Thursday, June 13, 2024

On the Future of mRNA Vaccines...


  1. He has a problem with the speed at which the vaccines were approved?

    Operation Warp Speed = donald tRump.

  2. ...all based on Fauci's failed mRNA vaccination wet dream related "advice" as the highest paid "expert" in the field. Trusting Fauci was a BIGLY mistake.

  3. \\Operation Warp Speed = donald tRump.

    So??? Now it's "dRump's fault", AGAIN!!

    And not Bi-den's... who APPROVED and ALLOWED use of untested drugs on people? ;-P

  4. Qtard: So??? Now it's "dRump's fault", AGAIN!! And not Bi-den's... who APPROVED and ALLOWED use of untested drugs on people?

    For you EVERYTHING is the fault of this "Bi-den" and EVERYTHING is to the credit of "dRump".

    For example here you are desperate to give credit to "dRump".

    "By dRump. Who shortened time of trials. ;-P So Bi-den would use it after elections, to show itself saver of humaity".

    Poor, poor "dRump". He does good and the evil "Bi-den" steals from him the credit he should have received.

    Qtard (due to imagined smartness) can see the "truth", which is that the evil demon "Bi-den" is persecuting his opponent, the saintly angel (and real savior of humanity) "dRump".

    fyi, the COVID vaccines are not "untested". That claim is qtarded moronity. Well, as always Qtard dunno what IT is talking about.

  5. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: So??? Now it's "dRump's fault", AGAIN!! And not Bi-den's... who APPROVED and ALLOWED use of untested drugs on people?

    \\ For you EVERYTHING is the fault of this "Bi-den" and EVERYTHING is to the credit of "dRump".

    I just revealed your hypocrisy on the base of facts here. ;-P

    \\For example here you are desperate to give credit to "dRump".

    Well... HOW one who start it -- cannot have credit for it?

    At least marginal.

    Well... that is not him, antway -- claim that politics must take credit for what other actual people did -- engineers, doctors, buinessmen, military...

    \\Poor, poor "dRump". He does good and the evil "Bi-den" steals from him the credit he should have received.

    SAME... as for exiting from Afghanistan?

    \\fyi, the COVID vaccines are not "untested". That claim is qtarded moronity. Well, as always Qtard dunno what IT is talking about.


    Your alter-ego "Qtard" DUNNO why drug tests need to take such a long time -- to reveal possible problems that can emerge only with time.

