Monday, May 27, 2024

Do Not See the Nazis!

Does Putin Own a Pizza Joint in Kyiv?
Desperation calls for Escalation...

The unwillingness to face reality is palpable.  Ukraine now needs NATO entry into WWIII to avoid the otherwise inevitable.  Blinken and BoJo are both aboard the train to Armageddon now departing Kyiv.
You're being Drawn in, NATO.  Don't kid yourselves.


  1. You see way more than are actually there. Qtard says he sees zero. You are both wrong.

  2. Yeah. All your SAMEBODY cretins are wrong.


  3. RFia and PRC waging war on USA.

    USA trying to play "nobody home".

    Which only ENCOURAGE that RFia and PRC to decide to do a good bite off USA.


    PS Continue-continue, trying to hide in a hole like that rat, mighty USA. "Land of the Brave", my ass!


  4. Qtard: Yeah. All your SAMEBODY cretins are wrong.

    ^Insane babbling of a crazy person^

  5. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That's what all crazy people say. ;-P

    Because they think about themself being sane.

    And all around -- therefore must be crazy. :-)))))))))))))))))))))00

    YET ONE....

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Qtard: that's what all crazy people say. Because they think about themself being sane.

    Exactly. This definitely explains you, a person who revealed IT's craziness. Craziness that came to light with absurd accusations about me not remembering "words just said" and saying one thing, then the opposite. When neither of those ever happened. That was just two of examples of your crazy-person delusions.

    This was after your crazy-totalitarian mind imagined it is a "human right" to overthrow democracy. I asked if you thought that Joe Biden won due to cheating and was therefore illegitimate -- and you said you don't even care. Because the people decided in the election, but they could "decide again". That's when you revealed both craziness and a hatred for democracy.

    There is also the fact that you've been defending donald tRump since you showed up. Babbling craziness about the US becoming like Nazi Germany or Russia because donald tRump tried to illegally stay in power (and broke other laws) -- and you don't like that he might be held accountable.

    Demand that he be above the law. Because he is the "opposition" Yeah, he opposes all right. He is very opposed to democracy. As are his voters. Minus FJ said he would like donald tRump to be "president for life". You said this was a "joke". Because, getting rid of democracy is a joke to totalitarian-lovers like you.

    Say it is a "joke" but support it wholeheartedly. Say getting rid of democracy is a "human right". People who love democracy and want to keep it -- they're the ones who are totalitarians. People who strongly defend human rights, but say -- no, overthrowing democracy is not a "human right". That's saying one thing, then the opposite. Sure -- to a crazy, totalitarian cretin like you.

    Your gaslighting is not going to convince me I'm crazy. But I doubt you will stop trying to gaslight me.

    Qtard: Because they think about themself being sane.

    Yeah, you do. But you aren't.

    Qtard: And all around -- therefore must be crazy.

    Yeah, in your crazy-person delusions. You're one of the few sane people. Said as you laugh and drool. Then end with one of your gibberish "yet one" comments. "Yet one" what? Rhetorical question. I know you won't answer. Because you can't. "Yet one" is just more of your crazy-person babbling.

    Whatever you are counting, the tally never grows beyond ONE. Even though you've written "yet one" MANY times. Clearly you dunno how to count.

  8. \\Qtard: that's what all crazy people say. Because they think about themself being sane.

    \\Exactly. This definitely explains you,

    With my own words??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    \\Craziness that came to light with absurd accusations about me not remembering "words just said" and saying one thing, then the opposite. When neither of those ever happened. That was just two of examples of your crazy-person delusions.


    Gaps in memory.

    Gaps... your SAMBODY cretin once admitted.

    But... now some other SAMEBODY cretin (must be because of nickname change) DO NOT remember. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\and you said you don't even care. Because the people decided in the election, but they could "decide again". That's when you revealed both craziness and a hatred for democracy.


    Because there is no such thing as elections... and Bi-den will be POTUS... FOREVER!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    \\donald tRump tried to illegally stay in power (and broke other laws) -- and you don't like that he might be held accountable.

    Why he STILL not???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Your gaslighting is not going to convince me I'm crazy.


    Something so miserly and unimportant as Facts of Reality... will not sway you to dismiss your totalitarian delusions.

    That much... I totally understand.

    For more then a year now. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yeah, you do. But you aren't.

    And you can point to at least one fact? ;-P

    Naaaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Whatever you are counting, the tally never grows beyond ONE. Even though you've written "yet one" MANY times. Clearly you dunno how to count.






