Thursday, May 2, 2024

Georgia on Our Minds

...oooops!  Not THAT Georgia.  This one:

Sundance, "USAID, DoS, CIA Begin Structured Color Revolution on Russia's Border in Georgia"
You may have heard of the protests in Tbilisi, Georgia recently. The protests are framed around what the State Dept and CIA call “Russian favored” legislation.

The Georgia legislation essentially says that domestic lobbyists, NGO’s, entities, groups and individuals who are funded more than 20% by foreign interests need to register as such.

Essentially, the USA law we call the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), is what the country of Georgia is enacting in their own political landscape. However, the USA is not happy about the Georgia law to disclose the source of foreign funding (most of it anti-government) because the USA (specifically the State Dept and CIA) is the source of that funding.

This Georgia political scheme is yet another U.S. led color revolution in the same hues as 2014 Ukraine.

As noted by Global News, “in Georgia, protests have erupted over a proposed law requiring organizations with foreign funding to register their activities with the government. Critics compare the bill to similar legislation used to silence opposition groups in Russia. Thousands of Georgians marched through the capital, Tbilisi, on Sunday to voice their opposition to the bill, with opposition parties and civil society groups calling for mass protests against its expected passage.” WATCH:

TBILISI, Georgia (AP) — Dozens of people have been arrested in Georgia after police in the capital used tear gas and water cannons to disperse protesters who rallied outside Parliament to protest a controversial bill which they argue limits media freedom.

Georgia’s Interior Ministry said 63 people were arrested Tuesday while they took part in a demonstration in Tbilisi. Levan Khabeishvili, an opposition MP, posted a picture of himself on his social media accounts with a bloodied face and heavy bruising. Members of his party said he had been assaulted by police.

Those arrested were taking part in the latest in a series of protests against a bill which would require media and non-commercial organizations to register as “pursuing the interests of a foreign power” if they get more than 20% of their funding from abroad.

The protesters have denounced it as “the Russian law” because Moscow uses similar legislation to stigmatize independent news media and organizations critical of the Kremlin.

It is similar to a bill that the ruling Georgian Dream party proposed and then withdrew under pressure last year after large street protests.

If the bill is adopted, protesters are concerned that it will allow the authorities to more heavily control the media space as well as derailing integration with the EU after Georgia was granted candidate status in December 2023.
We know the US State Dept and CIA are behind this because we predicted it and wrote about it two months ago.

(March, 2024) – Having planted the seed for color revolution in Hungary, a European country that doesn’t want expanded war with Russia – therefore the U.S. needs to change the democracy, now Samantha Power moves to another European country for the same reason. This time it’s Georgia.

Georgia legislature recently passed a bill saying all funding for foreign intervention in the country’s politics, via Non-Governmental Agencies (NGO’s), needs to be made public and the funding registered as foreign agent lobbying. Essentially, the proposed Georgia law would mirror the U.S. Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA).

However, because the U.S. is the funding mechanism for the anti-government agencies that operate within the country, the United States is against the effort. To make sure the U.S. can continue to covertly manipulate the political outcomes, the groups supported by Samantha Power attacked Parliament. [Power Tweet]

To highlight what Power is celebrating…. “Georgian protesters in their tens of thousands have gathered in the capital, smashing the windows of the Parliamentary headquarters and fighting local enforcement officers as the country erupts into chaos. The nation’s ruling party, Georgian Dream, rushed through its first reading of a “Kremlin-inspired” bill on Tuesday two days before the debate was scheduled to take place, causing carnage in Tbilisi as citizens fear their government is severing links to the West at a time of increased tensions with Russia.” (more)

So why is Samantha Power targeting Georgia now? Well, like Hungary’s Viktor Orban, Georgia’s Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili does not want expanded war with Russia. Therefore, just like Viktor Orban, the prime minister of Georgia must now be removed and replaced with a pro-war leader.

The U.S. has already installed a pro-war President in Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili. Now Samantha Power has the responsibility to replace the anti-war Prime Minister. [Please note we did the same thing in Poland]
The ruling Georgian Dream party has insisted it remains committed to Georgia’s EU and NATO membership. But a “foreign agent” bill reminiscent of Russian legislation used to silence critics has in recent days sparked demonstrations, to which authorities have responded with water cannons and tear gas.

