Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Biden-Putin Meeting that Resulted in the Ukraine War

from Wikipedia:
Jeffrey David Sachs (/sæks/ SAKS; born November 5, 1954)[4] is an American economist and public policy analyst, professor at Columbia University,[5][6] where he was former director of The Earth Institute. He is known for his work on sustainable development, economic development, and the fight to end poverty.[7]

Sachs is Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.[8] He is an SDG Advocate for United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 global goals adopted at a UN summit meeting in September 2015.

From 2001 to 2018, Sachs was Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General, and held the same position under the previous UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and prior to 2016 a similar advisory position related to the earlier Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),[9] eight internationally sanctioned objectives to reduce extreme poverty, hunger and disease by 2015. In connection with the MDGs, he had first been appointed special adviser to the UN Secretary-General in 2002 during the term of Kofi Annan.[9][10]

Sachs is co-founder and chief strategist of Millennium Promise Alliance, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending extreme poverty and hunger that has come under scrutiny from critics[11] and was the subject of a book by the journalist Nina Munk. From 2002 to 2006, he was director of the United Nations Millennium Project's work on the MDGs. He is co-editor of the World Happiness Report with John F. Helliwell and Richard Layard. In 2010, he became a commissioner for the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development, whose stated aim is to boost the importance of broadband internet in international policy.[12] Sachs has written several books and received several awards. He has been criticized for his views on economics, on the origin of COVID-19, as well as on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[13][14]

Pushing American Idiocy Onto the entire Globe since 1945


  1. What about the tRump-Putin meeting that resulted in the Ukraine war being prevented? Why wouldn't Putin ask his orange puppet to negotiate? Maybe because the "Nato made Putin invade Ukraine" narrative is BS?

  2. Also, re you posting the "American Idiot" YouTube by Green Day...

    Green Day changes lyric to hit out at Trump in New Year's Eve performance. Band alters lyric from American Idiot to "I'm not a part of the Maga agenda" during Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve set. link.


    Green Day Cancel Moscow Concert Over Russia's Invasion of Ukraine. "We are aware that this moment is not about stadium rock shows, it's so much bigger than that", the band wrote... link.

    So... the members of Green Day, they are (in your opinion) American idiots?

  3. Because... "I will have more free hands... after election". ;-P

  4. Why wouldn't Putin ask his orange puppet to negotiate?

    Because he's not?

  5. You trying to ask DEMN cretin to believe to its own lying eyes??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Let's watch for what happen.

    But... I will no be holding breath. ;-P

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Minus: Because he's not?

    So, why didn't Putin ask his non-puppet (yeah, right) donald tRump to negotiate? Maybe they did talk about it and agreed Putin wouldn't invade Ukraine in tRump's first term?

    Qtard: You trying to ask DEMN cretin to believe to its own lying eyes???

    Crazy righturd's eyes lie to IT and so IT thinks everyone's eyes lie to them? I believe what my truthful eyes tell me.

    Qtard says he isn't a trumper, yet IT believes everything tRump tells IT to believe...

    Donald Trump: "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening". link.
    Google: No results found for "I will have more free hands... after election".

    rightturd's ears lie to IT to!

    1. 🔺Says the fart of Joseph RobbingIt Biden Junior Assface Dervish bin §atan-§anders666🔺

  8. Did you watch the long Sachs video? Asked and answered. We out-of-hand rejected Russia's formal peace proposal in January of '22, weeks before the invasion.

  9. \\Google: No results found for "I will have more free hands... after election".


    Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election
    Reuters › article
    Mar 26, 2012 — President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have "more ...
    Missing: free ‎| Show results with: free

  10. Here.

    Obama tells Medvedev he will have "more flexibility" after ...
    YouTube · AP Archive
    285.4K+ views · 8 years ago
    (26 Mar 2012) 1. Wide shot of US President Barack Obama and outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at bilateral meeting 2.

    Even FOTO of that event.


    DEMN cretin sweared to not believe to its lying eyes.

    And only believe to what DEMN propaganda have told to it to believe. ;-P

  11. Qtard: Did you watch the long Sachs video? Asked and answered.

    Not answered. Obviously you have no intention of answering.

    I asked about when tRump was predisent. Not when Biden was president. But you do the SAME thing whenever I ask why didn't tRump do anything for Julian Assange.

