Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Nancy Pelosi Comes Clean

Admits Responsibility for Insufficient Capitol Hill Security on Jan 6, '21


  1. A spokesperson for Pelosi dismissed the video clip released by House Republicans, accusing them of attempting to “whitewash” Jan. 6.

    "Numerous independent fact-checkers have confirmed that Speaker Pelosi did not plan her own assassination", Aaron Bennett wrote on X. "Cherry-picked out-of-context clips don't change that".

    "Three years later, House Republicans are still trying to whitewash January 6th", he added. "It's shameful, unpatriotic & pathetic". link.

    Trump could have helped response to Jan. 6 riot -- but didn't. link

    Fact checking Rep. Jordan's claim that Speaker Pelosi was responsible for US Capitol security on January 6. ... The Speaker of the House is not in charge of Capitol security. That's the responsibility of the Capitol Police Board, which oversees the US Capitol Police and approves requests for National Guard assistance. link

  2. She got caught in her "lie" Jan 6 narrative. We all know it was her fault. Now we have confiirmation that SHE knew it was her fault. Her "take responsibility" words were all virtue signal at the time. She had no intention to ever do so. The parliamentary coup d'etat was a success.

  3. btw- "Boards" are never in 'command".

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Minus: We all know it was her fault.

    Who is "we all"? Everyone in the tinfoil hat brigade?

    Poll: Majority believes Jan. 6 was attack on democracy... PUBLISHED Jan. 02, 2024 ... The poll also found that 53% of voters believe former President Donald Trump deserves a great deal or a good amount of blame for Jan. 6... 56% of voters said they believe Trump will definitely or probably be found guilty of criminal charges related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 president election... link

    Minus: Now we have confirmation that SHE knew it was her fault.

    No, we do not. I don't know what was in her mind at the moment, but my guess is she was thinking she was "responsible" in that she should have known this is something tRump supporters would do.

    Minus: Her "take responsibility" words were all virtue signal at the time. She had no intention to ever do so.

    "Virtue signal" to who? If you know you are being recorded and have "no intention", you would not admit responsibility. The reaction was genuine...

    "I should have known tRump supporters would do this because donald tRump is a cult leader. Cult leaders have a powerful hold on their members and can get them to do ANYTHING".

    Also, she did not know (at the time) what donald tRump was doing to get help to the Capitol -- which was absolutely nothing. Though she might have guessed he would do nothing -- and hold herself responsible for that reason...

    "I should have known the president -- whose responsibility this is -- would do nothing. I should have anticipated donald tRump would instigate an attack and have planned accordingly".

    Minus: The parliamentary coup d'etat was a success.

    There wasn't one. That is your rightturd alternative fact fueled delusion. Joe Biden legitimately won the election. The trumpers were planning a coup. They even gave their coup plan a name! It was called "The Green Bay Sweep".

    The plan was supposed to have been put in play by Mike Pence. He refused because he knew he did not have the authority. The backup plan was to send tRump cultists to the Capitol (with rightturd militia members as a part of the mob) to get Mike Pence to flee. Then Chuck Grassley would have taken Pence's place and he absolutely would have instituted the Green Bay Sweep. The rightturd coup only failed because Mike Pence would not play ball.

    There was no Nancy Pelosi parliamentary coup. I know this for a fact because Joe Biden was the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. Legitimate winners of democratic elections do not need coups to take power.

  6. Because you believe against facts? ;-P

  7. No, because he simply ignores all contradictory facts. The woke dogma is too powerful.

  8. He's suffers from fetishistic (aka idealistic) disavowal... He disavows his ideology (wokism) and all facts that contradict it.

  9. Qtard: Because you believe against facts? ;-P

    Asking one of your alter egos? I think ALL your alter egos "believe against facts".

    Minus: No, because he simply ignores all contradictory facts. The woke dogma is too powerful. He's suffers from fetishistic (aka idealistic) disavowal... He disavows his ideology (wokism) and all facts that contradict it.

