something up his sleeve.

  6. Know who killed Kennedy? ;-P

  7. Lee Harvey Oswald? Jack Ruby? The CIA? The mob? Rusha-Rusha?

  8. Minus: The USIC would just plead "National Security" and hide the truth from the public. It's what they do. It's their "superpower".

    Minus hates national security. He wants US security secrets to be known to our enemies. So they can exploit them to our detriment. Because he hates the United States.

    Mystere: Assange has something up his sleeve.

    Mystere has something up his endo. His donald tRump buttplug.

    Qtard: Know who killed Kennedy? ;-P

    Bernard Barker. As per an assassination plot orchestrated by Richard Nixon, Santo Trafficante, Carlos Marcello and Johnny Rosselli. That's according to the book Legacy of Secrecy. Like Nixon, donald tRump also has ties to the mob.

    1. Dervish is fixated on his joebidenplugs. Dervish just confessed what he shoved up his joebidenholes. Dervish is now constipated because they're stuck.

    2. By the way Dervish, big epic fail on your fake site link: "This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.". For the record, it is alleged that Lyndon Baines Johnson orchestrated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Whether he did or not remains to be exposed. I'm waiting to see whether the evidence that shows up either shows Johnson plotted the coup or if his name gets cleared. Nixon was not the type of guy who would orchestrate a plot to assassinate the United States President. That is an act of treason that gets punished by a court martial and military execution. It is alleged that George HW Bush allegedly helped carry out the assassination of President Kennedy and later regretting it right after Kennedy got his brains blown out. It is alleged that George HW Bush secretly got executed by the military during Trump's first term in office with a cover story of Bush dying naturally of ailments he was suffering. That has get to be either proven or debunked. We'll see where the evidence leads us.

  9. Nope, Government f*ck-ups and corruption incidents AREN'T legit National Security Secrets.

    I used to trade in National Security Secrets. I know what they are.... things like "how many simultaneously fired cruise missiles does it take to saturate a CVBG's air defense systems and sink the carrier?"

  10. We used them to "run the numbers" and estimate the probabilities. Joe Biden's daily stimulant doses aren't an issue of "national security". They're an issue of "political viability."

  11. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

    \\ Nope, Government f*ck-ups and corruption incidents AREN'T legit National Security Secrets.


    In what World you think you living in, FJ???

    That is ONLY TRUE secret secrets -- coverups of "those, who know better".

    Because... ALL OTHER secrets do not infringe em, their holding at power, based on "knowing better" solely.

    \\I used to trade in National Security Secrets. I know what they are.... things like "how many simultaneously fired cruise missiles does it take to saturate a CVBG's air defense systems and sink the carrier?"


    Cover up of developer's inaptness. ;-P

  12. No, information to enemy about how many missiles to launch.

  13. Just one... but with certain type of warhead. ;-P