  9. Qtard: With my own words??? **extended cretinic laughter**


    Qtard: Yap. Gaps in memory.


    Qtard: Gaps... your SAMBODY cretin once admitted.

    Impossible. I don't have any "Sambody cretin". Even if I did, no "sambody" could "admit" something that has never happened.

    Qtard: But... now some other SAMEBODY cretin (must be because of nickname change) DO NOT remember. **cretinic laughter**

    Crazy cretinic babbling.

    Qtard: Yeah??? Because there is no such thing as elections...

    In your crazy cretin delusions?

    Qtard: and Bi-den will be POTUS... FOREVER!!! **cretinic laughter** **more cretinic laughter**

    No "Bi-den" will EVER be president.

    Qtard: Why he STILL not???? **cretinic laughter**

    Because Merrick Garland moved too slowly.

    Qtard: Yeah. Something so miserly and unimportant as Facts of Reality...

    You say. I am not surprised.

    Qtard: ...will not sway you to dismiss your totalitarian delusions.

    Yeah. I can't dismiss delusions I don't have.

    Qtard: That much... I totally understand.


    Qtard: For more then a year now. **cretinic laughter**

    Yeah. That delusion of yours has been ongoing for quite some time.

    Qtard: \\Yeah, you do. But you aren't\\ And you can point to at least one fact?

    The fact that you wrote: "Yeah. All your SAMEBODY cretins are wrong".

    You keep babbling this nonsense.

    Qtard: Naaaaah. **cretinic laughter** But... continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughter** **more cretinic laughter** **even more cretinic laughter** **yet more cretinic laughter** **MORE cretinic laughter** **MOAR cretinic laughter**

    That's a LOT of cretinic laughing, cretin. Looks like proof of insanity to me.

  10. \\Qtard: With my own words??? **extended cretinic laughter**



    So I am SAME time sane enough -- to give a correct explanation AND crazy enough to be subcepted to it???

    While you -- unable to give explanation AND only can try to claim such a cretinic BS.

    Crazy cretinity... that is. ;-P

    Your cretinic behavior, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Yap. Gaps in memory.


    Thanky-thanky for confirmation. Having gaps in mempory. ;-P

    Like HERE.

    \\Qtard: Gaps... your SAMBODY cretin once admitted.

    \\Impossible. I don't have any "Sambody cretin". Even if I did, no "sambody" could "admit" something that has never happened.

    \\Qtard: But... now some other SAMEBODY cretin (must be because of nickname change) DO NOT remember. **cretinic laughter**

    \\Crazy cretinic babbling.

    This your above??? Claiming having NO memory loses. That thing that happened and recorded in this blog is "something that has never happened.

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Yeah??? Because there is no such thing as elections...

    \\In your crazy cretin delusions?

    So??? That is your crazy delusions... make you splitting my complete sentence in pieces???

    \\\\and you said you don't even care. Because the people decided in the election, but they could "decide again". That's when you revealed both craziness and a hatred for democracy.


    \\Because there is no such thing as elections... and Bi-den will be POTUS... FOREVER!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\No "Bi-den" will EVER be president.

    Seems like... your prophesy is corrct. And Biden will not be prez any more. :-)))))))))))


    \\Qtard: Yeah. Something so miserly and unimportant as Facts of Reality...

    \\You say. I am not surprised.

    \\Qtard: ...will not sway you to dismiss your totalitarian delusions.

    \\Yeah. I can't dismiss delusions I don't have.

    Why you comment SAME comment splited into two???

    Have no mind capacity to comprehend it as a whole???


    Might be, because you are cretn? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Yeah, you do. But you aren't\\ And you can point to at least one fact?

    \\The fact that you wrote: "Yeah. All your SAMEBODY cretins are wrong".

    I'm glad that you admitted that fact... that your SAMEBODY cretins are all wrong. ;-P

    \\That's a LOT of cretinic laughing, cretin. Looks like proof of insanity to me.

    Because of poor state of your brain... that do not allow you to comprehend simple things?

    Ah, cretin???

    But... continue-continue, cretin -- self-revealing crazy cretinic babbling. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  11. Qtard: I am SAME time sane enough -- to give a correct explanation AND crazy enough to be subcepted to it???

    Your alter ego who is a psychiatrist (one that knows about about split personality disorder) is asking?

    Qtard: While you -- unable to give explanation...

    Can. Your accusations are projection. When you accuse me -- you're talking about yourself.

    Qtard: AND only can try to claim such a cretinic BS.

    Such as?

