Wednesday, April 24, 2024

UniParty Immigration Policy...

h/t - Woodsterman


  1. FACTCHECK POSTS: Trumps Misleading Chart on Illegal Immigration.
    Posted on April 4, 2024.
    During a speech in Green Bay, Wisconsin, former President Donald Trump pointed to a chart on apprehensions of people trying to enter the U.S. illegally at the southwest border.

    “See the arrow on the bottom? That was my last week in office,” Trump said. “That was the lowest number in history.” But Trump was wrong on both points.

    In fact, the arrow is pointing to apprehensions in April 2020, when apprehensions plummeted during the height of the pandemic. In his last months in office, apprehensions had more than quadrupled from that pandemic low and were higher than the month he took office.

    Also, April 2020 was not the lowest point in history. The lowest since 2000 came in April 2017, shortly after Trump took office and before an ensuing spike.

    As we have written, apprehensions at the southwest border, were 14.7% higher in Trump’s final year in office compared with the last full year before he was sworn in. link

    This factcheck article is talking about the SAME chart attached to this post. This SAME chart is attached to the FactCheck article.

    Looks to me like illegal immigration was DOWN due to the Obama administration policies, then went UP (way up) after dotard donald took office. Then went down due to the pandemic and NOT due to the wall tRump didn't build or any other non-covid related dotard administration policies.

    Quote: "In reality, apprehensions at the border in Trump’s final two months in office were substantially higher than in President Barack Obama’s last two months in office".

    btw, "Trump" means "fart". I heard sleepy donald was doing a LOT of that in court. Releasing bigly nasty stinky toots and dozing off.

  2. Don't forget that the republiturd-controlled House JUST rejected a border deal that gave conservatives a LOT of what they wanted. But dotard donald instructed magaturd Mike Johnson to reject it. Now dotard is claiming the Biden administration is failing at the border... which was the plan all along. PROOF that illegal immigration is something for republicans to RUN on. Not DO anything about. If they DID anything about it, then they couldn't run on it.


  3. The deal to let millions of wetbacks in before beginning to stop any? WHAT a deal...NOT!

  4. I love how you focus on Trump and the location of the arrow instead of the heights of the bars.

  5. If the rejected deal let in too many "wetbacks" why didn't tRump fix it?

    Google: Who controlled Congress in 2016?

    Answer: Donald Trump and Mike Pence elected as president and vice-president in presidential elections, while the Republicans retain majority at both Senate and House of Representatives.

    If the rejected deal isn't good enough, then why not pass it for now (as it did give conservatives a lot of what they want) then improve it when tRump gets re-elected?

    Why did you feel the need to make your racism obvious by using a racist term to refer to Christian refugees from Latin America?

  6. But... USA NEEDS that immigration.

    To rise population at least to half a billion.

    \\In fact, the arrow is pointing to apprehensions in April 2020, when apprehensions plummeted during the height of the pandemic. In his last months in office, apprehensions had more than quadrupled from that pandemic low and were higher than the month he took office.

    Like piled up from previous time span would not do that...

    What a cretin you are. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\PROOF that illegal immigration is something for republicans to RUN on. Not DO anything about. If they DID anything about it, then they couldn't run on it.

    Because... that is IN and OUT... ACTING government duty.

    \\I love how you focus on Trump and the location of the arrow instead of the heights of the bars.


    Cretin as always thinks that its lame gaslighting, strawmaning and tryes to redirect... will pass unnoticed. ;-P

    But... let that cretin continue-continue. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  7. If the rejected deal let in too many "wetbacks" why didn't tRump fix it?

    Did you read the chart? He did. Then Biden broke it.

  8. Immigration was down due to covid. That is how tRump "fixed" it. You're saying tRump purposely let covid spread knowing it would reduce immigration? And Biden "broke" the plan by fixing covid? I think you might be right.

    "Gaslighting" is obviously Qtard NewSpeak. Means trying to derail counterfactual "Demn" blaming with facts.

    Qtard: Because... that is IN and OUT... ACTING government duty.

    Complaining about illegal immigration and blaming Democrats while out of power, then doing nothing about it while in power -- that is Republicans "duty"? Well, it is definitely what they do -- I agree with you there -- but I'd would not call it their DUTY.

    Qtard: Like piled up from previous time span would not do that...

    Exactly. Proving tRump did NOT fix illegal immigration. Thank you for agreeing.

  9. FYI, Barack Obama is an American citizen born in America. Not an immigrant under the law at all.

    Google: What is the legal definition of an immigrant?