    Apparently donald tRump never was president? Just ran in 2020 and won, but had the election stolen from him by Joe Biden **sarcasm**

    Minus: We out-of-hand rejected Russia's formal peace proposal...

    No. Not "out of hand". It was rejected because it stunk.

    A peace plan proposal drafted during Russian-Ukrainian negotiations in 2022 would see Ukraine turn into a militarily neutered country, permanently vulnerable to Russian aggression, the Wall Street Journal reported on March 1 after reviewing the document. link

    Ukraine did not want that deal. Joe Biden didn't decide for Ukraine and force them to not accept it or not further negotiate.

    Qtard: Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election.

    Those words don't match. You wrote, "I will have more free hands... after election".

    You put it in quotes. Meaning you were saying it is an exact quote. So now you CONFIRMING that was never said. Thanky.

    Barack Obama: "This was specifically about how we deal with Russia and nuclear arms, that's something that was ratified on a bipartisan basis in the United States Senate. The discussion there very much just had to do with the fact that it's hard to negotiate additional treaties when i'm off campaigning and doing all kinds of stuff". link

    Qtard: Even FOTO of that event.

    The meeting occurred. The words you quote (the second time) were said. I have never denied that. I deny your your characterize of those words. Also your delusions about the meaning behind them. Which was that Obama was saying he was eager to help his master.

    Qtard: And only believe to what DEMN propaganda have told to it to believe.

    There is no "Demn propaganda" that says that meeting never happened or that those words were not said.

  12. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Did you watch the long Sachs video? Asked and answered.

    And you was stomping eagerly that "Qtard" is MY nickname. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... consistency of a cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Not surprising. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Ukraine did not want that deal. Joe Biden didn't decide for Ukraine and force them to not accept it or not further negotiate.


    He only did EVERYTHING... like TOTALLY EVERYTHING. Even declared that Ukraine will fall in 3 days. And proposed to prez of Ukraine to flee.

    But... that is 'imaginary' Biden, that have nothing in common with venerated and always rightful non-acting PoTUS Bi-den. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election.

    \\Those words don't match. You wrote, "I will have more free hands... after election".

    So... I should remember it to the word???

    Even though that was just a noise in media, I never payed much attention too.

    But... same time, you freeing ITself from burden of remembering and admitting OWN WORDS being written here... even in previous post????


    Definitely -- you are lying cretin. And nothing else. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Barack Obama: "This was specifically about how we deal with Russia and nuclear arms, that's something that was ratified on a bipartisan basis in the United States Senate. The discussion there very much just had to do with the fact that it's hard to negotiate additional treaties when i'm off campaigning and doing all kinds of stuff". link


    Exactly, "about how we deal with Russia".

    And all passing years SHoWN what that deal mean -- giving RFia free hand to do anything and everything.

    Up to starting a war in Europe. With all perspectives for it to grow into ww3.


    "By their deeds you will know em". (c)

    \\The meeting occurred. The words you quote (the second time) were said. I have never denied that.

    What a cretinic lie. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But you are cretin. So, no surprise here. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I deny your your characterize of those words.

    That is not "your characterize". That is Facts of History, by now.

    \\Also your delusions about the meaning behind them.


    I must to not believe to my lying eyes -- that there is war in Ukraine. And bomb falling. And perspective of that'll be A-bomb falling only grow and grow.

    And all because Zero-bama promised to be "more flexible" about "how we deal with Russia and nuclear arms".

    And his successor Bi-den... doing ALL to foolfill that promises.

  13. In a court of History... it doesn't matter -- was it deliberate, or was it act of foolishness.

    Chamberlain... hardly was in any kind of subservience to Hitler. Or was making some shady deals. Participating in some evil plans.

    But... judgement of his deeds -- telling.

    1. Cretin aka Joseph RobbingIt Biden's Fart Assface Dervish bin §atan-§anders666 is drunk on Tennessee Moonbat Moonshine Hooch again.

  14. Qtard: And you was stomping eagerly that "Qtard" is MY nickname.

    It is. I type it so often (because you write so much stupidity) that I wrote it accidentally. It has happened before. It might happen again. I write it MUCH more than "Minus". But you'll probably disagree. Apparently now I'm calling everyone "Qtard". Though, I thought (according to you), I am "Qtard". That's one of my (non-existing) alter egos.