    Qtard: Crazy cretinity... that is. Your cretinic behavior, cretin. **cretinic lauging and drooling**

    YOUR behavior. Such as the constant laughing.

    Qtard: Yap. Gaps in memory\\No\\ Thanky-thanky for confirmation. Having gaps in mempory. ;-P

    Another example of YOUR crazy cretinity. Taking a "no" as "confirmation".

    Qtard: Like HERE.\\Qtard: Gaps... your SAMBODY cretin once admitted.\\Impossible. I don't have any "Sambody cretin". Even if I did, no "sambody" could "admit" something that has never happened.

    You gave no quote of the alleged "admission". You can't give one. Because I never "admitted". "Like Here" you say, but there is no quote of me saying "I admit". That's a quote of me DENYING. You don't know the difference? Craziness causes you to see a denial as an admission?

    Qtard: \\Crazy cretinic babbling.\\This your above???

    No. What you wrote. That is what I was responding to. Yet you are confused.

    Qtard: Claiming having NO memory loses. That thing that happened and recorded in this blog is "something that has never happened".

    NOT "happened and recorded in this blog". HOW could something be recorded (in this blog) when it NEVER HAPPENED????

    Qtard: That is your crazy delusions... make you splitting my complete sentence in pieces???

    Because I wanted to respond to the two parts separately. I can choose to respond to what you write however I choose.

    Qtard: \\and you said you don't even care. Because the people decided in the election, but they could "decide again". That's when you revealed both craziness and a hatred for democracy\\Yeah??? \\Because there is no such thing as elections...

    We were discussing the J6 insurrection and people "deciding again" by changing the results (of the JUST HELD election) using violence. Yet you obviously forgot. Think the "decide again" that I oppose is another election. Which is bullshit. There is ABSOLUTELY going to be another election in the US for president. Before the end of the year. And (even if Joe Biden is reelected to a second term) he will not be "POTUS FOREVER!!!". I never suggested any such thing.

    I was talking about "deciding again" -- what YOU SAID (but obviously forgot) -- using violence. NOT via (the correct method) an election.

    Qtard: \\No "Bi-den" will EVER be president\\ Seems like... your prophesy is corrct. And Biden will not be prez any more. :-)))))))))))

    Impossible. This imaginary "Bi-den" can't "not be prez any more". Because he was never president to begin with.

  12. Qtard: Congrats!

    For what? Pointing out the flaw in the crazy person's delusions about some imaginary "Bi-den" not being able to be president "any more" due to the fact that there never was any president "Bi-den"? OK, Thank you.

    Qtard: Yeah. Something so miserly and unimportant as Facts of Reality...\\You say. I am not surprised.\\Qtard: ...will not sway you to dismiss your totalitarian delusions.\\Yeah. I can't dismiss delusions I don't have.\\Why you comment SAME comment splited into two???

    Because that is how I chose to respond.

    Qtard: Have no mind capacity to comprehend it as a whole???

    What's the evidence of that?

    Qtard (unsplit comment): Yeah. Something so miserly and unimportant as Facts of Reality will not sway you to dismiss your totalitarian delusions.

    My response to unsplit comment: "Facts of reality" are important. And I have no "totalitarian delusions". Happy? In any case, it seems that "Fact of reality" are not swaying you from your "totalitarian delusions". Such as people being able to "decide again" IMMEDIATELY following an election. "Decide again" to not allow the winner of a fair democratic election to become president. "Decide again" even though they are the minority and trying to use violence to cancel out the votes of the people who chose Joe Biden.

    Qtard: **cretinic laughter** Might be, because you are cretn?

    No. Might be because YOU are a cretin?

    Qtard: \\Yeah, you do. But you aren't\\ And you can point to at least one fact?

    Sure. Easy. This whole theory of yours that I have split personality disorder and have experienced lost time. It's total bullshit. Even if I did have it, that diagnosis wouldn't be able to be made by some idiot (you) reading some writings (of me, in this example) on Blogger.

    Google, How do doctors diagnose multiple personality disorder?

    Answer: Doctors diagnose dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder, through a combination of interviews, tests, and assessments:

    Interviews: Doctors may conduct long interviews that include hypnosis or sedatives to help the patient relax. They may also ask patients to keep a journal between visits.

    Tests: Doctors may order physical exams and laboratory tests to rule out medical conditions that could cause symptoms, such as brain injuries or severe sleep deprivation.

    Assessments: Doctors may use questionnaires to help identify DID and rule out other mental health disorders. They may also gather information from multiple sources over a long period of time.