    Answer: An immigrant is any person lawfully in the United States who is not a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or person admitted under a nonimmigrant category as defined by the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) section 101(a)(15).

    btw, A federal judge says migrants can sue the company that flew them to Martha's Vineyard. A federal judge in Boston has ruled that migrants flown from Texas to Martha's Vineyard in 2022 can proceed with a lawsuit against the Florida company that took them there. ... Three migrants from Venezuela, along with an immigrant rights group, filed the lawsuit. They say that Florida's governor, others in his administration and an air transport company conspired to mislead them and deprive them of their civil rights when they recruited and flew them to Martha's Vineyard in 2022. (NPR)

    Unfortunately "the judge also dismissed claims against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and other officials named in the suit". What bullsh!t. Ron DeSantis should be charged with kidnapping. What a racist turd.

    You think it was a wonderful prank that exposed hypocisy, but it was a taxpayer funded CRIME. And a misappropriation of taxpayer money.

    Martha's Vineyard migrant flight funding under investigation by U.S. Treasury Department. The U.S. Treasury's Office of the Inspector General "has already sought information from Florida about appropriate use" of COVID-related funding as part of an audit the office is currently engaged in, according to a letter from the Treasury Department to Markey and other lawmakers.

    "It's important they be used for the purpose intended, important purposes in the midst of an unprecedented crisis", said Keating. "Not someone's own personal slush fund to be utilized for his own political purposes". ... Florida's legislature approved $12 million to fund shipping migrants out of Florida. [end]

    You think that was 12 million dollars well spent, Minus?? I say those involved should pay that money back. With interest and penalties. Also criminally charged, if possible. But obviously republiturds get special treatment from AG Garland. Due to his fear of looking "partisan". Something Bill Barr wasn't concerned about.

  10. Dervy, the digital cow

    Florida's legislature approved $12 million to fund shipping migrants out of Florida. [end]
    /You think that was 12 million dollars well spent, Minus??

    Yep. What % of the UN budget do we contribute? Money well spent?

  11. \\...derail counterfactual "Demn", blaming with facts.

    Here, I placed comma where it due. Don't thank me. ;-P

    \\Complaining about illegal immigration and blaming Democrats while out of power, then doing nothing about it while in power -- that is Republicans "duty"?

    Oh, please... like DEMNs do not shit into Rep pants. ;-P

    \\Exactly. Proving tRump did NOT fix illegal immigration. Thank you for agreeing.

    Ough'Coughs! Because DEMNs destructed it in a jiffy.

    Thank you for admitting it. ;-P

  12. Enough of Biden’s Gaffes, Enough of laughing at his Goofy Mistakes, his Falling down, his screwing up his speeches. Enough of him getting to dance around this, or just saying “Don’t”. . Americans need to know if Biden supports or condemns destroying Israel? We need to hear him Condemning these Riots in our Universities, and the Anti-Semitism that is running wild at our Universities.

    His failure to condemn these domestic terrorists is all Americans need to know
    to elect Donald Trump to the Presidency on November. To Stop the INSANITY at oue border! And to Make America GREAT Again!

  13. Qtard: Here, I placed comma where it due. Don't thank me.

    BS. "Facts" like Dems pooping in Republicans' pants? By giving them the immigration deal of a lifetime and republiturds turning it down?

    Qtard: Oh, please... like DEMNs do not shit into Rep pants. Ough'Coughs! Because DEMNs destructed it in a jiffy.

    Blaming Democrats for what Republicans do again. As always. Even shit in own pants.

    Qtard: Thank you for admitting it.

    That is your delusion. Like shit in own pants is the fault of someone else.

    1. πŸ”ΊDervish is fixated again on pants pooping.πŸ”Ί

      Sick old mongrel!

    2. Hey, moron, I was responding to Qtard writing, "like DEMNs do not shit into Rep pants". That Qtard's words are my fixation is a conclusion only an idiot like you could reach.

      FYI, I did not even see this alleged "Jesus Ricado Romero" comment you attribute to me. But you frequently attribute other people's words to me on that blog. Whatever. Like I give a shit.

    3. Oh My Throbbing Gristles! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Poor Dervish! It must hurt when you sit down after getting spanked? You got sloppy after snorting sloppy seconds and posting as "Jesus Ricardo Romero" to thinly disguise yourself at Lisa's blog. You obviously give a JoeBiden because you're throwing your infantile hissyfit again. You calling Trump a presdisent is your sloppy giveaway of who you were. You Joebidened yourself up your Joebidenhole with your retort.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  14. Dervish got quite sloppy today after snorting Sloppy Seconds from Leslie Elden Carpenter III's boofing binge:

    Jesus Ricado Romero aka Dervish Z Sanders April 26, 2024 at 1:12 PM

    "Trump is Toast TDD.