    Qtard: He only did EVERYTHING... like TOTALLY EVERYTHING. Even declared that Ukraine will fall in 3 days. And proposed to prez of Ukraine to flee.

    Probably due to past experience in Afghanistan. Wrongly predicted that the government in Kabul wouldn't fall. But that government did fall and that president did flee. If Zelensky wasn't willing to fight, then the Ukraine government could have fallen. Biden didn't know (at the time) what Zelensky would do. I don't know what your point is.

    btw, Joe Biden never "proposed to prez of Ukraine to flee". He offered assistance if that is what Zelensky decided to do.

    Qtard: But... that is 'imaginary' Biden, that have nothing in common with venerated and always rightful non-acting PoTUS Bi-den.

    In your mentally-ill delusions? Bi-den is the real guy, while Biden is imaginary? Of course.

    Qtard: So... I should remember it to the word???

    You put quotes around it. Qtard dunno what a quote is? Dunno how to use Google?

    Qtard: But... same time, you freeing ITself from burden of remembering and admitting OWN WORDS being written here... even in previous post????

    No. I never said that you (or your alter ego "ITself") is free "from burden of remembering and admitting OWN WORDS". I've said over and over that you should remember. Instead of continually asking for quotes. Whenever I refer to things discussed many times. STILL you can't remember. I'm NOT freeing you from that.

    Qtard: And all passing years SHoWN what that deal mean -- giving RFia free hand to do anything and everything.

    No. There was no such deal. And not only because "RFia" is imaginary. This is also false if you meant Russia. That is your delusion. Why you can't point to anything that was actually DONE. Obama said he'd be "more flexible" in regards to a treaty. But (in your delusions) that meant "flexible" in "allowing" Putin to take Crimea.

    Qtard: Up to starting a war in Europe. With all perspectives for it to grow into ww3.

    Then you should be happy. Given your previous expressed desire that the US be hit with nukes sent by Putin.

  15. Qtard: \\The meeting occurred. The words you quote (the second time) were said. I have never denied that\\ What a cretinic lie.

    You can quote? I've only ever denied your characterization. Obama's words have been widely reported and easily found via Google. Unlike you, I don't deny facts confirmed by credible reporting.

    Qtard: But you are cretin. So, no surprise here.

    Yeah, cretinity explains it. YOUR cretinity.

    Qtard: \\I deny your your characterize of those words\\ That is not "your characterize". That is Facts of History, by now.

    What a cretinic lie. Your delusions aren't "Facts of History".

    Qtard: I must to not believe to my lying eyes -- that there is war in Ukraine. And bomb falling. And perspective of that'll be A-bomb falling only grow and grow.

    Who suggested that to you? Some voice in your head that you call "cretin"? Think that voice is me?

    Qtard: And all because Zero-bama promised to be "more flexible" about "how we deal with Russia and nuclear arms".

    Your "all because" is total bullshit. But, they were discussing a treaty. So, tell me, HOW this treaty caused "all that". You can explain it?

    Qtard: And his successor Bi-den... doing ALL to foolfill that promises.

    There were no such promises made. You're just babbling about your delusions. When those comments were made, Ukraine had a pro-Russian government. Putin's puppet was in control in Ukraine, so there was need for Putin to invade. Yet (somehow, in your cretinic delusions) Obama's words about flexibility caused the war in Ukraine.

    Qtard: In a court of History... it doesn't matter -- was it deliberate, or was it act of foolishness.

    It was deliberate. Because, that is what US presidents DO. Negotiate with enemies, if possible. To avoid conflict. Wars. But Putin insisted on going to war. LATER. After Ukraine ousted their puppet president. Which wasn't the case when Obama spoke of being more flexible.

    Qtard: Chamberlain... hardly was in any kind of subservience to Hitler. Or was making some shady deals. Participating in some evil plans.

    What (in your delusions) you think Obama and Biden have done? But it is tRump who did that. And will do again if he returns to power. Or are you making these false allegations ON PURPOSE? Accusing Obama and Biden of what YOU KNOW tRump did (and will do again)? Because you WANT tRump to get back in office and cut off aid to Ukraine? It certainly seems that is what you want. For your master Putin to be victorious.

    Qtard: But... judgement of his deeds -- telling.