    I am proudly woke. But "woke" isn't any kind of religion. Also, wtf (in your delusions) does this topic have to do with "woke"?

    btw, there are a lot of people who SHOULD have anticipated that something like the January 6th riot could happen and taken precautions. But they didn't because donald tRump's supporters are WHITE. Law enforcement believes that most White people obey the law and so there was no way they'd attempt a coup. At least that is what I heard concerning why the FBI (even though they were seeing chatter about January 6th on the message boards) didn't do anything.

    You want to hold people criminally responsible for intelligence failures and not acting to prevent crimes they maybe should have anticipated -- but NOT the people actually responsible for the crimes committed. The people who actually participated in the coup attempt -- they are somehow "political prisoners". And Nancy Pelosi belongs in jail, but NOT the coup-plotter-in-chief (and his fellow coup plotters). Got it. That is definitely rightturd illogic. That makes total sense, given that your cult leader ALWAYS looks to place blame elsewhere and never takes responsibility for anything.

    Whoever ignored the chatter at the FBI... maybe there should have been some accountability for them. It seems that, whenever any crime happens that could have been prevented, there are very often intelligence failures. Law enforcement not doing what they should have to prevent the crimes from occurring. I surely would not hold Nancy Pelosi singularly responsible for that. There were MANY other people that could have done more to prevent the crimes that donald tRump instigated from occurring.

    Capitol Police Chief Steven A. Sund resigned, so there was some accountability there. Though he later said he regretted resigning.

    Re donald tRump (while president) continually shifting blame elsewhere, a 4/20/2020 LA Times column addresses his "I'm not responsible presidency". Real leaders hold themselves accountable first. This likely explains Nancy Pelosi's reaction. However, following the investigation of the January 6 committee, it became very clear that the lion's share of the blame lies with tRump.

    The January 6 committee findings were not released until long after Nancy Pelosi "admitted" responsibility. You think it is impossible that someone could erroneously blame themselves but then find out later that someone else was to blame? That is what happened here. She isn't saying that now (knowing what she knows now).

  10. The lying Turd Jimmy Dore: "They didn't have National Guard on purpose".

    Right. It was done ON PURPOSE by donald tRump.

    They lying Turd Jimmy Dore: "the capitol police chief said, on Tucker Carlson, said he was requesting that stuff and he was being denied".

    Steven Sund is a liar. As per Pentagon officials, Capitol Police never requested D.C. National Guard backup beforehand. Sund regretted resigning and decided to make some dough with a book and a rightturd media tour spinning lies that rightturds would appreciate.

    How do I know? He appeared on Tucker Carlson's program. "You are the company you keep" is an old and well known saying [that says] the people you choose to associate with and their actions can influence how people think about you.

    Sund chose to appear on the program of a rightturd liar because he is a rightturd liar.

    The lying Turd Jimmy Dore: "this is being leaked to cover."

    No, it was leaked by republicans to shift blame elsewhere. This is a part of their ongoing efforts to discredit the Jan 6 committee's findings.

    Jimmy Dore associate Kurt Metzger: "all these people got a free safe tour of the White House. Then some cops broke some windows".

    The White House? I assume he means the Capitol. So, this turd buys into the false narrative that the Capitol police ushered into the Capitol the peaceful protesters? And then (he adds) they tried to frame them for property destruction the Capitol Police are responsible for? That's a new one (the second part). I had not heard that bullplop before. But it gets NO response from Dore? Why? He's talked before about how it was the Capitol police who trashed the building?

    Jimmy Dore and the two Turds that "co-host" his misinformation program are all terrible. Has he endorsed donald tRump for a second term yet? Remember he said "I love orange".

  11. Please. DJT authorized and offered National Guard Troops. Nancy rejected them.

    No "insurrection". Period. It's ALL on Nancy and her responsibility for capitol Security as House Speaker.

  12. Sergeant at Arms
    As an elected officer of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms is the chief law enforcement and protocol officer of the House of Representatives and is responsible for maintaining order in the House side of the United States Capitol complex. The Sergeant at Arms reviews and implements all issues relating to the safety and security of Members of Congress and the Capitol complex. The Sergeant at Arms also coordinates extensively with the U.S. Capitol Police and various intelligence agencies to assess threats against Members of Congress and the Capitol complex.