    Fact: Trump is a narcissist
    Fact: Trump initiated an insurrection attempt.
    Fact: Trump is an adulterer - 3 times.
    Fact: The bipartisan border bill, republicans said was the strongest ever and we may never get another bill as good. Trump nixed it. So Biden wouldn't get credit.
    Fact: Trump has a myriad # of felony chanow in court.
    Fact: Trump is a rapist.

    And on and it goes.

    Fact: Trump idolizes Hitler.
    Fact: Hitler ordered the extermination of 6 million Jewish people during the Holocaust.
    Fact: Trump is a okay with genocide. Especially people he disaproves of.

    So no! Trump will NEVER be presdisent again.


    Taken from Who's Your Daddy blog.

  15. \\BS. "Facts" like Dems pooping in Republicans' pants? By giving them the immigration deal of a lifetime and republiturds turning it down?


    But still Reps are able to poop into DEMNs pants... by your own admission. ;-P

    Of course... because DEMNs are cretins. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    Can be handled even by idiots. ;-P

    \\Like I give a shit.


    \\That Qtard's words are my fixation...

    Yap-yap-yap. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    1. Hey there Q! Cretin's macroscopic pee brain is getting scrambled right now. Do you hear the fizzing noise? πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  16. Qtard: But still Reps are able to poop into DEMNs pants... by your own admission.

    Qtard is babbling about IT's delusions again. I made no such admission. What happened was that republiturds pooped their pants, then blamed the smell on Democrats. As they always do. Some sane republicans worked with Democrats to get to a deal. Then the pant-pooping KING, dotard donald, ordered that the deal NOT be voted on (because it would have passed). dotard donald is known as "diaper don" for a reason. That reason being that he poops his pants. Literally.

    Mystere: Cretin's macroscopic pee brain is getting scrambled right now. Do you hear the fizzing noise?

    Mystere's self referring talks are very revealing. Mystere is CLEARLY talking about himself and referring to HIS "scrambled macroscopic pee brain".

    Mystere: You calling Trump a presdisent is your sloppy giveaway of who you were.

    I have never called dotard donald "a presdisent", so how could that be a "giveaway"?

    I am Marc Kasowitz, Predisent Trump's personal lawyer.

    "Predisent", not "presdisent". I think Jesus probably just made a typo. I didn't write that comment. "Presdisent" isn't a "giveaway", because I have always written "predisent".

  17. \\Qtard: But still Reps are able to poop into DEMNs pants... by your own admission.

    \\Qtard is babbling about IT's delusions again. I made no such admission.

    Some OTHER alter-ego??? AGIAN???!!!

    One that DO NOT remember saying how dRumps order to withdraw from Afganistan strangled non-acting non-existing non-POTUS... to react, anywho??????

  18. How should I know anything about what your alter egos remember or do not remember?

    donald tRump ordered a drawdown of troops in Afghanistan and the release of 5k Taliban fighters being held in Afghanistan prisons. It wasn't this imaginary "dRump" you refer to. But that definitely caused problems for the next president, Joe Biden. Not this imaginary "non-acting non-existing non-POTUS" you reference.

    *I* definitely remember referring to those facts. Well, they likely aren't facts to you. You don't even know who was involved. By your own admission. You think the players were an imaginary "dRump" and an imaginary "non-acting non-existing non-POTUS" that you call "Bi-den" and who is a puppet of Putin (while the imaginary "dRump" isn't).

  19. \\How should I know anything about what your alter egos remember or do not remember?


    Definite symptom of being mind-wretched cretin -- you have alter-egos -- but UNABLE even to self-account... IT-self. ;-P

    That's what being crazy is about, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\donald tRump ordered a drawdown of troops in Afghanistan and the release of 5k Taliban fighters being held in Afghanistan prisons.

    So what?

    Bi-den could order to catch em back. ;-P

    But... oh, I know, I know "Biden... do not exist"... is your cretinic answer. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But that definitely caused problems for the next president, Joe Biden.


    When that "nasty-nasty dRump" NOT gave an order, to start vaccination... that was NOT a problem for Bi-den to order one... in a jiffy of moment.

    But... with Afganistan... there was HALF A YEAR... to fix that "broken" orders of "nasty-nasty dRump".

    But it was NOT fixed.

    Go figure... maybe -- that was WHOLE IDEA -- to make it as broken as possible... to point fingers in direction of dRump...

    Quite possible, cretinic tactics... as it is.