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili on Thursday congratulated protesters in the Caucasus country after the government said it would drop the bill. […] worry has grown since Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili’s party tried to introduce the “foreign agent” law, even if for now they have withdrawn it.
Yes, if you want to have a Foreign Agent Registration Act in a nation where the United States is the foreign actor, then you must be a Kremlin stooge. So goes the argument. It would be a lot more difficult for the U.S. to meddle in foreign countries if the people receiving the money from the U.S. had to disclose it to their citizens.

Hypocrisy thy name is…

…. And yes, it sucks to accept that we are the bad guys!

TEAM USA Suspicious Cat has, well, suspicion and shame sometimes.


  1. What a slimy steamy stinky bull shit... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    "Colorful revolution" ALREADY have happened.

    Rose Revolution
    Wikipedia › R...
    The Rose Revolution or Revolution of Roses was a nonviolent change of power that occurred in Georgia in November 2003. The event was brought about by ...
    ‎Government of Georgia (country) · ‎Zurab Zhvania · ‎Burjanadze-Democrats

    And NOW... that is attempt to subvert it BACK into USSR... err, RFia.

    And what... CIA Do Help it to happen?????



  2. \\This Georgia political scheme is yet another U.S. led color revolution in the same hues as 2014 Ukraine.


    Orange Revolution
    Wikipedia › O...
    The Orange Revolution was a series of protests, that lead to political upheaval in Ukraine from late November 2004 to January 2005.
    ‎Timeline of the Orange... · ‎Orange Revolution (film) · ‎Cassette Scandal · ‎PORA

    Already forgotten???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    It's suck... to have such a poor memory.

  3. \\This Georgia political scheme is yet another U.S. led color revolution in the same hues as 2014 Ukraine.

    Oh, yes... that is CIA bribed Yanukovich... with $3 BILLIONS.

    Naaah... that was liliPut... oh, but maybe liliPut ARE CIA agent???????

    Go figure!


  4. \\Critics compare the bill to similar legislation used to silence opposition groups in Russia.

    Not critics -- that's what it is.

    In text. And purpose.

    To make yet one "Navalny" to die in prison. Now in Georgia. And elsewhere.

  5. \\because Moscow uses similar legislation to stigmatize independent news media and organizations critical of the Kremlin.

    NOT to "stigmatize"... to bleed out. *DRY*

    And to *KILL* those dissenters who'd still try to continue.

    But that is... all just a "CIA ploy". Bu-ga-gah!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  6. \\The nation’s ruling party, Georgian Dream, rushed through its first reading of a “Kremlin-inspired” bill

    Oh... at least use of quotes here correct.

    Because that is not "inspired". It -- directed. By FSB.

  7. \\Georgia’s Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili does not want expanded war with Russia.


    Georgia IN WAR with RFia... from 2008. And even from 1990th.

    Of course... seeing how USA showing limp dick attitude... they fear to be one-on-one with RFia... which 100x times more powerful

    YET ONE time.

  8. \\Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili on Thursday congratulated protesters in the Caucasus country...


    It Causacian???

    Or... it European??? :-))))))))))))))))))))

  9. \\…. And yes, it sucks to accept that we are the bad guys!


    You are -- bad guys.

    Who help totalitarians to wedge wars over democratic countries... and that, while DEMN-rats are at helm of USA.

    Go figure!

  10. Such an elegant and rational counter-argument... NOT!

  11. Minus: It's Maidan time in Georgia.

    Qtard never heard of that term.

  12. \\Such an elegant and rational counter-argument... NOT!

    Bullshit it, Bullshit out.


  13. And direct result of ignoring factual argument stated from before

    Rose Revolution
    Wikipedia › R...
    The Rose Revolution or Revolution of Roses was a nonviolent change of power that occurred in Georgia in November 2003. The event was brought about by ...
    ‎Government of Georgia (country) · ‎Zurab Zhvania · ‎Burjanadze-Democrats

  14. Means... it is not Revolution.

    It is attempt of Contra-Revolution.



    For antipode observing from other hemisphere -- everything looks Upside Down.