    Duties include overseeing the House floor and galleries, the House Appointments Desk, the House garages and parking lots, as well as administering all staff identification badges.

    The following divisions comprise the Office of the Sergeant at Arms:

    Immediate Office/Member Support
    Protocol & Special Events
    Chamber Operations
    House Garages & Parking Security
    Information Services
    Police Services/Law Enforcement
    House Security
    Emergency Management


  13. Minus: Please. DJT authorized and offered National Guard Troops. Nancy rejected them.

    100 percent counterfactual.

    That is your fetishistic denial of wrongdoing by your cult leader.

    Associated Press: Trump did not sign an order to deploy 20,000 troops on Jan. 6.

    CLAIM: Former President Donald Trump signed an order to deploy 20,000 National Guard troops before his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, but was stopped by the House sergeant at arms, at the behest of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

    ASSESSMENT: False. While Trump was involved in discussions in the days prior to Jan. 6 about the National Guard response, he issued no such order before or during the rioting. Speaker Pelosi does not control National Guard troops. link

    Minus: No "insurrection". Period.

    Yes insurrection. Period.

    Google: Because its object was to prevent a legitimate president-elect from assuming office, the attack was widely regarded as an insurrection or attempted coup d'état. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law-enforcement agencies also considered it an act of domestic terrorism.

    Minus: It's ALL on Nancy and her responsibility for capitol Security as House Speaker.


    The Speaker of the House is not in charge of Capitol security. That's the responsibility of the Capitol Police Board, which oversees the US Capitol Police and approves requests for National Guard assistance. link

  14. § 15.5 If there is an imminent impairment to reconvening the House
    at the appointed time (due to weather, for example), the Sergeant–
    at–Arms notifies the Speaker that such emergency circumstances
    exist, and the Speaker is authorized to change
    the convening time
    pursuant to clause 12(c) of rule I

    Disturbances in Gallery
    § 15.6 Pursuant to clause 2 of rule I,(58) in response to disruptive
    demonstrations in the gallery, the Speaker may enlist the Sergeant–at–Arms to remove the offending parties.

    § 15.7 The Speaker may enlist the Sergeant–at–Arms to enforce the
    prohibition on breaches of decorum in the House Chamber.

    § 15.8 Pursuant to clause 3 of rule II,(64) the Sergeant–at–Arms may
    be directed by the Speaker to enforce the rules relating to the admission of individuals to the floor of the House.

    § 15.9 The Speaker may direct the Sergeant–at–Arms to enforce
    proper decorum anywhere in the House Chamber, including the

    § 15.11 The House may conduct closed briefings in the Chamber in
    order for Members to receive security information from the Sergeant–at–Arms.

    § 15.12 Pursuant to clause 3(a) of rule II,(75) the Sergeant–at–Arms
    maintains order under the direction of the Speaker or other presiding officer and not individual Members.

  15. Minus: Sergeant at Arms. As an elected officer of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms is the chief law enforcement and protocol officer of the House of Representatives and is responsible for maintaining order in the House side of the United States Capitol complex.

    Yes, and that position is under the control of the Capitol Police Board, not the Speaker of the House. The Capitol Police Board (not the Speaker) oversees the US Capitol Police and approves requests for National Guard assistance. Although donald tRump could have approved National Guard troops -- but did not. And he did not send them when the riot was underway and an urgent request came though either. It was Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller who finally sent them. tRump NEVER would have sent any NG troops. Because he wanted the coup to succeed. He only (finally) relented (and called off his mob) when he realized the coup had failed.

  16. Minus: In other words... it was ALL Nancy, the Speaker.

    Nancy Pelosi didn't send tRump supporters (including rightturd militia) to the Capitol. "it was ALL Nancy" is an absurd assertion. In the extreme. It was ALL dotard donald and his fellow coup plotters. People like Peter Navarro and Charles Grassley, among others (including many republican congress members).

    So far only the foot soldiers have been convicted.

