Wednesday, June 26, 2024

On the Imminent(?) Demise of the Neo-Liberal Elite's Luxury Beliefs

Hic Iacet Homo-Davos - Requiescant in Pace
On the Failed/ Failing Woke Identity Synthesis of Left-Elite Intellectuals


  1. The Deep State won't be able to sell their net zero carbon propaganda much longer. Their clown show is getting exposed.

  2. Naaah, they'll simply "postpone" it, repeatedly. The "end-times" must always remain "near" so as to maintain its' religious fervor.

  3. ...the "tipping point" is near... BOOOO!

  4. Identity politics = the right. WHITE Identity politics.

    Their identity (the MOST important identity)...

    White (supremacist).

    Straight, male/female subservient (tradwives).

    Christianist (not Christian as most African Americas and Hispanic Americans are*). Bing: According to the Pew Research Center, approximately 79% of African Americans and 77% of Latinos identify as Christian. In comparison, 70% of whites and only 34% of Asian Americans identify as Christian.

    Anti-Christian: if the Christians are seeking to enter the United States via the Southern border and not getting approval ahead of time (legal immigration) but asking for asylum when they arrive (or trying to evade border authorities due to fear of being returned to their home countries). People from Central America are largely Christian (most of them being Catholic). But rightturds hate these Christians and many support their murder for trying to cross the US southern border (Greg Abbott placing razor wire in the Rio Grande and saying he would like to give his minions permission to shoot Christian refugees).

    Anti-Democracy, Pro-rightturd authoritarianism.

    Anti-Diversity, Anti-Equity, Anti-Inclusion: Minorities can't qualify for highly skilled jobs or jobs where high intelligence is required. They can only be GIVEN these types of positions -- they can't earn them. Because (if we go by skill and intelligence) a White person (usually a White man) will always (or almost always) beat out a minority who wants the job.

    Anti-Bodily Autonomy (for women and children, not men). Women should DIE rather than be allowed the bodily autonomy to chose (for medical reasons because they will DIE otherwise) to have an abortion. Women should be forced to carry the babies of rapists.

    Anit-gay and Anti-Trans, Homophobic and Transphobic. Passing laws to discriminate against these populations.

    Anti-poor: even the rightturds who ARE poor).

  5. (continued)

    Pro-rich: rightturd billionairs like Elon and donald are heroes to them. Also Pro-corporation, though they lie about his, saying corporations are down with the global warming and DEI "agendas". BUT donald tRump gave them a tax break, which they support. And they love "deregulation").

    Anti-science: Don't believe in vaccinations, global climate change, etc.

    Pro-propaganda. One America News & other pro-Putin American propaganda/alternative news. Russia Today, Sputnik and other Russian propaganda outlets (all loved by rightturds).

    Anti other identities (see this post).

    Anti-healthcare for all.

    Pro-China (but only when tRump was president), Anti-China (when Biden is president).

    Pro-Russia, Pro-Putin.


    Pro-mass shooting 2nd amendment extremist, Pro-gun indoctrination of children aka "gun culture".

    Anti-religion for all religions but their own. Also their own when practiced by non-whites. Though they feign liking Judaism and Jewish people, but that is because the rightturd Nuttenyahoo is the PM of Israel. They would feel differently if/when Israel elects a more liberal PM. They claim that Democrats are "antisemitic", but that's just a cudgel to beat up their enemies with. Many of them hate Jews.


    Anti-religious freedom. They want the US to be a Christianist theocratic state.

    Pro-running up the national debt (unless a Democrat is president). donald tRump increased the debt bigly and that can largely be attributed to his mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic. The only president who increased the debt more was Barack Obama, but that was necessitated by the recession caused by the george w bush administration's polices which lead to the housing bubble and crash.

    Pro-Adultery: donald tRump cheated on every one of his 3 wives, including the current one. While Barack Obama and Joe Biden are faithful family men. Note: Bill Clinton (a cheater like tRump) gets attacked for his affairs while donald tRump gets a pass. BUT... somehow (when Hillary ran for president) her husband's cheating was somehow her fault. While nobody said donald cheating was Melania's fault.

    Pro-fake news/anti-"censorship" of fake news.

    Anti-"cultural genocide" of "white culture" but pro-cultural genocide of non-White Culture (big on assimilation).

    btw, the right's criticisms of White allies as "White saviors" and calling being an ally an attempt to "infantilize" Black people -- that is NewSpeak. What you are really saying is that White allies are race traitors.

    1. Dervish, if it were not for God Almighty telling me to be nice to you right now, I'd be ripping you to shreds for your brazen lies you keep gleefully publishing. Your continual poking God in the eyes routine will catch up to you at the worst time for you. Knowingly attacking Benjamin Netanyahu who is the rightful leader of Israel shows how much you hate Jews. Jew haters like you get severely punished in Fire Lake Hell for eternity. And I'm being extremely nice to you only because God told me to play nice.

  6. Minus: ...the "tipping point" is near... BOOOO!

    tRump LOST. You're in denial. This "the election was stolen" is part of that denial. IF rightturd hate wins out -- we are totally screwed. I agree with your "BOOOO". Though (I assume) you meant it sarcastically. The oligarchs win if rightturd hate takes control of government.

    rightturds like Mystere have been totally blinded by their hate. The totalitarians and oligarchs laugh at fools like Mystere. A vote for tRump is a vote to destroy America.

    Though that might be what Mystere and Minus both want. Qtard too. I bet IT would laugh if that happened.

  7. Identity politics = the right. WHITE Identity politics.


  8. Replies
    1. More of that will come out of Dervish very soon, and I'm being nice per God telling me to be nice to Dervish for the moment. When the talk about what happened during the Presidential Debate comes up later, the squealing from Dervish's orifices will continue... Yes Lord Almighty, I am holding back choice smart aleck remarks for now😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 ... But now I look forward to laughing at Dervish as soon as he makes a BIGLY fool of himself as usual.

    2. For the record, when I said Yes Lord Almighty, I am holding back choice smart aleck remarks for now😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆, I was replying to God while writing the comment above. God was reminding me to play nice and not be a smart aleck at the moment. I'm saving my hilariously amusing and funny zingers for later.