    Who? Obama? He's admired and highly regarded. By the public and by historians. I've only ever heard from YOU that "his deeds -- telling" (re the flexibility words). Never heard from anyone else. You can give a link? Proof that anyone else has ever said this? that anyone (beside you) has made such a judgement?

  16. \\It is. I type it so often (because you write so much stupidity) that I wrote it accidentally.


    Or... that is just SAMEBODY alter-ego moved your hand? ;-P

    \\ It has happened before. It might happen again.


    Your alter-ego moving SAMEBODY hands. ;-P

    \\Apparently now I'm calling everyone "Qtard".

    Everyone of your alter-egos??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Looks like it.

    \\Though, I thought (according to you), I am "Qtard".

    Well... that's how it look like... from open and obvious facts -- "mistypings" written under SAMEBODY account. ;-P

    \\That's one of my (non-existing) alter egos.

    Well... you calling Biden -- current PoTUS imaginaray and unexisting.

    So... who knows, what "non-existing" could mean in your crazy delusional mind. ;-P

    \\Qtard: He only did EVERYTHING... like TOTALLY EVERYTHING. Even declared that Ukraine will fall in 3 days. And proposed to prez of Ukraine to flee.

    \\Probably due to past experience in Afghanistan.


    Humiliating defeat of USA... it worked hard to became visible to all World.

    \\Wrongly predicted that the government in Kabul wouldn't fall.

    All... it all was in all accordance with plan... of becoming "more flexible". ;-P

    \\Biden didn't know (at the time) what Zelensky would do. I don't know what your point is.


    You trying to say.

    That mighty POTUS... can SAME TIME... know perfectly well what are plans of one of most secure, most conspiring organization and country of the World.

    But... same time, TOTALLY oBLiVioUS of capabilities of most transparent one???

    And it all was NOT in accordance with plan (like, NOT providing sufficient military aid, suggesting president to flee... and etc)... but just, by accident????


    Only cretin can be able to believe in such "accidents". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And you are cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  17. \\btw, Joe Biden never "proposed to prez of Ukraine to flee". He offered assistance if that is what Zelensky decided to do.

    Zelensky refuses US offer to evacuate, saying 'I need ...
    CNN › ukraine-zelensky-evacuation-intl
    Feb 26, 2022 — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has turned down an offer from the United States of evacuation from the capital city Kyiv, the Ukraine ...

    Yeah. But CNN is "righturd media"... in accordance with you cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\In your mentally-ill delusions? Bi-den is the real guy, while Biden is imaginary? Of course.


    In your broken mind words WITH hyphens... and without em -- are different words.

    Because you are cretin.

    \\Qtard: So... I should remember it to the word???

    \\You put quotes around it. Qtard dunno what a quote is? Dunno how to use Google?

    I dunno that much... about your alter-ego "Qtard". ;-P

    \\No. I never said that you (or your alter ego "ITself") is free "from burden of remembering and admitting OWN WORDS". I've said over and over that you should remember. Instead of continually asking for quotes. Whenever I refer to things discussed many times.

    Like words "I *DO* deny..."??? ;-P

    We stumbled upon for a long time.

    But... you must be NOT remember writing em? :-))))))))))))))))))

    Yes cretin IT... you unwinded it here perfectly correct... if only without that cretinic NewSpeak -- assigning your words and deeds on me. ;-P

    But, continue-continue, cretin IT. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\STILL you can't remember. I'm NOT freeing you from that.


    \\Qtard: And all passing years SHoWN what that deal mean -- giving RFia free hand to do anything and everything.

    \\No. There was no such deal.


    So Zero-bama NEVER said that words??? About becoming "more flexible"????

    About which you tried to accuse me in incorrect quoting -- if there was no such thing said -- it would be impossible to quote em right. ;-P

    \\Why you can't point to anything that was actually DONE.

    Eeeeeeh??? Like pressing Reboot Button, instead of punishing for occupation of sovereign country territory???

    \\Obama said he'd be "more flexible" in regards to a treaty.

    Yep. Treaty which RFia and liliPut postponed to adhere to... and even totally withdraw from, lately. Because of that "more flexible"... maybe???

    \\But (in your delusions) that meant "flexible" in "allowing" Putin to take Crimea.

    It's good that you reminded about it. And HOW RFia and liliPut was punished for that crime???