    Qtard: \\The fact that you wrote: "Yeah. All your SAMEBODY cretins are wrong"\\ I'm glad that you admitted that fact... that your SAMEBODY cretins are all wrong.

    Another example of the craziness I noted above -- seeing an admission that isn't present.

    Qtard: \\That's a LOT of cretinic laughing, cretin. Looks like proof of insanity to me\\ Because of poor state of your brain... that do not allow you to comprehend simple things?

    What are these simple things that you say I can't comprehend? You can give one example? Though... even if that was true, why would it cause so much laughter? Your stupidity doesn't cause me to laugh. I find it annoying.

    Qtard: Ah, cretin??? But... continue-continue, cretin -- self-revealing crazy cretinic babbling. **cretinic laughter**

    Self encouragement.

  13. \\Your alter ego who is a psychiatrist (one that knows about about split personality disorder) is asking?

    That's... how it happens, from your experience? ;-P

    You tend to not listen to your psychiatrist -- because think it being your silly alter-ego?

    \\Qtard: While you -- unable to give explanation...

    \\Can. Your accusations are projection. When you accuse me -- you're talking about yourself.


    Probably -- in your delusion you think that way.

    But... never do.


    Confirmed -- through more then year of conversations with... your SAMEBODY merry crazy bunch of cretins. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: AND only can try to claim such a cretinic BS.

    \\Such as?

    Praticly every my quote of your cretinic babbling. ;-P


    Like previous comment -- that you CAN provide explanation. Based on facts and logic.

    \\YOUR behavior. Such as the constant laughing.

    Laughing from observing silliness... is wrong??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Yap. Gaps in memory\\No\\ Thanky-thanky for confirmation. Having gaps in mempory. ;-P

    \\Another example of YOUR crazy cretinity. Taking a "no" as "confirmation".

    You -- not remember. And saying "No".

    But -- that is EXACTLY what having gaps in memory looks like. ;-P

    Dissociative amnesia is when your mind blocks out important information about yourself, causing “gaps” in your memory. One of the most common reasons your mind blocks out things is to protect you from unpleasant, distressing or traumatic experiences. It's not the same as simply forgetting something.

    Dissociative Amnesia: What It Is, Symptoms & Treatment
    Cleveland Clinic › health › diseases › 978...


    EXACTLY your case.

    Your mind CONSTANTLY trying to block "important information about yourself" -- that you are C-R-E-T-I-N. ;-P

    \\You gave no quote of the alleged "admission". You can't give one. Because I never "admitted".

    You NEVER have said that you FORGOT? ;-P


    \\"Like Here" you say, but there is no quote of me saying "I admit".

    That... not needed.

    You confirmed it with continuing lying. ;-P

    About facts.

    \\That's a quote of me DENYING.



    Against the facts.

    \\You don't know the difference? Craziness causes you to see a denial as an admission?

    Since time of Ancient Greeks. That invented Logic. ;-)

    So... you in your craziness eager to call Plato and Aristotle -- being crazy, as well as all people, through ages, that learned from their works -- how to think and talk logically???

    I'm... not be flabbergasted to see... that you are. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Claiming having NO memory loses. That thing that happened and recorded in this blog is "something that has never happened".

    \\NOT "happened and recorded in this blog". HOW could something be recorded (in this blog) when it NEVER HAPPENED????

    If that is symptom of cited higher "Dissociative amnesia". ;-P

    \\Qtard: That is your crazy delusions... make you splitting my complete sentence in pieces???

    \\Because I wanted to respond to the two parts separately. I can choose to respond to what you write however I choose.


    Because you are cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\We were discussing the J6 insurrection and people "deciding again" by changing the results (of the JUST HELD election) using violence. Yet you obviously forgot.

    What was Great French Revolution?

    What was your War for Independence?

    Father's Founders -- was criminals, with such logic? Because they uprised against laws of their legitimate master. ;-P

    \\Impossible. This imaginary "Bi-den" can't "not be prez any more". Because he was never president to begin with.

    Still inclined to call Biden 'imaginary'???

    Because of your total cretinity??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  14. \\For what? Pointing out the flaw in the crazy person's delusions about some imaginary "Bi-den" not being able to be president "any more" due to the fact that there never was any president "Bi-den"? OK, Thank you.

    Even though hyphens are just a utility marks and do not change meaning. So "Bi-den" and "Biden", and even "B-I-D-E-N"... is still and as ever are one and the same word.

    Or... you just delighted to CONFIRM what a cretin you are... with every such a cretinic claim? ;-P

    Be my guest cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Because that is how I chose to respond.

