Friday, April 5, 2024

The Coming Correction is Near...

How much Money will the Fed print THIS time?
...and How do YOU Spell I-N-F-L-A-T-I-O-N?


  1. I'll be seeing 3 vacant buildings very soon when 99 Cents Only Stores close all 371 stores in 4 states. There are at least 3 of them near my home.

  2. Cities are filled with vacant building ever since "work from home" became more practical. Government buildings, other than those who directly serve the public, are largely empty.

    This is all good news for rural conservatives (urban people vote for Democrats). It will disrupt the demographically driven voting trends.

    btw- NYC Mayor Admams should just put illegals and homeless veterans into bankrupt business bldgs (instead of hotels or residences).

  3. Yawn... war, and war spending... will fix it all. ;-P

    1. Warmongers are in for a rude awakening very soon, Q.

    2. I hope so. You need one.

  4. \\Warmongers are in for a rude awakening very soon, Q.

    From bomb falling on their and their sissy-pussy-peacefull neighbours???

    So... you know results of investigation of that China balloons???

    Or that is "national security secret"?

    That they have had dropped nukes all over your territory. In most secluded places. Or that was spores with some fine-targeted to White Male Caucasians COVID variant... with genes of plague inserted into it.

    So now Xi talking to Joe "behave yourself... or else".

  5. Spreading spores... that's what commercial (Boeing built) airliners are for. ;)

  6. ...just like Russian merchant ships are for laying mines in US Ports.

  7. \\Spreading spores... that's what commercial (Boeing built) airliners are for. ;)

    Ha-ha... they not flying over RFia anymore. ;-P

  8. You sure? They all fly Airbus or Aeroflot planes?