    Wikipedia: Leadership of both the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys were later convicted of plotting a seditious conspiracy to use violence to interfere with the transfer of power...

    The coup leaders (those who instigated the insurrection) need to be put on trial. But, aside from Jack Smith's Election Interference Case against tRump, that obviously isn't going to happen. All those coup plotters got away with it.

    Nancy Pelosi will NEVER be prosecuted for any (imaginary) crimes she (imaginarly) committed in regards to January 6, and YOU KNOW IT. This is just more propaganda in the rightturd effort to discredit the Jan 6 committee report. SAME as the ongoing rightturd efforts to discredit the findings of the bipartisan Congressional report that found that tRump colluded with Russia.

  17. that position is under the control of the Capitol Police Board, not the Speaker of the House. The Capitol Police Board (not the Speaker)

    § 15.12 Pursuant to clause 3(a) of rule II,(75) the Sergeant–at–Arms
    maintains order under the direction of the Speaker
    or other presiding officer and not individual Members.

    how stupid are you?

  18. ...the battle was lost because of the privates, not their general. @@

  19. So, Nancy Pelosi will be charged with the attack on the Capitol BY DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTERS when donald tRump is "reelected" to a second term?

    What will the charge be? Failure to anticipate and prepare after DONALD TRUMP issued threats on Twitter aka "it will be wild"? It was too late already when DONALD TRUMP instructed his supporters to march to the Capitol -- even though the permit for the rally he was holding did not permit leaving that location and traveling to the Capitol.

    Or "going by streets" as the IDIOT Qtard calls it. But, while individual citizens can indeed legally "go by streets", masses attending a rally (for which a permit is required) can not "go by streets" en masse AT THE DIRECTION of the rally organizer. YES, that was illegal.

    Also, the Capitol was CLOSED that day. And precautions WERE taken. The Capitol police were on notice and standing by AND barricades were erected. So they WERE anticipating potential problems. So your "Nancy Pelosi wanted this to happen" is bullplop disproved by the bare facts. Which are that the Capitol police were there IN FORCE, barricades were erected, and the Capitol Police engaged in hand to hand combat with the magaturds FOR HOURS. To KEEP OUT the rioters, not to let them in.

    Minus: ...the battle was lost because of the privates, not their general.

    Why do you say that? Because (while there were plans involving firearms) ultimately they decided to leave most (but not all) of their weapons behind?

    Politico: A member of the Oath Keepers who traveled with the group to Washington DC ahead of the Jan 6 riot described a massive stockpile of firearms and other weaponry that allies had stashed in an Arlington, VA. hotel. (Ultimate deciding to leave their weapons outside of DC due to concerns about DC's strict firearms laws).

    "I had not seen that many weapons in one location since I was in the military", recalled Terry Cummings, a FL resident who said he ... joined the group leaders' private chats in advance of their Jan. 6 trip to DC. ... Prosecutors have described that arsenal --- known as a "quick reaction force" or QRF -- as a key element of the Oath Keeper leaders' plot to subvert the 2020 election and help forcibly keep then-President Donald Trump in power. ...

    ...encrypted Signal messages between Rhodes and the group's regional leaders organizing and activating plans to travel to Washington on Jan. 6. Many of those messages described their goal as preventing President Joe Biden from taking office and pressing Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, which Rhodes contended would license the group to forcibly prevent Congress from certifying the 2020 election results. 10/12/2022.

  20. Forcibly preventing Congress from certifying the election... aka "asking questions" as per the qtarded moron from far-far away.

    But, as per the rightturd tinfoil hat conspiracy theory (which I am not sure you actually believe) Nancy Pelosi knew EXACTLY how this would play out. First, she KNEW donald tRump would instruct his supporters to march to the Capitol. Second, she KNEW the Capitol Police would not be able to keep the magaturds out of the Capitol. And third, she KNEW that then she could reconvene the same day, allowing her to stage a "parliamentary coup". Which she did (for some reason) even though it was completely unnecessary, given that JOE BIDEN WON THE ELECTION, and Mike Pence acknowledged the FACT that his role in counting the electoral college votes was ceremonial.