    Because you are cretin? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Cannot help it. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    To CONFIRM own critinity in every sentence, with every word. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Have no mind capacity to comprehend it as a whole???

    \\What's the evidence of that?

    Your answer right above.

    That you written "that is how I chose to respond."

    Or... that is some other of SAMEBODY alter-egos??? ;-P

    \\And I have no "totalitarian delusions".

    Lame non-factual claim. No... it is properly ANTI-factual.

    You showed admire and repeated after liliPut's propaganda.

    Like that... that people DO NOT have Human Rights. Remember "I *DO* deny..."?

    Or not... already forgot??? It fell into that gaps of memory of yours. ;-P

    \\In any case, it seems that "Fact of reality" are not swaying you from your "totalitarian delusions".

    And you can support such burrish claim with any facts? Some logical, even if sophistic inference?


    Cause you are cretin.

    And can only throw feces against the wall... with hope that some of it will stick on it.

    But... only covering itself... in that verbal feces.

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: **cretinic laughter** Might be, because you are cretn?

    \\No. Might be because YOU are a cretin?

    And your words have any credibility??? ;-P


    Cause you are cretin -- for sure. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000

    But... continue-continue, cretin... throwing feces against the wall. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Yeah, you do. But you aren't\\ And you can point to at least one fact?

    \\Sure. Easy. This whole theory of yours that I have split personality disorder and have experienced lost time. It's total bullshit. Even if I did have it, that diagnosis wouldn't be able to be made by some idiot (you) reading some writings (of me, in this example) on Blogger.

    Why diagosis???

    Just an observation. ;-P

    Unlike you, I NEVER claimed being someone of authority. (like "honorable judge" or "psychiatrist").

    And always properly attributed that that is just my idle conclusions... on the base of commonly known information. As well as some tidbits of professional definitions. ;-P

    And well.

    You just CONFIRMED being cretin YET ONE time... as far as my expertise can go -- because you was asked to provide FACTS -- AKA reference to Reality itself.

    While what you provided is some lame wishy-washy whataboutism. ;-P

  15. \\Google, How do doctors diagnose multiple personality disorder?

    \\Answer: Doctors diagnose dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder, through a combination of interviews, tests, and assessments:


    And I talking with you here... for more then a year, already.

    And that is even much more time then doctor would spend interviewing with patient.

    And most of the time that was dialog of us too.

    Which... is quite like interview. ;-)

    \\Interviews: Doctors may conduct long interviews that include hypnosis or sedatives to help the patient relax. They may also ask patients to keep a journal between visits.

    Relaxed? Checked. As you talking not in-person. But before computer.

    Or what, you feel itself threatened by a computer too? ;-P

    Journal? Checked. As it stored as blog posts here.

    \\Tests: Doctors may order physical exams and laboratory tests to rule out medical conditions that could cause symptoms, such as brain injuries or severe sleep deprivation.

    Well... that is inaccessible to me, yes.

    But... it the same as with that doctor... if patient uncooperative. ;-P

    \\Assessments: Doctors may use questionnaires to help identify DID and rule out other mental health disorders. They may also gather information from multiple sources over a long period of time.

    Yap, yap and yap! ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\The fact that you wrote: "Yeah. All your SAMEBODY cretins are wrong"\\ I'm glad that you admitted that fact... that your SAMEBODY cretins are all wrong.

    \\Another example of the craziness I noted above -- seeing an admission that isn't present.

    I stated FACT -- Yeah. All your SAMEBODY cretins are wrong".

    And you then confirmed that that was fact, truthfully stated. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Yeah, you do. But you aren't\\ And you can point to at least one fact?

    \\The fact that you wrote: "Yeah. All your SAMEBODY cretins are wrong".

    Or what???

    Already FORGOT????

    Somebody else of SAMEBODY cretins did it, AGAIN???!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    So, currently answering alter-ego DO NOT recognize own SAMEBODY words "The fact that you wrote"??? ;-P

    \\What are these simple things that you say I can't comprehend?

    Self-confession? ;-P

    \\You can give one example? Though... even if that was true, why would it cause so much laughter? Your stupidity doesn't cause me to laugh. I find it annoying.

    Because you using NewSpeak and that way calling my smartness "stupidity". ;-P

    \\Qtard: Ah, cretin??? But... continue-continue, cretin -- self-revealing crazy cretinic babbling. **cretinic laughter**

    \\Self encouragement.

    Yep, cretin.

    Continue-continue revealing your cretinity to a public. With such cretinic babbling. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
