Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Media Theatre of Planned Spontaneity = Reflexivity

"Rule #1:  Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."

-Saul Alinsky, "Rules for Radicals" 


  1. Yeah.

    And you lost half of it in result of 9/11.

    And now losing completely.

    Of your own free will.

    Go figure!

  2. My Neocon friends never saw a war they didn't want to fight. Bin Laden sucker punched them, and of course, they took the bait instead of taking the message. Pentagon vs. WTC. When the response SHOULD have been WTC.

  3. bin Laden's complaint was against "globalism" (Arab Spring).

  4. Minus: bin Laden's complaint was against "globalism"...

    Wikipedia: Bin Laden subscribed to the Athari school of Islamic theology. ... Atharism is a more strict in adherence to the Quran.

    So what passages in the Quran deal with globalism?

  5. Bin Laden's goal was for Western military forces to withdraw from the Middle East and for foreign aid to Israel to cease as the aid is used to fund Israeli policy in the region.

    So, that's your definition of anti globalism? US Military out of the ME and end aid to Israel?

    All this time I thought globalism concerned corporations, outsourcing and trade. I was wrong?

  6. \\bin Laden's complaint was against "globalism" (Arab Spring).


    Whoever. Can put whatever. Mere words. Into his never gonna speaking again mouth....

    \\Wikipedia: Bin Laden subscribed to the Athari school of Islamic theology. ... Atharism is a more strict in adherence to the Quran.


    Like that ones.


  7. \\I was wrong?


    Cretins... even worse than broken clocks. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    In regard to Truth. ;-P

  8. So what passages in the Quran deal with globalism?

    The one's that prevent Arab retailers like Mohamed Bouszizi from making (or growing) "less expensive" products and earning a living. They lack the "efficiencies of scale" necessary to pay-off corrupt Government permitting officials.

  9. Cretin dunno what globalism is. IT dunno what sarcasm is either. When I said "I was wrong", I was asking sarcastically.

    Cretin thinks my definition of globalism is incorrect? So IT can give what IT thinks is the "correct" definition?

    Minus dunno what globalism is either? I thought he did. But the article he linked to has nothing to do with globalism.

    The article says Mohamed Bouszizi didn't make or grow anything. He purchased fruits and vegetables from farmers and resold them.

    He didn't make enough to improve his life because of government corruption? So, obviously government corruption was causing his problems, not globalism.

  10. \\Cretin dunno what globalism is. IT dunno what sarcasm is either. When I said "I was wrong", I was asking sarcastically.

    but failed. ;-P

    Because... oh, but your self-explained it... ITself.

    Just Above. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Cretin thinks my definition of globalism is incorrect? So IT can give what IT thinks is the "correct" definition?

    And whose of your SAMEBODY bunch of cretins you asking, IT? ;-P

  11. Globalism IS government corruption, Derv. Why are Ukrainians dying today, along with Georgians "tomorrow"?

  12. Heh.

    Because there's deep historical reasons behind it. No?

  13. History looks backwards, Q.... not forward. The "historical reasons" are the extension Neoliberal Economic Model (Blue 4.0).

  14. Yeah... that's what "those who know better" made you think.

    "Those who control Past -- controls Future".


  15. Overboard (1987)
    IMDb › title
    A cruel but beautiful heiress mocks and cheats a hired carpenter. When she gets amnesia after an accident, he decides to introduce her to regular life by ...

    If you lost memory -- whoever could say you who you are, and use you however they like. ;-P

  16. That's what your "those who know better" DID with you -- USAians.

    That's why you believe and follow such a moronic meaningless slogans as "Make America Great Again" or "Build Back Better".

    As that rats that following piper. ;-P

  17. If I were to mention in the future that Qtard brought up a Goldie Hawn movie IT would likely call that another "false memory".

  18. Your alter-ego "Qtard"? ;-P

  19. Your alter ego "cretin IT" is asking itself?