    Well, I suppose Nancy Pelosi "knew" that the rioters would get into the capitol because she told the Capitol Police to "usher them them"? Then break windows and vandalize the place after? Even though there is ZERO evidence that any of that happened. Does even ONE whistle blower (on the Capitol) exist that says they were instructed to usher rioters into the Capitol???? Every single member of the Capitol Police is corrupt and in on the plan to "frame" the January 6 "hostages".

    Why didn't Steven Sund tell Tucker Carlson about how the Capitol Police were in on this conspiracy to "steal" the election from donald tRump???

    btw, me mentioning the IDIOT Qtard -- that's going to illicit a response from said IDIOT of "your alter ego Qtard?". Because that is how the IDIOT always responds when I write IT's nickname in reference to IT. Also, IT cannot remember IT's OWN WORDS. Here, IT has probably completely forgotten that IT ever talked about "going by streets" or "asking questions". Which IT said that the rioters were there to do... but couldn't because the people they were there to ask questions of -- they "runned away". Due to legitimate fears of being murdered. Like they chanted about doing to Mike Pence.

    Qtard also babbled about "double checking" the results, even though the results had ALREADY been double and triple checked. And no double checking was possible because the state ballots WERE NOT THERE. They were counting electoral college votes and THOSE ballots were there. But the IDIOT still thinks "double checking" could have been done. Because IT is an IDIOT.

  21. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ No, because he simply ignores all contradictory facts. The woke dogma is too powerful.

    Tsk-tsk-tsk... cretin IT, DO NOT get what FACTS is, even!

    IT think it can LIE against open and obvious facts... as it see fit. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\He's suffers from fetishistic (aka idealistic) disavowal... He disavows his ideology (wokism) and all facts that contradict it.


    Too stupid for something like that. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

    \\Asking one of your alter egos? I think ALL your alter egos "believe against facts".

    And are NewSpeaking liars.

    I get it cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))0

    But you... continue-continue, such self-revealing babbling, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I am proudly woke. But "woke" isn't any kind of religion.


    Not grown into full fledged religion... yet.

    Just a destructive totalitarian cult. ;-P

    \\but NOT the people actually responsible for the crimes committed.


    "Crimes" like walking by a streets and entering public buildings.


    \\The people who actually participated in the coup attempt -- they are somehow "political prisoners".

    Isn't that is YOU are one who call em "insurrectionists", ah, cretin???

    And insurrection -- that is POLITICAL crime AKA challenging Political Power/Government Rule.

    And that way... they are, yes, political prisoners. ;-P

    Or what... you reformed itself, and do not call em "insurrectionists" any more? :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\And Nancy Pelosi belongs in jail, but NOT the coup-plotter-in-chief (and his fellow coup plotters).

    Why "the coup-plotter-in-chief" NOT in jail still????

    Because Bi-den COVERS him from it? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because Bi-den are ACCOMPLICE of it? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  22. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

    \\ how stupid are you?

    You still in doubts about mindless stupidity of that cretin? @@

  23. Forcibly preventing Congress from certifying the election

    Nancy's parliamentary moves prevented Congress from questioning the certification of electors. Dontcha LOVE "Democracy in action"?

  24. Qtard: Tsk-tsk-tsk... cretin IT, DO NOT get what FACTS is, even!

    I agree completely with this accurate observation you have made about yourself. Or, your alter ego "cretin IT".

    Qtard: IT think it can LIE against open and obvious facts... as it see fit. **cretinic laughter**

    Again, I agree with what you said about your alter ego, "IT".

    Qtard: What a cretin. **cretinic laughter**


    Qtard: \\He's suffers from fetishistic (aka idealistic) disavowal... He disavows his ideology (wokism) and all facts that contradict it\\ Naaah. Too stupid for something like that. **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    ...says the self confessed cretin that laughs like an idiot until IT drools.

    Qtard: \\Asking one of your alter egos? I think ALL your alter egos "believe against facts"\\ And are NewSpeaking liars.

    Another admission. Soon you'll be crying "I never said it"?