    \\Then you should be happy. Given your previous expressed desire that the US be hit with nukes sent by Putin.

    Direct opposite to facts lie.


    But... do I need to be surprised... after seeing nothing but waterfalls of anti-factual lies from you, in past year and a half????

    Rethorical question.

  18. \\You can quote? I've only ever denied your characterization. Obama's words have been widely reported and easily found via Google. Unlike you, I don't deny facts confirmed by credible reporting.

    Like some CNN reporter lies about "nazis in Ukraine"? ;-P

    NOT confirmed with any facts. And only spinning lying liliPut's propaganda.

    Yeah, I know that you like non-factual BS reported by a liars "believe me, I'm expert"s.

    \\Yeah, cretinity explains it. YOUR cretinity.

    And I should care and believe to a mere words of such heinous liar and staunch cretin as you are??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But, continue-contuinue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\I deny your your characterize of those words\\ That is not "your characterize". That is Facts of History, by now.

    \\What a cretinic lie. Your delusions aren't "Facts of History".


    May I REMIND you... YOUR own words... JUST ABOVE -- in the same post.

    Obama's words have been widely reported and easily found via Google. Unlike you, I don't deny facts confirmed by credible reporting.

    So what, cretin???

    You DISMISS that words... HERE????

    SUDDENLY... "Obama's words have been widely reported and easily found via Google" -- cease to be Fact of History -- which is exactly what that "widely reported and easily found" mean????

    What a cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: I must to not believe to my lying eyes -- that there is war in Ukraine. And bomb falling. And perspective of that'll be A-bomb falling only grow and grow.

    \\Who suggested that to you? Some voice in your head that you call "cretin"? Think that voice is me?


    You did.

    In the previous comment -- RIGHT ABOVE this one.

    When started calling Facts of History -- let's copy-paste it here, for you to easier to recall -- "What a cretinic lie. Your delusions aren't "Facts of History"."

    Or what??? Hysterical Blindness will kick in, and you'll start screaming "I NEVER said it"??? Never called Facts of History "delusions"???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    But that is... is what you did and continue doing -- denying FACTS... from the very first of our encounters here. In this blog. And all that lies of yours -- they all here.

    But... continue-continue, cretin. Weaving deadly nets of lies... until you'll die in em. ;-P

    \\Your "all because" is total bullshit. But, they were discussing a treaty. So, tell me, HOW this treaty caused "all that". You can explain it?

    Do RFia and liliPut do their share of what they NEED TO DO... in accordance with what written in that treaty?

    Was they punished... anyhow... for NOT doing it?

    'Nough said.


  19. \\Qtard: And his successor Bi-den... doing ALL to foolfill that promises.

    \\There were no such promises made.


    And promise that "weapon USA sending to Ukraine will not be used against RFia's territory" not exist too? ;-P

    \\You're just babbling about your delusions.


    Because you using NewSpeak here. And in NewSpeak "delusions" mean "facts". And vice versa. ;-P

    \\Yet (somehow, in your cretinic delusions) Obama's words about flexibility caused the war in Ukraine.

    BS you babbling here.

    In a try to derail it.

    Constant tactics of lying scum DEMNs.


    \\What (in your delusions) you think Obama and Biden have done? But it is tRump who did that.

    Pressed Reboot Button with liliPut??? Proposed to president of sovereign state to evacuate???

    \\And will do again if he returns to power.

    Will order to bomb Russian with Tomahawks??? Like he did in Syria????

    Quite could be. ;-P

    \\Or are you making these false allegations ON PURPOSE? Accusing Obama and Biden of what YOU KNOW tRump did (and will do again)?

    Allegations... it's all and everything that ONLY YOU doing here, lying scumbag and cretin.


    And also.

    \\Because you WANT tRump to get back in office and cut off aid to Ukraine? It certainly seems that is what you want. For your master Putin to be victorious.

    Gaslighting and Strawmaning.


    \\Who? Obama? He's admired and highly regarded. By the public and by historians. I've only ever heard from YOU that "his deeds -- telling" (re the flexibility words). Never heard from anyone else. You can give a link? Proof that anyone else has ever said this? that anyone (beside you) has made such a judgement?

    Yeah... same as it was with Stalin. And any other totalitarian and autocrat.


    Until they die... propaganda covering their misdeeds and teaching people to admire em.