    Qtard: \\I am proudly woke. But "woke" isn't any kind of religion\\ Yep. Not grown into full fledged religion... yet.


    Qtard: Just a destructive totalitarian cult. ;-P

    Anti-White Supremacist movement. Opposing the rightturd cult you're a member of. Most religion include a belief in the supernatural. Woke has nothing to do with the Supernatural.

    Qtard: \\but NOT the people actually responsible for the crimes committed\\ Yep. "Crimes" like walking by a streets and entering public buildings.

    Already explained above. Also MANY times previously. NMP you're too dumb to understand.

    Qtard: \\The people who actually participated in the coup attempt -- they are somehow "political prisoners"\\ Isn't that is YOU are one who call em "insurrectionists", ah, cretin???

    You didn't. Forgot your own words again?

    Qtard: And insurrection -- that is POLITICAL crime AKA challenging Political Power/Government Rule. And that way... they are, yes, political prisoners. Or what... you reformed itself, and do not call em "insurrectionists" any more? **cretinic laughter**

    Political prisoners are "detained without trial or prosecuted as a form of persecution". There were trials. They aren't being "persecuted". They are insurrectionists but not political prisoners. Many have already been released so they aren't prisoners of any kind at this point.

    Qtard: \\And Nancy Pelosi belongs in jail, but NOT the coup-plotter-in-chief (and his fellow coup plotters)\\ Why "the coup-plotter-in-chief" NOT in jail still????

    Because of due process. You, being a totalitarian lover, wants to dispense with it. Why you're always asking.

    Qtard: Because Bi-den COVERS him from it? **cretinic laughter**

    There is no "Bi-den" to cover for anyone. As for Joe Biden, he is allowing his independent Justice Department it handle it. He isn't involved. Not covering or pushing for his opponent to be prosecuted.

    Qtard: Because Bi-den are ACCOMPLICE of it? **cretinic laughter**

    Your cretinic delusions tell you that is what is happening? "Bi-den" is BOTH an accomplice who is covering AND an opponent that is "persecuting"? Sounds like something a cretin would believe.

    Qtard: \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... how stupid are you?\\ You still in doubts about mindless stupidity of that cretin? @@

    Why would he admit your mindless stupidity? He likes that you're mostly agreeing with him.

  25. Minus: Hanlon's razor wins again.

    It isn't stupidity that explains why I don't believe your tinfoil hat nuttery. It's smartness.

    And it isn't Hanlon's razor that explains what is going on either. It is Occam's razor. The simplest explanation is that WHAT HAPPENED is WHAT EVERYONE SAW HAPPEN. donald tRump instructed his minions to march to the Capitol, his minions attacked the Capitol. donald tRump is responsible. That is the simple and obvious explanation. Instead of the tinfoil hat nuttery your side cooked up to deny the obvious.

    btw, Hanlon's razor explains why donald tRump could actually get "elected" predisent again.

    Minus: Nancy's parliamentary moves prevented Congress from questioning the certification of electors. Dontcha LOVE "Democracy in action"?

    147 Republicans objected. Despite there being no basis for questioning. The state recounts had already been done and the votes certified. Republicans were trying to misuse the rules to stop the legitimate winner of the election from being certified. If Nancy Pelosi used the rules to stop the misuse of rules republicans were attempting -- I applaud that.

    I know you've mentioned it here previously, but I'm not clear how the loser could have become the winner and how Nancy Pelosi prevented that from happening. Qtard will probably say this is due to cretinity. But I am not as well versed re rightturd conspiracy theories as you are.

  26. Justice today means "due process". Due process is what was denied DJT in the stolen 2020 election. An "illegitimate" election.

  27. Dem Pols are a little to "wise" for their good. Wise as in wise-guys.

  28. Meden agan. Summum jus summa injuria.

  29. \\Qtard: What a cretin. **cretinic laughter**


    Admitting OWN cretinism? And with such a vigor? ;-P

  30. \\It isn't stupidity that explains why I don't believe your tinfoil hat nuttery. It's smartness.

    Continue-continue, such a lame bragging. Yo, cretin! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000
